October 19, 2017
6:30 PM
Attendees: Anne Janak, Emily Read, Betty Perry, Carl Helms, Ginny Ketch, Peter Hatem, Bill Onorato, Jim Kupel, MaryAustin Dowd, and Nancy Crowell Absent: Dan Dougherty, Shawn Babine, Nick McKelvy, and Emily Ward
Meeting called to order at 6:30pm
Adoption of Minutes, September 21, 2017 - Motion by Read, seconded by Perry; unanimously approved without comments.
Treasurer’s Report- Filed for audit
Library Director’s Report- Nancy reported the health insurance rate will be available the week of Oct. 28. Kupel posed a question as to when the charging stations will be in place. Nancy explained that it will likely be in the spring due to the time of year and the need to pour concrete for installation. Accepted as presented.
Town Councilor’s Remarks - No report
President’s Remarks - Anne discussed an article that Emily Read brought to her attention from a development person in Waukegan, IL which listed the accomplishments of other libraries, library connections with their communities such as opening a used bookstore that provides an ongoing funding source. Anne reminded that it is time for all board members to begin thinking of who we know who might be a potential donor, supporter of the Library, and/or individuals who might be able to be non-board member committee members for the expansion (i.e. fundraising expertise, building/construction knowledge, marketing/community relations etc.)
Mission Moment: None
Consent Calendar: Motion by Dowd, seconded by Read; unanimous vote to accept consent calendar as presented.
Unfinished Business:
Review of Committee Goals for FY 2018: Reminder that committee chairs should be putting goals (in bold) and perpetual calendar items in the main annual work plan tab and that will then populate the committee tab. The board thanked Read for creating the committee tabs and links to them.
Discussion on Library’s role in Comprehensive Planning activities including “Planapalooza”:
Community discussions definitely had more energies towards recreation (i.e. pool, senior center). No quality of life or arts/culture mentioned. The word Library appeared once because Nancy raised arts and culture at each meeting she attended, and due to daily studio visits. Still opportunities to make our voice heard at ScarboroughEngaged.org. Both Anne and Nancy participated in breakout sessions the first night of the week-long event. Emily Read attended a studio session and was prompted regarding a community center.
Concern is that if we don’t get out ahead of the Town Plan, the Library could get re-prioritized by the planning process as a result of Planapalooza. Board members who were a part of the process commented regarding that the town planning process is more of a “wish list” of what is missing in Scarborough. It was noted that the Public Safety Building was also not heard in the Planapalooza conversations. This raises that concern that the Library is not considered as valued to the community as a whole and re-emphasizes our need to get out into the community to spread the word about the Library and what we offer and how valuable we are to the Town and citizens of Scarborough.
Another point referenced in the Library Director’s report regarding the Town’s master planning consultant has walked the area of the Library and the schools with Nancy. Nancy was able to share the 2006 site info with the consultant. The need for parking was also discussed with the consultant and Nancy was able to share an example of parking challenges at the Library when the schools have functions with people parking in the Library lot for school functions and then there is not any space left for Library patrons. This requires Library staff to “police” parking to ensure that people attending Library events can park in our lot. Library plan includes parking in what is currently the basketball courts. If that changes, we will need to accommodate for parking. Drainage issues were also discussed with the consultant.
MOTION: Move to accept the Power Purchase Agreement with ReVision Energy, dated September 12, 2017, and authorize the Library Director to sign the contract. The $20,000 Energy Premium Prepayment has been approved in the Town’s Capital Projects Budget.
Nancy noted that the proposal currently before the Board has been reviewed by Kerry Grantham, Scarborough’s Sustainability Coordinator. The rates have changed since the last presentation to the Board in the spring of 2017 and are still favorable to the Library.
Motion by: Read as presented, seconded by Hatem, and approved with a unanimous vote.
New Business:
Presentation of FY 2017 Audit and Financial Statements - Report from Finance Committee
Bill Onorato presented an overview of the audited financials from the October Finance Committee meeting with David Shorette. Shorette recognized Nancy and Carol for their good work. There were no findings and one audit comment regarding the Centennial account. Dowd raised a question regarding the Centennial account as to its purpose and possible uses. Nancy explained that the fund was created by Trustees prior to the 100th Anniversary of the Library. It is an endowment fund that cannot be used until it reaches $1million. It remains an option on the Annual Fund envelope and is discussed annually whether to remove or continue. Discussion regarding forthcoming non-profit accounting changes related to restricted, unrestricted, and temporarily restricted funds.
Motion by: Onorato to accept the audit, seconded by Kupel, with no further questions, accepted by unanimous vote.
Review of meeting with Investment Advisor - Report from Treasurer
Onorato stated that currently we are 60/40 of equities vs. fixed. Discussion regarding what this is and means. Discussion regarding using the portfolio to offset operating expenses and it should not be looked at as a building fund as it was in 2006.
Request from PNG Committee to discuss options related to formalizing the office of Vice President/President-elect through a bylaws change.
Discussion regarding handout of excerpt from Robert’s Rules and the benefit of bylaws change vs not. Further discussion about creating officer job descriptions with basic points to make it an operational document vs. a codified change. There will be an added benefit when recruiting new board members with a clearer definition of roles and responsibilities. The decision was made for the PNG Committee to create an operational document as opposed to changing bylaws.
Additional New Business Items:
Library Table at November 7 Election:
Ketch explained the purpose of having a table at the election as a means to share the Library’s mission, storytelling, and to gather emails for the upcoming community survey in early 2018. A list was circulated for members to sign up for shifts.
Committee Report Distribution:
Discussion regarding sending committee meeting minutes directly to the Board’s Google Drive. This will be revisited again when all members have access to the drive.
Friends of Scarborough Library (FOSL) Annual Meeting:
Perry briefed members on an upcoming FOSL sponsored program with Odds Bodkin and the Nov. 5 annual meeting with guest speaker, Dr. Arthur Anderson, UNE professor of archaeology.
Items for next agenda:
- Reminder of Annual Fund Appeal and letter signing by Board of Trustees
Meeting Adjourned: 7:31pm
Respectfully Submitted by Ginny Ketch, Co-Secretary
Meeting Date
October 19, 2017
6:30 PM
Meeting called to order
Adoption of Minutes, September 21, 2017
Treasurer’s Report
Library Director’s Report
Town Councilor’s Remarks
President’s Remarks
Mission Moment
Consent Calendar:
Building Expansion – 10/11/2017 minutes
Community Relations/Development – 10/12/2017 minutes pending
Finance/Investment – 10/16/2017 minutes pending
Personnel, Nominating, Governance – 10/11/17 minutes pending
Friends of the Library Liaison – report pending
Little Free Library Initiative - Report
Unfinished Business:
Review of Committee Goals for FY 2018
Discussion on Library’s role in Comprehensive Planning activities including “Planapalooza”
MOTION: Move to accept the Power Purchase Agreement with ReVision Energy, dated September 12, 2017, and authorize the Library Director to sign the contract. The $20,000 Energy Premium Prepayment has been approved in the Town’s Capital Projects Budget.
New Business:
Presentation of FY 2017 Audit and Financial Statements – Report from Finance Committee
Review of meeting with Investment Advisor – Report from Treasurer
Request from PNG committee to discuss options related to formalizing the office of Vice President/President-elect through a By-laws change.
Items for next agenda:
Trustee Comments