February 18, 2021
4:30 PM - Video Conference

Meeting called to order at 4:38 PM by Bill Donovan. 

Nancy Crowell, Director of Scarborough Library, Jon Anderson, Town Council Liaison, Bill Donovan, Board of Trustees President, Peter Hatem, Audra Sinclair, Emily Ward, Joyce Clark, Friends of the Library Liaison, Susan Powell, Lenore Rapkin, Anne Janak, Judy Johnson  

Adoption of Minutes, January 21, 2021
Motion to adopt minutes made by Anne Janak and seconded by Judy Johnson. Motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Filed for Audit 

Library Director’s Report

  • Update to annual fund: $41, 810 has been raised out of $50,000 goal.

Town Councilor’s Remarks

  • Have been sharing information with the Downtown District Committee.  As a next step we will be meeting with them and that committee will be taking that information to the larger committee to understand potentialities and then bring it back to the larger group.
  • Finance Committee Meeting – more specific goals are being developed by the Finance Committee as we enter into budget season 
  • Satisfaction Survey - There may be a general satisfaction survey for the town held in the near future, the scope is being developed.  There could be a potential to partner with the town on this to include the library.

Consent Calendar:    Building Expansion Committee Minutes, 2/1/2021
    Community Relations/Development Committee Minutes, 2/1/2021
    Personnel, Nominating, Governance Committee, Minutes, 2/4/2021
    FOSL Board Notes, 2/11/2021
Motion to adopt consent calendar made by Susan Powell and seconded by Anne Janak.
Motion passed unanimously.
Unfinished Business:    
Fundraising Feasibility Study – Status report – Bill Donovan

  • Letters have been sent to top candidates identified through the oversite committee review for an awareness meeting.
  • Three dates have been identified.  Invitations will go out soon. 
    • March 10 @7PM, March 13 @ 1PM and March 16 @4PM
  • Goal is to give people background of library project, bring them up to date on planning so far.  We hope they will be giving us information on their interest in the project.

Report from Finance and Investment Committee on the line of credit application

  • Application has been approved, waiting on paperwork in order to sign
  • Our intent is still to ask the town for planning funds, but this is there for us if we need to be moving on something and need to make a seamless decision

Discussion on formation of Citizen Campaign Committee and PAC (Political Action Committee)

  • Emily Ward sent one name forward
  • Tody Justice is anticipating a new brochure that will have updated information.  
  • There is no immediate need but is on the agenda as we work towards it.

Discussion on land acknowledgement sub-committee work

  • This committee will be working on how we might acknowledge the land that the library is on originally belonged to a local tribe.
  • Judy Johnson has several samples of the types of acknowledgements 
  • Bill Donovan, Anne Janak, Jon Anderson and Judy Johnson will be meeting to discuss ways to bring this to life. 

New Business:

Review of FY2022 Budget goals – Library Director

  • Budget process is due at the end of the month
  • We have been advised to include a COLA of 1.8% for the staff
  • There have been some maintenance issues defer that we will be trying to include, in addition to small IT related items – newsletter service and coin service for our copiers.
  • Goal is a 3% budget

Discussion on potential candidates for Board upcoming vacancies 

  • We have 4 people whose term expires this year
    • Peter Hatem - completing his second full term so he will be termed out and is eligible to come back after a full year hiatus
    • Emily Ward - eligible for another term 
    • Audra Sinclair – filling an expired term and will not be returning due to work commitments
    • Bill Donovan – filling an unexpired term and is eligible for two full terms 
  • We have one member who is a friend of the library who has expressed interest
  • Anyone with names or suggestions please send them to Emily

Items for next agenda:

  • None discussed

Trustee Comments

  • Nancy shared we have a new planetary probe on Mars today! 

Motion to adjourn made by Anne Janak and seconded by Susan Powell. Motion passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned by Bill Donovan at 5:29 PM.

Recorded by Audra Sinclair, Secretary

Meeting Date