April 17, 2014
7:00 PM
In Attendance: Nancy Crowell, Director, Linda Elliot, President, Emily Read, Vice President, Kevin Carbin, Jr., Dan Dougherty, Humphrey Doermann, Anne Janak, Peter Hatem, Sarah Taylor, Secretary, Emily Ward, Friends Liaison, Terry Thompson, Treasurer, Tom Corbett, IT Director
Absent: Carl Helms, Kate St. Clair
Meeting called to order
Adoption of Minutes, March 20, 2014: Unanimously adopted.
Treasurer’s Report: Accepted as written
Library Director’s Report: Accepted as written.
Friends of the Library Report: Accepted as written.
President’s Remarks: Thanks to all for tonight’s tea.
Consent Calendar:
Community Relations Committee: has not met yet this month Development Committee: minutes accepted
Unfinished Business
Follow-up on annual retreat: Anne liked the format; Dan was impressed by how many of the strategic plan’s goals have been accomplished.
Review of By-Laws: Peter Hatem has reviewed and suggested minimal changes to the by-laws. These will be presented to the board when prepared. Peter did not think the revisions would require filing with the state.
Update on LD 1664: It is moving forward; it looks like a progressive change in deduction amounts will be passed.
Update on draft budget FY 2014-2015: Nancy reviewed revisions, which included a modification in the full time position request, a reduction in utilities based on a new information/estimates, and a reduction in IT request secondary to Tom Corbett’s assessment of need.
Adjusted request +$5,153.
Staff appreciation dinner committee report: Date: 5/5/14 at 5:00.
Trustees signed up for food/beverages. Bring TV trays if you have them. Anne will send invitations to staff this week.
New Business
Blocking parameters: Tom Corbett
- CIPA Requirements reviewed.
- Library’s current filters reviewed.
- Nancy will distribute our current filtering/blocking policy to trustees.
- Library staff will review/revise current policy.
- Trustees encouraged to independently review current filter parameters.
Slate of nominees for FY 15: Nominating Committee Sue Puddington was unanimously approved for nomination.
Other nominees are being vetted.
Executive Session: To discuss Director’s Performance Review: Humphrey Doermann
- The board reviewed the summary. No changes made.
- Trustees discussed whether the staff have an opportunity to review the director, as well as the process for staff grievances/HR issues.
Items for next agenda:
Election of Trustees for next term Nomination of Officers for election in June
Report from Investment Committee
Budget Update
Blocking Parameter Policy Review
Trustee Comments
- A 6:30 start time for meetings was unanimously approved.
NEXT MEETING(S): Note time change*
May 15, 2014
6:30 pm
June 19, 2014
6:30 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Taylor
Meeting Date
April 17, 2014
7:00 PM
Meeting called to order
Adoption of Minutes, March 20, 2014
Treasurer’s Report
Library Director’s Report
Friends of the Library Report
President’s Remarks
Consent Calendar:
Community Relations Committee
Development Committee
Unfinished Business
Follow-up on annual retreat
Review of By-Laws
Update on LD 1664
Update on draft budget FY 2014-2015
Staff appreciation dinner committee report
New Business
Blocking parameters – Tom Corbett
Slate of nominees for FY 15 - Nominating Committee
Executive Session: To discuss Director’s Performance Review
Items for next agenda:
Election of Trustees for next term
Nomination of Officers for election in June
Report from Investment Committee
Trustee Comments
Perpetual Calendar:
Election of Trustees for next term
Nomination of Officers for election in June
Report from Investment Committee
Review property insurance coverage