June 21, 2018
Meeting called to order 6:35pm
Attending: Anne Janak, Peter Hatem, Carl Helms, Emily Ward, Bill Onorato, Jim Kupel, Ginny Ketch, Emily Read, MaryAustin Dowd, Betty Perry, Mary Capobianco, Nancy Crowell, Library Director, Catherine Morrison, Assistant Director & Adult Services Manager
Absent: Dan Dougherty, Shawn Babine
Adoption of Minutes, May 17, 2018 - Motion to accept by Kupel seconded by Perry; unanimously approved without further discussion.
Treasurer’s Report - Motion to accept by Ketch, seconded by Perry, Filed for Audit
Library Director’s Report - Nancy shared additions to her report including the Annual Fund has exceeded the $50,000 goal with $53,301 raised to date with several days to go until the close of the fiscal year on June 30, 2018. SPL is recertified as a Family Place Library. There is a new sign on the electric charging station with larger roadside font. A question was raised about vaping. Nancy referenced that is addressed in the policy as e-cigarettes were out when the policy was revised last. A question was raised about the Summer Reading Program kick-off attendance numbers. 230 were at the Wentworth kick-off
Town Councilor’s Remarks - No report
President’s Remarks - Anne thanked MaryAustin Dowd for all of her work on the policies this fiscal year. She also acknowledged outgoing Past President Emily Read whose term expires this month for her work as an extraordinary president. Anne noted the accomplishments of Read including the mentor program which continues to be developed and the Little Free Library (LFL) program. Kupel shared a picture of a LFL built by the daughter of the Assistant Town Manager. Read was presented with a card and gift.
Mission Moment - Emily Ward read a statement from a press report.
Consent Calendar: Motion by Ward, seconded by Perry; unanimously approved with one question regarding the number of Friends members.
Building Expansion – 6/6/2018 minutes
Community Relations/Development – 6/11/2018 minutes
Finance/Investment – no meeting
Personnel, Nominating, Governance – 6/6/2018, 6/13/2018
Friends of the Library Liaison – Report 6/8/2018
Unfinished Business:
Executive Session - Director’s Performance Review Discussion. Staff left during this portion of the meeting. The session began at 6:45pm and adjourned at 7:22pm.
Budget Update - The school budget vote passed and as a result the Library has $100,000 in the Capital Improvements Budget for studies and consultants to begin the building expansion process. There is also money for a security system. Nancy reported that the budget for the Library is sound and this is the earliest the budget vote has passed.
Presentation and approval of policy revisions - PNG Committee- 5 motions and full list presented with request for action
- Motion: Rescind the Policy on Volunteer Safety Team and the Unrestricted Fund Balance Policy Motion by Hatem, seconded by Dowd; Unanimous approval with no further discussion
- Motion: Move to Renew the Policy on Signatories for Bank Accounts, the Policy on the Retention of Records and the Investments Spending Policy Motion by Dowd, seconded by Perry; Unanimous approval with no further discussion
- Motion: Move to accept the amended Policy on Solicitations and Fundraising, Policy on Review of Internet Content Blocking Parameters, the Operating Reserve Policy, the Policy on Use of Meeting Room, Privacy Policy, and Policy on Receiving Donations Motion by Ketch, seconded by Ward; Unanimous approval with no further discussion
- Motion: Move the second reading and the approval of the amended Internet Acceptable Use Policy Motion by Dowd, seconded by Hatem; Unanimous approval with no further discussion
- Motion: Move the first reading and the approval of the amended Policy on Unattended Children, the amended Policy on Service to Children, the amended Exhibit and Display Policy Discussion and questions regarding the Welcome Letter to correct the last bullet to change raining to rainy and how the Library handles unattended children under the age of 10. Nancy addressed the procedures the Library follows if this occurs. Motion by Helms, seconded by Hatem; unanimous approval without further discussion
New Business:
Orientation and Mentoring Program - PNG Committee – Dowd presented updated materials from the presentation made by Read at the June 2017 meeting. Mentor and mentee forms were created and added to the packet with changes from 2017. Discussion and questions by Board members as follows:
- Basic Trustee Orientation item C as to where the pages referenced can be located and noting a typographical error on item D # 7 in the word governmental having an unnecessary hyphen
- Section II Policies needs to have dates to be updated for current year policy revisions as well as page formatting
- Section II Policies items E and G have the exact same details and is this correct
- Section II Policies item F question regarding what are the statistics; Nancy addressed that they are generic Town statistics
- Section II Policies item V Trustee Aids question regarding the items on the checklist and if they could be made available online and how these will be updated
Board Planning Retreat - Thursday, August 16, afternoon. The retreat will be held at Piper Shores from 1 to 5pm with a break in the middle. SEDCO executive director, Karen Martin has been confirmed to do a presentation and lead discussion on economic development, all things community related and how the Library fits in. Committees will need to update the plan, conduct goal setting, and have their Annual Reports prepared and submitted by 5pm July 19. Committees are asked to set timelines for goals. Nancy will need to what the staff role will be in order to give staff notice time to prepare. Read suggested that it is time to update the Strategic Plan and that could be included in the Retreat topics. There will also be a Building Expansion update and overview and a discussion on community versus community center verbiage and vocabulary to use moving forward in Library communications. Nancy will meet with Janak and Hatem to finalize the agenda.
Election of Trustees for terms to expire 2021: Nominations:
- Theodore J. Kalikow, (1st full term) application withdrawn for this year
- Mary Capobianco, (1st full term)
- Peter Hatem (2nd full term)
- Emily Ward (1st full term)
Nomination from the floor:
- Lenore Rapkin (partial term to expire 2020)
Motion by Hatem to defer the nomination from the floor until considered by PNG Committee to complete the process. Seconded by Ketch. Discussion about ensuring that the Library do its due diligence with nominations for new trustees. Discussion why deferred. The PNG Committee will meet prior to the retreat to address this.
Motion by Dowd, seconded by Ketch to accept the nominations for Capobianco, Hatem, and Ward as presented; unanimous approval with no further discussion
Election of Officers for FY2019
- President: Peter L. Hatem
- Vice President: Ginny Ketch
- Secretary: Anne Janak
- Treasurer: Bill Onorato
Motion to accept the slate of officers as presented by Dowd, seconded by Perry; unanimous approval with no discussion.
Items for next agenda (Retreat):
- Policy second readings (hold until Sept. meeting agenda)
- Compliance Policy
- Appoint of Committees (to be done prior to Retreat)
- Audit July 31(hold for Sept. meeting agenda)
- Town Council Workshop presentation draft review
Adjournment - Meeting adjourned 8:20pm
Respectfully submitted,
Ginny Ketch, Secretary
Meeting Date
June 21, 2018
6:30 PM
Meeting called to order
Adoption of Minutes, May 17, 2018
Treasurer’s Report
Library Director’s Report
Town Councilor’s Remarks
President’s Remarks
Mission Moment
Consent Calendar:
Building Expansion – Minutes 6/6/2018
Community Relations/Development – Minutes 6/11/2018 pending
Finance/Investment – no meeting
Personnel, Nominating, Governance – Minutes 6/6/2018, 6/13/2018
Friends of the Library Liaison – Report 6/8/2018
Unfinished Business:
Executive Session – Director’s Performance Review
Budget Update
Presentation and approval of policy revisions – PNG committee -
5 motions and full list presented with request for action
New Business:
Orientation and mentoring program – PNG Committee
Board planning retreat – Thursday, August 16, afternoon
Election of Trustees for terms to expire 2021: Nominations:
Theodora J. Kalikow (1st full term) application withdrawn for this year
Mary Capobianco (1st full term)
Peter L. Hatem (2nd full term)
Emily Ward (1st full term)
Nomination from the floor:
Lenore Rapkin (partial term to expire 2020)
Election of officers for FY2019
President: Peter L. Hatem
Vice President: Ginny Ketch
Secretary: Anne Janak
Treasurer: Bill Onorato
Items for next agenda:
Trustee Comments