Minutes of the Meeting
August 15, 2023 (hybrid meeting)
Attendees: Bill Donovan (President and Chair), Kate Borduas, Kim Corthell, Ellen Detlefsen, Peter Freilinger, Judy Johnson, Barbara Kapp, Kathy Little, Nicholas McGee, Susan Powell, Nancy Crowell (Director, non-voting)
Absent: J. David Dittmer
The meeting was called to order at 4:36 PM by Bill Donovan.
The Board of Trustees met to discuss the results of the Library Director search process and to approve the recommendation of the Transition Committee to extend an offer to one of the top candidates to become Library Director upon the retirement of Nancy Crowell. Susan Powell reported for the Committee and reviewed the results of the candidate interviews that had taken place the previous week. The discussion noted that the Committee found that we have two outstanding candidates, making the recommendation by the Committee extremely difficult.
New Business:
Motion: Authorize the Chairman to extend an offer consistent with the recommendation of the Transition Committee. Motion to accept was made by Peter Freilinger and seconded by Kim Corthell. Nick McGee abstained from voting, as he did not have the opportunity to meet either candidate in person. The motion carried with no votes against.
Motion: Authorize Bill Donovan and Susan Powell to negotiate the terms of an employment agreement with the candidate. Motion to accept was made by Kate Borduas, seconded by Kim Corthell, and carried unanimously.
Other Business:
Nancy Crowell commented that her departure date is flexible but asked the Board to keep in mind that she needs time to make decisions and notify insurers about her planned changes.
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn was made by Barbara Kapp, seconded by Ellen Detlefsen, and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 5:33 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Barbara Kapp, Secretary