September 15, 2016
6:30 PM
Attendees: Emily Read, Carl Helms, Kevin Carbin Jr, Nick McKelvy, Bill Onorato, Dan Dougherty, MaryAustin Dowd, Nancy Crowell, Anne Janak
In lieu of the annual building inspection, Board members were asked to inspect the repair work completed on the storage shed, near the bike racks, before the meeting.
Meeting called to order
Adoption of Minutes, June 16, 2016
Treasurer’s Report- accepted as written
Library Director’s Report- accepted
Friends of the Library Report – Anne Janak
Town Councilor’s Remarks
President’s Remarks
Consent Calendar: Personnel/Nominating/Governance reports accepted
Unfinished Business:
Presentation on solar panels and Power Purchase Agreement: Deb McDonough, Town Energy Committee and Nick Sampson, ReVision Energy
-Board members voted for site visit with follow up presentation of proposal
Work Plan and new committee structure
– Committee chairs are to review work plan and make edits to google documents
Strategic Planning Retreat – Review- tentative plan to keep August mid day retreat day
Public Value Learning Circle update- forums started in September after summer break
Little Free Library Project update
- 9/17 install of location at Memorial Park
- Project Grace has given $350 donations for future locations
New Business:
Nominating Committee: Nomination of Anne M. Summer- accepted
Library Director’s FY 2016 Annual Report
Board members sign compliance statements for Conflict of Interest and Fraud Prevention Policies
Items for next agenda
- Card reader update
- Work plan for approval
- Audit review
Trustee Comments
Submitted by Dan Dougherty, Secretary