September 20, 2018

6:30 PM

Meeting called to order by Peter Hatem, President at 6:30

Attendees: Peter Hatem, Ginny Ketch, Carl Helms, Lenore Rapkin, Emily Ward, Shawn Babine, MaryAustin Dowd, Bill Onorato, Jim Kupel, Dan Dougherty, Anne Janak, Catherine Morrison, Nancy Crowell

Absent: Mary Capobianco, Betty Perry

Presentation of the audited financial statement, year-end 6/30/2018, David Shorette, Purdy Powers & Company - David Shorette reported that the Audit went well, budget was adhered to, and operations improved.  Internal statements are reliable.  There will be a new reporting model next year. 

Adoption of Minutes August 16, 2018. Motion by Jim Kupel; Second by Shawn Babine, Unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report.  Motion by Shawn Babine to file report for audit; Second by MaryAustin Dowd, Unanimously approved.

Library Director’s Report. Nancy Crowell highlighted an existing problem with visitors with mental health or substance abuse problems.  She requested a meeting with Town of Scarborough staff to discuss the problem which will be held next week.  Other items include a rebranding of MARVEL, a new Relay Video Service in the Library, and potential design consultants for a library expansion.  The report is available for review.

Town Councilor’s Remarks.  Shawn Babine encouraged Library Board members to attend candidates’ meetings to speak about Library needs and to become knowledgeable about the Credit Enhancement Agreement and Tax Increment Financing as a benefit in Scarborough development.

President’s Remarks.  Peter Hatem remarked that Summerfest attendees that visited the Library booth talked about the Library’s need for more space.  He noted that this message can be projected to the larger population and encouraged Board members to come up with ways to do this.

Mission Moment.  The Board would like to keep the Mission Moment on the agenda.

Consent Calendar.

Building Expansion Committee -Minutes 9/5/2018

Community Relations/Development - No meeting

Finance/Investment - No meeting

Personnel, Nominating, Governance - Minutes 9/11/2018

Friends of the Library Liaison - 9/13/2018

Motion by Ginny Ketch, Second by Shawn Babine; unanimous vote to accept consent calendar as presented.

Unfinished Business:

Continuation of discussion from Board Planning Retreat:

  • Review of Committee Assignments. Peter will follow up on committee assignments as Chairmen or Co-chairmen for the Community Relations/Development and Building Expansions Committees.
  • Recommendation from Building Committee regarding a community needs assessment.  Jim Kupel explained that the committee has access to data that can be used in a Multi Method Mixed Approach which will allow the committee to use available funds of $100,00 to hire architect and design consultants rather than spend money on a needs assessment.

Motion: Move the second reading and approval of the amended Policy on Unattended Children, the amended Policy of Service to Children, and the amended Exhibit and Display Policy.

Motion by Jim Kupel, Second by Carl Helms. Passed unanimously.

New Business:

Motion: Accept the audited financial statement as presented.  Motion by Ginny Ketch, Second by Shawn Babine; Passed unanimously.

Motion: Increase the threshold for checks requiring a second signature from $2,000 to $3,000.

Motion amended to read: Increase the threshold for checks requiring a second signature from $2,000 to $5,000.  Motion by Carl Helms, Second by Ginny Ketch. Passed unanimously

Second amendment: In addition to raising the threshold, the Finance Committee will give a monthly report on all expenditures greater than $5,000. Motion by Jim Kupel, Second by Emily Ward. Passed unanimously.

Motion: The Board of Trustees authorizes the Library Director to extend the Veteran’s Day 2018 holiday to include a paid holiday for regularly scheduled staff on Sunday, November 11 and Monday, November 12. The Board further charges the Personnel/Governance/Nominating Committee with a review of the time-off policies in the Personnel Handbook. (Reference PNG Committee minutes) Motion by Jim Kupel, Second by Carl Helms.  Passed unanimously.

Distribution and signing of Conflict of Interest and Fraud Prevention Policies.

Items for next agenda:

  • BEC Consultants

Trustee Comments

Adjournment:  Motion by Anne Janak, Second by Ginny Ketch. Unanimously approved.  Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted

Anne Kendall Janak, Secretary

Meeting Date

September 20, 2018
6:30 PM
Meeting called to order
Adoption of Minutes, Board retreat August 16, 2018
Treasurer’s Report
Library Director’s Report
Town Councilor’s Remarks
President’s Remarks
Mission Moment
Presentation of the audited financial statement, year-end 6/30/2018, David Shorette, Purdy Powers & Co.
Consent Calendar:     
Building Expansion – Minutes 9/5/2018           
Community Relations/Development – no meeting
Finance/Investment – no meeting
Personnel, Nominating, Governance – Minutes 9/11/2018
Friends of the Library Liaison – Report 9/13/2018
Unfinished Business:
Continuation of discussion from Board Planning Retreat:

Review of Committee Assignments

Recommendation from the Building Committee regarding a community needs assessment.

Motion: Move the second reading and approval of the amended Policy on Unattended Children, the amended Policy on Service to Children, and the amended Exhibit and Display Policy.
New Business:
Motion: Accept the audited financial statement as presented.
Motion: Increase the threshold for checks requiring a second signature from $2,000 to $3,000.
Motion: The Board of Trustees authorizes the Library Director to extend the Veteran’s Day 2018 holiday to include a paid holiday for regularly scheduled staff on Sunday, November 11 and Monday, November 12. The Board further charges the Personnel/Governance/Nominating Committee with a review of the time-off policies in the Personnel Handbook. (Reference PNG Committee minutes)
Distribution and signing of Conflict of Interest and Fraud Prevention Policies
Items for next agenda:
Trustee Comments