September 21, 2017
6:30 PM
Attendees: Anne Janak, Emily Read, Betty Perry, Carl Helms, Nick McKelvy, Ginny Ketch, Shawn Babine, Peter Hatem, Bill Onorato, and Nancy Crowell Absent: Dan Dougherty, MaryAustin Dowd, Jim Kupel
Meeting called to order at 6:31pm
Trustees welcomed Betty Perry as the Friends of Library Liaison for FY’18.
Adoption of Minutes, June 15, 2017 and August 10, 2017 - Motion by Hatem, seconded by Read, unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report- Filed for audit after discussion regarding an income item.
Library Director’s Report- Accepted as presented. Nancy shared details about the solar eclipse glasses regarding the high demand for them and the impact to the staff due to the high volume of calls to the Library. Nancy thanked the Board for her 40th anniversary party and the wonderful example of community relations with so many different community and regional constituencies in attendance.
Town Councilor’s Remarks - Liaison Shawn Babine updated the Board on several different Council and community topics including: School Budget passage and lessons learned through the process; the November 2017 local referendum for a new public safety building and provided an election overview of vacancies for Council, School Board and Sanitary District; recent election/lost ballot issues and the Council’s creation of a new ad-hoc committee to address how to prevent future occurrences; Planapalooza; the first annual municipal volunteer presentation at SEDCO’s 2017 Annual Meeting; new political/community sign ordinance; the extension of the moratorium on retail and recreational marijuana; construction on 55+ outdoor recreational facilities is underway; Gateway Apartments are beginning. Shawn invited the Library to include information in the welcome baskets.
President’s Remarks - Anne opened her remarks by stating that she is looking forward to working with everyone this year. She urged the Board to get to Planapalooza to support the Library to ensure we have our voice heard and to make it known that the Library serves all of Scarborough.
Mission Moment: Passed for this month; Peter Hatem explained what the mission moment is and the purpose behind it. Anne Janak shared a personal example how a Library staff member helped research for a family guest of Anne’s where to find Gene Kelly movies even though the Library didn’t have the specific ones in the movie catalog. She applauded the staff members time, patience, and research skills to locate where the item could be obtained.
Consent Calendar: Motion by Peter Hatem, seconded by Emily Read with a unanimous vote to accept the calendar and minutes as presented.
Unfinished Business:
Review of August 10 retreat: Anne Janak asked for trustee reactions to the format, venue, etc. and if any changes should be made for the 2018 retreat. Members indicated that the speakers and topics were relevant and a good use of time. A suggestion was made to ensure that time for committee goal setting is important and we need to ensure it gets done at the retreat. Other options discussed included having a separate goal setting time or having committees build into their end of year process with modifications made if need as a result of the retreat outcomes.
Review of Committee Goals for FY 2018:
Discussion making it easier for committee chairs to enter goals on the Board’s Annual Work Plan. Emily Read offered to create a separate tab for each committee to address. Committee chairs were reminded to populate the plan with their goals and include dates. Motion by Emily Read, seconded by Nick McKelvy to accept the goals prepared to date as presented and for committee chairs to have dates incorporated for completion put on the Board’s Annual Work Plan with a unanimous vote.
In absence of Council budget line to fund a feasibility study, community attitudinal study, and consultants addressed through the Building Expansion Committee goals, Nancy reiterated that we need 100% board support to move forward. We need to start fresh and she doesn’t want to start doing the work (as it is significant) without a statement from the Board. Further discussion regarding the public safety building vote having a negative outcome and how that will affect the Library.
Motion to approve the request of the Library Director to move forward doing the groundwork exploring RFP/RFQ for a community needs study and building program consultant was made by Peter Hatem, seconded by Carl Helms with a unanimous vote.
Discussion on Library Role in Comprehensive Planning activities including “Planapalooza”: Anne reminded the Board about the importance of taking an active role. Discussion by members who have been following noted that there is nothing to support the arts or lifelong learning thus far. Community resource space and a Y is addressed. Nancy distributed a Planapalooza flyer for to the Board. Ways for board members to be involved and learn more include: attending a session; going to ScarboroughEngaged.org; and attending the Comprehensive Plan public hearing.
New Business:
Presentation of FY 2017 Audit and Financial Statements - refer to Finance Committee
The FY 2017 audited financial statements and audit letter were distributed to the Board for review. Bill Onorato presented an overview of the audited financials.
Motion to refer the audit to the Finance Committee at their October 16 meeting open to all Board members by Bill Onorato, seconded by Betty Perry with unanimous affirmative vote.
Recommendation by Nominating Committee to elect Emily Ward to fill an unexpired term ending in 2018. She will be eligible for two full 3-year terms following this partial term.
Motion to accept the recommendation as presented by Ginny Ketch, seconded by Shawn Babine with a unanimous affirmative vote.
Distribution of Library Director’s Statistical Report - The distribution will be electronic.
Additional New Business Items:
IRS Form 990: Nancy noted that the IRS Form 990 has been completed and will be distributed via email to the Board. Emily Read thanked Nancy and noted that this is a follow up item noted in the Library Director’s annual review.
FY 2018 Board Roster: Nancy Crowell circulated a roster of the Board for members to update their contact information. The updated roster will be distributed to board members electronically.
Restructuring of Maine Library Association (MLA): Nancy Crowell informed the Board that the MLA structure has changed and no longer districts. The new format is now more equitable.
New Non-Board Committee Member: Chris Pagli, Above and Beyond Marketing Strategic Marketing Consultant will be joining the Development/Community Relations Committee as a community member.
Items for next agenda:
- Audit
- Introduction of new board member, Emily Ward
- National Friends of Library Week - refer to Development/Community Relations Committee
- Employee benefits contribution presentation
Meeting Adjourned: 8:pm
Respectfully Submitted by Ginny Ketch, Co-Secretary
Meeting Date
September 21, 2017
6:30 PM
Meeting called to order
Welcome Betty Perry, Friends Liaison FY 2018
Adoption of Minutes, June 15, 2017, August 10, 2017
Treasurer’s Report
Library Director’s Report
Town Councilor’s Remarks
President’s Remarks
Mission Moment
Consent Calendar:
Building Expansion – 9/13/2017 minutes
Community Relations/Development – no meeting
Finance/Investment – no meeting
Personnel, Nominating, Governance – 9/13/17 minutes pending
Friends of the Library Liaison – report
Little Free Library Initiative -
Unfinished Business:
Review of August 10 retreat
Review of Committee Goals for FY 2018
Discussion on Library role in Comprehensive Planning activities including “Planapalooza”
New Business:
Presentation of FY 2017 Audit and Financial Statements – refer to Finance Committee
Recommendation by Nominating Committee to elect Emily Ward to fill an unexpired term ending 2018. She will be eligible for two full 3-year terms following this partial term.
Distribution of Library Director’s statistical report
Items for next agenda:
Trustee Comments