November 18, 2021


Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees

November 18, 2021 4:30 PM Video Conference

Attendees: Bill Donovan President, Susan Powell, Anne Janak, Joyce Clark, Emily Ward, Lenore Rapkin, Dave Dittmer, Judy Johnson, Jim Kupel, Ellen Detlefsen, Catherine Morrison, Asst. Director, Nancy Crowell, Library Director

Absent: Jon Anderson, Allen Paul.

Meeting called to order by Bill Donovan at 4:32 PM.

Adoption of Minutes, October 21, 2021.

Motion to adopt minutes made by Ellen Detlefsen and seconded by Susan Powell. Motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer's Report - Dave reported that things were looking good. We will move $275,000 from the building fund, gifts and memorials, to the unrestricted funds. Our income was above what had been budgeted, and expenses were below, translating into income of $294,000 rather than $25,000.

Motion to accept Treasurer’s report made by Jim Kupel and Judy Johnson. Motion passed unanimously.

Library Director's Report – Nancy reported that Community Services will manage our snow removal during the week and the cleaner will take care of it on the weekend.

Motion to accept the Director’s Report made by Lenore Rapkin, seconded by Ellen Detlefson. Motion passed unanimously.

Town Councilor's Remarks – In the absence of the Town Council’s representative, Jon Anderson, there was no report.

President's Remarks – Deferred to later on the agenda.

Consent Calendar:

· Building Expansion Committee – Minutes 11/01/21

· Community Relations/Development Committee -Minutes 11/08/2021

· Personnel, Nominating, Governance Committee -Minutes 9/23, 11/04/2021

· FOSL Board-Meeting report 11/09/2021

· Investment Committee – 10/25/2021

Motion to adopt Consent Calendar made by Susan Powell and seconded by Dave Dittmer. Motion passed unanimously.

Unfinished Business:

Report on Project Update to Town Council, 11/17/21: Bill reported on the project update that he, Nancy, and Susan gave to the Town Council. The Council gave them a very warm welcome and noted how patient the Library has been since the referendum failure in 2006. They are aware that we have made good use of the time and have looked at all the alternatives. Nancy explained the reason for the shift to a 2-story building. A more detailed cost estimate should be available sometime late winter. There were few questions during the meeting, and there was a real feeling of support. Kudos to Jon for his help. Judy applauded Bill, Nancy, and Susan for their handling of the meeting.

Next Steps in Building Design Work: Susan reported that the charrette held with the staff and architects in October had not dealt with the Children and Teen spaces, but Austin has since met with Louise to talk about this. The architects would like a follow-up meeting the week after Thanksgiving. Topics of discussion for us: should the new Makerspace be renamed Activities Area for clarification? Is a Drive Thru now a priority? If so, the Board needs to figure that out. Will the architects want to meet in a workshop with the full Board? Jim asked when we would have a meaningful estimate of construction costs (hopefully in January). Emily asked about Friends’ space for donations and storage (yes for donations and some storage, not large enough space for full storage). They would also like a bookstore, and an office for the Friends.

Fundraising Feasibility Study: Susan reported on the meeting she, Bill, and Nancy attended with Demont. It is expected that we can raise $450,000 in cash between 11/21 and 11/22, money that can be used for a technology fund or a building project but neither Nancy, Susan, nor Bill were too comfortable with this. What if the referendum fails? Susan will ask Demont exactly what they are proposing. Jim wondered how we get a hard enough amount that we can say to the Town Council that we have raised x amount of dollars. Joyce asked if we rely on pledges. Bill hopes to be able to say how much money we have raised in pledges rather than do what Demont is proposing. How do we make the ask? Clarity from Demont is needed.

An ad hoc committee (Susan, Nancy, and Bill) will navigate the new contract, to include only the first phase, 11/21-11/22. The second phase will begin only after the referendum and will include the broader community.

The endorsement of Demont’s Report was deferred, and a vote was taken to authorize the Ad Hoc Committee to undertake the study and endorsement of the report and its recommendations, and to determine next steps. Moved by Dave Dittmer, seconded by Anne Janak; passed unanimously.

Discussion of formation of a Citizen Campaign Committee and PAC – EveryLibrary material: Nancy asked to defer action with EveryLibrary. A long discussion on their free service followed. And Nancy explained to the group the exact function of a PAC.

New Business

Report on the legacy gift from Ann Hammond: Nancy clarified that there is no need for a vote on this. There is no need for an appraisal of the desk at this time, the estate may have it appraised later for estate tax purposes. Ms. Hammond had a longtime involvement with the Library, so this is a very special legacy.

Report from the Investment Committee—discussion on socially responsible investing: Dave reported that just 3 of our stocks (2% of our portfolio) are in energy funds and wondered if we needed to divest these holdings. Index funds often have 15% of their portfolios invested in energy. Our holdings are too small to worry about them, but we should always be aware and socially attuned.

Decision on whether Board will meet in December: our December meeting will be with Demont. If necessary, we’ll meet if we have an update from SA.

December 4th community holiday event: the library needs help with decorations. The Friends are planning to help on December 2nd, and the CRD Committee will also be involved. Judy offered two sets of lights.

Items for next agenda:

PNG Skills Assessment (PNG Committee)

Revised policy re the Library Director’s Performance Review (PNG Committee)

Trustee Comments:

Anne asked where she could pick up the Demont Report.

Nancy reminded us all that the report is Confidential.

Adjournment - There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Susan Powell, seconded by Anne Janak. Motion was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 6:06 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Lenore Rapkin, Secretary

Meeting Date