Board Retreat – August 19, 2021
Attendees: In person – Allen Paul, Susan Powell, Jon Anderson, David Dittmer, Kathy Billings, Anne Janak, Jim Kupel, Judy Johnson. Staff – Nancy Crowell, Director, Catherine Morrison, Lucy Norvell. Via Zoom – Bill Donovan, Emily Ward, Ellen Detlefsen.
Meeting called to order at 1:22 pm by Susan Powell
Board members introduced themselves.
Austin Smith and Kayla Caron, Simons Architects, provided a history of their work on the library expansion project, considerations to date, and a detailed review of the expansion design plans as they currently stand. The current plan focuses on a 34-35,000 sq. ft., two story expansion. Floor plan bubbles were presented identifying general space designations. A front exterior diagram was also provided. This work represents approximately 5% of total planning and design that will be undertaken. Board members engaged in enthusiastic discussion, presenting ideas and questions.
John Lanham, Demont Associates joined the group via zoom and presented an overview of the capital campaign process and timeline. He reviewed fundraising and campaign fundamentals, roles of the Board of Trustees, silent vs public phases, and overall timeline for the Library campaign. Board members’ questions and comments were received and discussed.
General enthusiasm for the expansion project was expressed by the Board. Two items were presented for action – input to Jon on town survey to be conducted in September which will include questions about the library; Jim to solicit comments/edits regarding Statement of Need.
Nancy was commended for her tireless work and that of her staff during these challenging times. It was noted that she will be out of the office August 30-September 17.
Executive Session – due to technical difficulties to executive session to conduct the Library Director annual review was postponed. It will be conducted via zoom at a future date.
A motion to adjourn made by Jim Kupel and seconded by Anne Janak. Meeting was adjourned at 4:55 pm.
Recorded by Kathy Billings, Secretary