April 15, 2021
4:30 PM – Video Conference
Attendees: Audra Sinclair, Emily Ward, Lenore Rapkin, Bill Donovan, Nancy Crowell, Library Director, Susan Powell, Joyce Clark, Bill Onorato, Jim Kupel, Catherine Morrison, Asst. Director of the Library, Jon Anderson, Judy Johnson, Peter Hatem, Anne Janak
Meeting called to order at 4:33PM by Bill Donovan.
Adoption of Minutes, March 18, 2021
Motion to adopt minutes made by Anne Janak and seconded by Judy Johnson. Motion passed unanimously.
Three changes will be made to the minutes from last month.
- Include the word site to this bullet “The Demont study will be affected by the fact that we aren't yet sure what our options are because we are still exploring “
- Application was approved - this happened before our last meeting.
- Strike the last bullet regarding the Potential New Board Members
Motion to approve amended minutes made by Lenore Rapkin and seconded by Anne Janak. Motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report – Filed for Audit
Library Director’s Report
- Report filed as part of the board packet
- Nancy notified the board today that a $10,000 gift was given to the Endowment Fund from the Thomas H. Kraut Estate as part of the 1899 Society
Town Councilor’s Remarks
- First reading of the Budget happened 4/14 and passed unanimously
- Upcoming Dates:
- Next week are budget workshops
- May 5th is Public Hearing of the Budget and all are welcome
- May 19th Second Read and vote to approve final budget
- June 15th is the referendum
Consent Calendar:
- Building Expansion Committee Minutes, 4/5/2021
- Community Relations/Development Committee Minutes, 4/12/21
- Personnel, Nominating, Governance Committee (Nominations on agenda)
- FOSL Board Notes, 3/16/21, no meeting this month
Motion to accept calendar made by Susan Powell and seconded by Lenore Rapkin. Motion passed unanimously.
Unfinished Business:
Report on SA review of library location and tour of Downs Grandstand – Bill D.& Nancy
- Email sent today from Bill Donovan regarding this topic and includes detailed information.
- Raised a possibility of expanding our lot past the side parking lot on the way to the Wentworth School.
- Austin Smith and Kayla Caron, in discussing their initial impressions of our Downs site visit neither felt the Grandstand would be a good direction for the Library. Its size, condition, configuration and positioning were all factors.
- Discussed with Tom Hall the use of the area where the tennis courts are which sit along Gorham Road. Tom expressed an open mind about the site, indicating the courts were eroding and he expected court facilities to be built at the Downs.
- We are giving long term consideration to the fact that we have walkability where we are with some low-income communities, and we want to keep our availability to that community.
- It’s important to continue to review information from the Downtown Committee as we consider which location we go to as they are generating information that can be valuable.
- If we were able to go to a new location, we would save about $1M in having to relocated during the renovation.
- Simons indicated the study might be done in 3-4 weeks.
Fundraising Feasibility Study – Status report – Bill Donovan
- Awareness Sessions are complete, and Bill Donovan sent a detailed report via email on 4/15/21.
- We will likely do 1 more awareness session.
- When the assessment on the other possible locations is finished the Board will vote on the final option. At that time, we will revise our statement of need, if necessary, and resume planning service interviews in May for an early June target to present study findings and recommendations for campaign planning and service.
Report on Council review of FY2022 Budget – Library Director
- We are potentially on the docket for 4/22
- Our budget has been submitted.
- The council has provided us a set of slides they have asked us to fill in for our presentation.
- There may be some trickle down from the federal funds that go to the State Library.
Report on land acknowledgement sub-committee work – Judy Johnson
- Land acknowledgement has been sent to the historical society and Emerson (Tad) Baker, professor and student of Native American settlements, for comment.
- Board has also provided edits.
- The Wabanaki REACH has not yet sent comments.
Report on implementation of fine free policy – Library Director
- We are reading and hearing very pleased reactions from the community.
Discussion on formation of Citizen Campaign Committee and PAC (table to May meeting)
New Business:
Nomination of candidates for Board upcoming vacancies, FY2022 – PNG, Emily Ward
All four candidates recently interviewed were determined to be an asset to the Board.
Recommend that all four candidates be approved by the Board.
- Allen Paul: Recommend election to a 3-year term to fill Peter Hatem’s seat when he leaves the Board in 2021. He would be eligible for an additional 3-year term.
- Dave Dittmer: Recommend election to a 3-year term to fill Audra Sinclair’s seat when she leaves the Board in 2021. He would be eligible for an additional 3-year term.
- Ellen Detlefsen: Recommend election to a VACANT 2-year term. She would be eligible for two additional 3-year terms.
- Kathy Billings: Recommend election to a one-year unexpired term that remains when Bill Onorato leaves the Board in May 2021. At the end of the 1-year term, Kathy would be eligible for two additional 3-year terms.
- They become active board meetings at the end of the June meeting.
Motion to approve 4 candidates to the Scarborough BOT made by Peter Hatem and seconded by Jim Kupel. Motion passed unanimously. We will vote on these candidates in May.
Board self-assessment – PNG Committee, Lenore Rapkin
- Results received in our packet.
- Particulars will be brought for discussion at the August retreat.
Board skills assessment – PNG Committee, Emily Ward
- Results received in our packet.
- Emily will be working with Nancy to distribute this.
Motion to adjourn made by Susan Powell and seconded by Jim Kupel. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned by Bill Donovan at 6:10 PM.
Recorded by Audra Sinclair, Secretary