April 26, 2018
Meeting called to order 6:44pm
Attending: Bill Onorato, Emily Read, Emily Ward, Anne Janak, Betty Perry, MaryAustin Dowd, Carl Helms, Peter Hatem, Ginny Ketch, Nancy Crowell, Library Director, Catherine Morrison, Assistant Director & Adult Services Manager
Absent: Shawn Babine, Dan Dougherty, Jim Kupel
Adoption of Minutes, March 15, 2018- Correction noted by Perry of missing board member Dougherty; Motion to accept as corrected by Dowd; seconded by Read; unanimously approved without further discussion.
Treasurer’s Report - Filed for Audit
Library Director’s Report - No comments or questions on report. Nancy circulated student feedback sheets for board members to review.
Town Councilor’s Remarks - None
President’s Remarks: Janak reported that she is in the process of visiting libraries in ME that have been or are going through renovations. Augusta and Wells visited thus far. Libraries in Brunswick and Topsham are also on the list to visit.
Mission Moment - Betty Perry circulated a solar power brochure she had in her files from the 1970’s and remarked on the parallels of the Earth Day launch of EVPV. Emily Read shared how her children enjoyed being a part of the solar charging station launch, what they learned by participating, and how great it was for them to have the opportunity to see the types of vehicles that they will likely use in the future and thanked the Library for the great event.
Consent Calendar: Motion by Ketch, seconded by Perry; unanimously approved with updates to Friends of Library items reported by Perry as noted below
- Building Expansion – Minutes 4/11/2018
- Community Relations/Development – no meeting
- Finance/Investment – no meetingPersonnel, Nominating, Governance – Minutes 4/5/2108, 4/11/2018
- Friends of the Scarborough Library (FOSL)Liaison – Perry reported that Ellen Detlefsen has joined the FOSL board. FOSL has purchased aprons for the book sale to help patrons distinguish members. The annual spring social on May 1 to feature speaker Bruce Robert Coffin.
Unfinished Business:
Update on Solar project and EV charging station-Library Director - The first car was charged on April 23. The Library will be added to apps that show people where our charging unit is located. As anticipated, questions were raised by the community asking who paid for the charging station. Nancy’s been asked to draft a reply. The Library raised the money. There is money left in the budget for additional signage. The charger structure and solar panels are tied into the roof panels to reduce costs. The power on the roof is anticipated to generate 20% of the building’s power. Roof power is not live while awaiting a part. There will be a FAQ sheet about EVPV on the Library’s website and it will be updated accordingly.
Review of Council Workshop – Trustees felt the Director’s presentation was well received by Council with good questions asked. Janak commended Kupel on his remarks on the survey.
Presentation and approval of policy revisions – PNG committee - Motion to table to next meeting
Motion - Second reading - to approve the review and revisions of the following policies:
Policy for the Evaluation of the Library Director
Technology Committee description
Nancy commended the committee for their hard work. Dowd reviewed the changes in each policy with board. Motion to approve second reading made by Ward, seconded by Helms unanimously approved with no discussion.
Update on Staff Appreciation Event on Monday, May 7 - Ward sent the final list to board members and all is set for the event. Approximately 36 people expected with staff and board members.
Review of Budget Presentation (April 26 to Town Council Finance Committee) - Onorato and Crowell attended the workshop. Onorato reported it went well over all. Councilor Hayes questioned the $100K CIP request and why it is in the budget. Good support from Councilors Babine and Donovan. Councilor Babine recommended this budget request to be a priority as the Library has waited for a turn for several years. Nancy is prepared to address the concerns raised by Councilor Hayes. There were no real questions on the operating budget. The $6K line item (personnel) is going towards benefits. Nancy is working with the Town’s HR director to try and address this and get benefits cost lowered to help staff. Question to Nancy asking if there are any funds available in another account that could be used for planning studies. Another question raised regarding how did the Public Safety department fund these studies? Nancy explained that they had been putting funds aside from various sources over a number of years. Nancy explained that if the $100K is not funded and we have to do the fundraising for the funds, it will take a lot of staff time. It will take the wind out the sails with other fundraising. It will divert energy and will delay work that needs to be done.
Review and acceptance of Internet Blocking Parameters - Tom Corbett - This agenda item was tabled and deferred to the May 2018 meeting.
New Business:
Review of Board Self-Assessment procedure - Dowd reviewed the email sent to Trustees. Feedback from new members will be used to make changes for future assessments
Review of Director’s Evaluation procedure - Envelopes will be distributed to trustees on May 7.
Nomination for Trustees to be elected for next term - This item will be held until the May meeting. Two applications have been sent out. One has been returned. Read has termed out and her seat will need to be filled. McKelvy’s vacated position plus one other vacancy during the 2017/2018 fiscal year need to be filled as well. A prospect list has been created and members were asked to be thinking of potential board members. Individuals with skills relevant to building planning, construction and fundraising would be helpful as the board moves forward with Library expansion plans.
Items for next agenda:
- Policy review/updates from the PNG committee (first and second reading with motion)
- Review and acceptance of Internet Blocking Parameters (annual action item)
- Filtering
- Formal nomination of officers
- Board self-assessment discussion
- Budget Update
Adjournment - Motion to adjourn by Read; seconded by Hatem. Meeting adjourned 7:49pm. Next meeting is May 17.
Respectfully submitted,
Ginny Ketch, Secretary
Meeting Date
April 26, 2018
6:30 PM
Meeting called to order
Adoption of Minutes, March 15, 2018
Treasurer’s Report
Library Director’s Report
Town Councilor’s Remarks
President’s Remarks
Mission Moment
Consent Calendar:
Building Expansion – Minutes 4/11/18
Community Relations/Development – no meeting
Finance/Investment – no meeting
Personnel, Nominating, Governance – Minutes 4/5/2018, 4/11/2018
Friends of the Library Liaison –
Unfinished Business:
Update on Solar project and EV charging station - Library Director
Review of Council Workshop
Presentation and approval of policy revisions – PNG committee
Motion – Second reading - to approve the review and revisions of the following policies:
Policy for the Evaluation of the Library Director
Technology Committee description
Update on Staff Appreciation event on Monday, May 7
Review of Budget Presentation
Review and acceptance of Internet Blocking Parameters (annual action item) – Tom Corbett
New Business:
Review of Board Self-Assessment procedure
Review of Director’s Evaluation procedure
Nominations for Trustees to be elected for next term
Items for next agenda:
Trustee Comments