September 22, 2021

4:30 PM - Video Conference


Attendees: Susan Powell, Jim Kupel, Anne Janak, Joyce Clark, Emily Ward, Lenore Rapkin, Allen Paul, David Dittmer, Ellen Detlefsen, Catherine Morrison, Asst. Director, Nancy Crowell, Library Director


Meeting called to order by Susan Powell, Vice President at 4:30 PM.


Adoption of Minutes, June 17, 2021

Motion to adopt minutes made by Anne Janak and seconded by Allen Paul. Motion passed unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report - Filed for Audit

Library Director’s Report

  1. Report filed as part of board packet
  2. The Adult Services Assistant , Hailie Posey has been hired.

Town Councilor’s Remarks - Jon Anderson is communicating with the Library to include Library in the fall Town Survey. Lucy Jackson Norvell will be working with Allison Carrier on Survey.

President’s Remarks - Update on status of Bill Donovan and Nancy Crowell


Consent Calendar:

Board Retreat - minutes 8/19/2021,

Board Retreat Addendum - minutes 8/25/2021

Board Retreat Notes, Simons Architects - 8/19/2021

Building Expansion Committee - 8/2/2021

Community Relations Development Committee - minutes 9/9/2021

Personnel, Nominating, Governance, Committee - N/A

FOSL Board minutes - 8/12/2021

Motion to adopt Consent Calendar made by Ellen Detlefsen and seconded by David Dittmer. Motion passed unanimously


Unfinished Business:

  1. Review of August retreat - No comments or questions
  2. Discussion on next steps in building design work. - Discussion pending. Waiting for completion of Feasibility Study by Demont Associates
  3. Fundraising Feasibility Study - Forty-six (46) people have been interviewed. Three (3) interviewees to be scheduled. One (1) interviewee pending. The report will be completed in October and presented at the October SPL Board of Trustee meeting.
  4. COVID Protocols update - Masks were reinstated August 30, 2021
  5. Discussion on formation of Citizen Campaign Committee and PAC - Not yet developed.
  6. Revisions to Executive Summary - MOTION - Motion to adopt the Executive Summary Revision made by Lenore Rapkin and seconded by Susan Powell. Motion approved unanimously.


New Business No new business


Items for Next Agenda – Citizen Campaign Committee and PAC

Feasibility Study

Trustee Comments:

  1. Allen Paul attended the SEDCO meeting and learned that SEDCO intends to send memo urging residents to vote for the Library expansion.
  2. Emily Ward stated a thank-you for the Zoom (Video) meetings. She also commented that the Perpetual Calendar needs to be updated.
  3. Joyce Clark commented on the outcome of the Friends of the Library Book Sale, which wasn’t as successful as those in the past because of location, and commented on the valuable work done by the Public Works staff to set up and take down tables at the completion of the sale, and to move books from the Public Works Building.


Adjournment - There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Lenore Rapkin, seconded by Ellen Detlefsen. Motion was unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 PM.


Respectfully Submitted,

Anne K. Janak, Secretary Pro Tem

Meeting Date