March 15, 2018



March 15, 2018


Meeting called to order 6:32pm by Vice President Peter Hatem chairing meeting in President’s absence

Attending:  Peter Hatem, Carl Helms, Emily Ward, Bill Onorato, Jim Kupel, Ginny Ketch, Emily Read, Betty Perry, MaryAustin Dowd, Nancy Crowell, Library Director, Catherine Morrison, Assistant Director & Adult Services Manager

Absent: Anne Janak, Nick McKelvy

Adoption of Minutes, February 15, 2018- Correction noted by Ward; Motion to accept as corrected by Helms;  seconded by Ketch; unanimously approved without further discussion.

Treasurer’s Report - Filed for Audit

Library Director’s Report - Question regarding online magazines and how far back issues go. Catherine Morrison commented that the Scarborough Public Library(SPL) can now track what users are reading and have statistical information.  Nancy remarked on the concerns regarding the petitioners who were outside of the Library soliciting signatures for the recall vote in the community. Both Nancy and the Town Manager received calls in reference to the placement of the petitioners and what are the rules regarding political solicitation.  The Town’s response (short answer) is it is not prohibited. Nancy read the Town Manager’s response to the board. The PNG committee previously reviewed this. 

Town Councilor’s Remarks - Shawn stated everyone is watching and waiting on the budget.  Good news from the state that reimbursement for special education increased.  There will be a revaluation of commercial property in 2018.  The tax rate is expected to go down as a result of the revaluation.  Residential property will be revalued after the commercial property process is completed.  The legislative ballot for November is set with Senator Volk running for re-election and Linda Sanborn opposing.  Representative Sirocki has termed out and Councilor Caiazzo will be running for the seat against Blake Reed.  In District 29 Representative Vachon is seeking re-election and Shawn Babine is running against her. 

President’s Remarks: None

Mission Moment - Betty Perry shared her pleasure with being able to obtain all the books required for her OLLI class either directly from the SPL collections or via Minerva.  She finds this to be extra nice as there were 40 authors.  SPL became a place to meet people through the Friends of Scarborough Library (FOSL), programming, being on the Board, and how important it was and continues to be to her.

Consent Calendar:  Motion by Dowd, seconded by Read; unanimously approved with no discussion

Building Expansion – Meeting cancelled due to weather            

Community Relations/Development – 2/5/2018 & 3/5/2018 minutes

Finance/Investment – 2/26/2018 no minutes (budget and policy reviews)

Personnel, Nominating, Governance –Meeting cancelled due to weather

Friends of the Library Liaison –  3/8/2018 Meeting cancelled due to weather

Unfinished Business:

Update on Solar project and EV charging station-Library Director - Updates noted in Library Director’s report. The ribbon “wire” cutting will take place at 1pm on Earth Day, Sunday, April 22.  Event will run from 12-3pm and will feature live bluegrass music.  There will be electric cars on display.

Presentation of community survey – Jim Kupel - 606 surveys were completed out of the 741 started.  Jim reviewed the slides and highlighted key points.  Question raised regarding “Completely Disagree” and any explanations why and the themes that emerged from the verbatims.  It was noted that space and programs were referenced a great deal.  Jim asked fellow trustees to think about which slides we wish to use at the Town Council Workshop. 

Discussion on talking points for Council Workshop – Scheduled for April 4 6pm, Council Chambers.  All trustees are expected to be in attendance. The workshops are televised.  The community survey will be included.  The presentation will discuss the budget process, successes resulting from the strategic plan, and will include pictures and infographics. Jim Kupel will report on the survey and answer technical questions that may arise.  Councilor Babine suggested that we have a breakdown by age group on the neutral and below percentages regarding the agree/disagree question regarding the Library needing more space to accommodate the needs of different groups within the town. 

Presentation and approval of policy revisions – PNG committee - Motion to table to next meeting

Motion - Second reading - to approve the review and revisions of the following policies:          

            Policy for the Evaluation of the Library Director

            Technology Committee description

Motion made by Ketch, seconded by Perry with all in favor.

Update on Staff Appreciation Event on Monday, May 7 - Anne Janak will help Emily Ward.  A list was circulated for trustees to sign up along with a sample invitation.  Emily will email list to board and do a reminder prior to event. 

New Business:

Review of FY2019 budget submission Nancy presented trustees with the budget package submitted to Town Manager, Tom Hall.  Instructions from the Town Manager were to request no greater than a 2% increase.  Nancy was able to accommodate this mandate due to the 2-year previous balance that was carried forward.  She explained to the board that if there’s a balance it has to be audited and then used the following year. The carry forward was a result of non-fixed budget amounts due to utility fluctuations, fiscal conservation, and salary savings due to staff changes. Nancy did a line by line review of the budget and pointed out the area with the highest increase is the New Hires PT or FT line which includes payroll taxes in addition to wages.  Nancy discussed the issue of the medical insurance package costs and the issue of losing staff due to not being able to have health insurance coverage since the position was part-time and the possible need to use the dollars in this line item to cover costs.  The budget review included budget drivers, program drivers and a summary of the Library with success and accomplishments in 2017-2018 along with goals for 2018-2019.  The budget review also included the capital projects request and rationale.  Nancy explained how the building expansion costs were derived, how fundraising will fit into this process and the costs necessary to prepare for a November 2020 referendum.

Review and acceptance of Internet Blocking Parameters - Tom Corbett - This agenda item was tabled and deferred to the April 2018 meeting.

Other Items

  • The board was informed that fellow trustee, Nick McKelvy, tendered his resignation from the board.  The board regretfully accepted his resignation.
  • The April meeting scheduled for April 19 is during school vacation was moved to April 26, 2018.

Items for next agenda:

  • Review and acceptance of Internet Blocking Parameters (annual action item)
  • Staff Appreciation Event Update
  • Board nominations/elections
  • Board self-assessment
  • New board member prospects

Adjournment - Meeting adjourned 8:11pm

Respectfully submitted,

Ginny Ketch, Secretary


Meeting Date

March 15, 2018
6:30 PM
Meeting called to order
Adoption of Minutes, February 15, 2018
Treasurer’s Report
Library Director’s Report
Town Councilor’s Remarks
President’s Remarks
Mission Moment – Betty Perry
Consent Calendar:     
Building Expansion – Meeting cancelled due to weather            
Community Relations/Development – 2/5/2018 minutes (3/5/2018 minutes pending)
Finance/Investment – 2/26/2018 no minutes (budget and policy reviews)
Personnel, Nominating, Governance – Meeting cancelled due to weathe
Friends of the Library Liaison –  3/8/2018 Meeting cancelled due to weather
Unfinished Business:
Update on Solar project and EV charging station - Library Director
Presentation of community survey – Jim Kupel
Discussion on talking points for Council Workshop – Scheduled for April 4
Presentation and approval of policy revisions – PNG committee-Motion to Table to next meeting
Motion – Second reading - to approve the review and revisions of the following policies:
                        Policy for the Evaluation of the Library Director
                        Technology Committee description
Update on Staff Appreciation event on Monday, May 7
New Business:
Review of FY2019 budget submission
Review and acceptance of Internet Blocking Parameters (annual action item) – Tom Corbett
Items for next agenda:
Trustee Comments