October 21, 2021


Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees 

October 21, 2021   4:30 PM - Video Conference 


Attendees: Susan Powell (in the Chair), Anne Janak, Joyce Clark, Emily Ward, Lenore Rapkin, Allen Paul, David Dittmer, Judy Johnson, Jon Anderson,  Ellen Detlefsen, Bill Donovan, Catherine Morrison, Asst. Director, Nancy Crowell, Library Director 

Absent:  Jim Kupel. 

Meeting called to order by Susan Powell, Vice President at 4:32 PM. 

Auditor’s Report 

Susan welcomed Dave Shorette, of Purdy Powers, who presented highlights of the recent Audit Report. 

The library broke even over the past year, between our investments and the loan assistance received during the pandemic. 

$1.1 M. that is not tied up in fixed assets, equal to 10 months of funds being set aside. 

Information that will be useful for donors: allocation of funds:  83% goes to programs, 16% to general management, and 1% to fund raising. 

General comments: Mr. Shorette suggested that Nancy should not be signing her own cheques.  It is customary for either the Chairman of the Board or the Treasurer who signs cheques to the Director. Nancy noted that the bookkeeper sees all cheques before they go out.     

Adoption of Minutes, Sept. 22, 2021. 

Motion to adopt minutes made by Bill Donovan and seconded by Judy Johnson. Motion passed unanimously. 

Treasurer's Report  - Our income was right on budget ($40 over) and expenses were down $15,000 under budget. Because of some investment depreciation that wasn’t in the budget we ended up $41,000 under the budget.  Our total Liabiliies and Equity is $1,686,000.. 

Motion to accept Treasurer’s report made by Bill Donovan and Anne Janak. Motion passed unanimously. 

Library Director's Report - No discussion on the report.   

Town Councilor's Remarks –  

Jon reminded everyone to vote. There are 3 candidates for 3 seats on the Town Council; 4 candidates for 3 seats on the School Board; and 2 ballot initiatives:  $1.1 M for track and turf; and funding for a fire truck replacement. 

Ongoing conversations about using TIF to help fund economic development initiatives in Scarborough (Tax Increment Financing, in which the interest on a bond might be partly paid for by this type of financing).  Potentially the Library could benefit in that at least part of the interest due on the bond would not be paid by taxpayers. 

The Community Survey was sent out to 4,000 homes and answers to questions regarding the Library will be relayed to the Library, hopefully in time for the December meeting.  

The Downtown Committee has issued its final report. Questions about lack of analysis re relocating the Library to the Downs. We need to meet with the Council to ensure they understand the scope of our project.  

Talk of Sedco actively supporting of the expansion is uncertain.   

Jon is doubtful that the Council, if asked today, would agree to our going to referendum, there is too much going in the Town. 

Jon will speak to the Chair of the Council to try to schedule a workshop, possibly by the end of November. 

School consolidation not far enough along in their planning to engage the Council.  There is still the question of whether or not a consolidation is the right way to proceed.   

Allen and Judy both commented that not enough residents are aware of our many services, and we need to do more to publicize them. 

When we meet with the Council we can use the latest cost estimate that we have, even though it is just an estimate. Jon warned that there will be questions about fund raising and the question of using taxpayers’ money in a community with so many wealthy residents. Nancy reminded us that this is an opportunity to make this a community endeavor rather than just a municipal project. 

President's Remarks – Bill thanked Susan for carrying the load during his illness. He plans to resume his activities in November. 

Susan reported that we have 2 vacancies on the Board, and asked members to forward names of possible candidates to Emily. 

All reports and agenda items are to be submitted one week prior to the meeting date. 

Consent Calendar: 

Building Expansion Committee -No meeting 

Community Relations/Development Committee -Minutes 10/4/2021  

Personnel, Nominating, Governance Committee -Minutes 9/23, 10/7/2021  

FOSL Board-Meeting report 9/30/2021 

Motion to adopt Consent Calendar made by Bill Donovan and seconded by Ellen Detlefsen. Motion passed unanimously


Unfinished Business: 

Discussion on next steps in building design work:  

Susan: Simons’ bill of $150,000 to continue to the next phase has been paid.  Susan, Bill, Nancy, and Catherine met with two of the architects and some Library staff members.  A very constructive meeting. 

Catherine reported that the discussion in her group, about the meeting space, found the meeting room too small and suggest perhaps combining it with the maker space. 

Susan found there to be more enthusiasm from the staff for the new 2 story plan than for the earlier, smaller one level expansion.

Fundraising Feasibility Study - Status report:  Susan: 

Demont has interviewed 50 people and will meet with the Oversight Committee next week to make a plan.  They will call a special meeting with this Board in the coming weeks.  They are ready to move by January but we do not yet have a contract with them, but Bill recommended that we continue with them.   

Discussion on formation of Citizen Campaign Committee and PAC:   

Nancy asked or our permission for her to contact Every Library, an organization that assists libraries with campaigns etc.  Nancy will proceed with this.  

New Business  

A vote was taken to accept the resignation of Kathie Billings.  Moved by Anne Janak, seconded by Allen Paul.  Motion passed unanimously. 

A vote was taken to elect Lenore Rapkin as secretary of the Board.  Moved by Allen Paul, seconded by Judy Johnson.  Motion passed, 10 yeas, 1 abstention.  

Trustee Comments: 

Allen asked Nancy to give Tom a push on their project. 

Susan thanked Allen for working to help Tom update the library policies on the website. 

Adjournment - There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Allen Paul, seconded by Bill Donovan.  Motion was unanimously approved.  The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m. 


Respectfully submitted, 

Lenore Rapkin, Secretary 



Meeting Date