Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees
November 17, 2022
4:30 p.m.  

Attendees:  Bill Donovan, Susan Powell, Allen Paul, Dave Dittmer, Judy Johnson, Ellen Detlefsen, Anne Janak, Jim Kupel, Kim Corthell, Peter Freilinger, Barbara Kapp, Lenore Rapkin, Catherine Morrison (Ass’t. Director), Nancy Crowell (Director). 
Guest:  David Shorette, of Purdy Powers.
Absent:  Jon Anderson.

The meeting was called to order at 4:31 by the President, Bill Donovan

Presentation of the Financial Statement, FY2022
David Shorette presented the results of the firm’s recent audit.  Once again, our finances are in excellent shape. We had a significant increase in assets this year, largely due to the PPE loan, employee retention tax credit, and significant contributions in connection with the expansion project. Due to the economy, we had a drop in investments (an unrealized loss). The value of property and equipment rose slightly.

Promises to give under certain conditions are only recorded when the condition is met.
More detailed information about some of these numbers is contained in the various footnotes in the Auditor’s Report.
We have minimal liabilities.

Our equity includes books and other infrastructure. This equity is separate from any arrangement with the Town of Scarborough, and the ratio of assets to liabilities is very healthy, easily funding a year of operations.
It was determined that 77% of our revenue is spent on programming, A long discussion ensued as to what expenditures get lumped into programming as opposed to management, not always a clear distinction.
Our net revenue was $595,000, our net income over expenditures is $517,000.

Mr. Shorette left the meeting at 5:10.

Adoption of the Minutes of October 20, 2022:   Motion to adopt made by Ellen Detlefsen, seconded by Allen Paul, carried unanimously.  

Treasurer’s Report:  Dave reported that our income was right on budget, our expenses about $30,000 under budget, and our other income increased this month.  We came out in the black, as per budget.  Peter asked how we would be affected by inflation, and Nancy replied that it would hit us.  She also mentioned repairs that will now have to be attended to, probably over the next several months.  However, health insurance only went up 4.5 percent.  We do not have anyone to remove snow, and hope we can count on the Town for help, but staffing shortages are affecting everyone.  A motion was made to file for audit by Allen Paul and seconded by Peter Freilinger, carried unanimously.   

Library Director’s Report:  Nancy had nothing to add to her report.  Regrets were expressed on the news that Lucy Jackson Norvell will be leaving the Library in early December.

Town Councilor’s Remarks:   In Jon’s absence there was no report.

President’s Remarks:  Bill reported that Jon has just been elected the new Chair of the Town Council for a one-year term.  We don’t know what that means in terms of his continuing to represent the Council on our Board.  Don Hamill is the new Vice-Chair.  We should expect a review of capital projects/expenses.  The School Board is pushing to be on the November 2023 ballot, but 2024 is more realistic.  Bill also remarked that the School Board gave an excellent presentation to the Council.
Consent Calendar:  Motion to accept made by Anne Janak, seconded by Susan Powell, carried unanimously.

Unfinished Business
Building Project – Discussion of next steps: we began with a general postmortem of our loss at the ballot box. Was the proposed expansion too large, was it the present economy, were voters put off by the possibility of other large capital expenditures in the near future (the school project, a community center); was the opposition just too vocal and too tough to beat, or was it a general opposition in the Town of Scarborough to any and all capital improvements? We can expect a lot of discussion of public spaces in the Town in the near future.  In the meantime, we need to regroup because increased staff space is a pressing need, so we need to look for creative solutions in the short term. But now we need to celebrate the work of the Board, the volunteers, all of whom were top notch, and the great staff input. Most importantly, we maintained our integrity.

A general discussion followed with individual members asking about our options going forward and/or suggesting ways to move on, including the possibility of looking into the idea of modular expansion. And we need to look into ways in which we can use the Impact Fund, as it will be 5 to 10 years before we could ever have another run at going for bonding.

One interesting idea that was mentioned was to look at cooperation with a projected community center, the possibility of shared space, for example. And we need to consider what we might be able to achieve with a much scaled back expansion. Should we possibly talk to Simon Associates to look at alternatives for us?

Along the way the Board acknowledged the tireless effort put forth by Nancy, Susan, and Bill; in turn Bill acknowledged that this was a group effort and we should all be recognized for our support.

New Business
Consideration of Patron’s appeal of Library Director’s decision – Recommendation following review by PNG committee:  the letter that has been drafted expressed a good and responsible review of the justification for the book being in a public library collection. The issue for us is not about the book but about our policy of supporting our professional staff, acting in their professional capacity. Public libraries offer free access to information.
A motion was made by Judy Johnson to accept the amended version of the letter drafted by the PNG Committee once typos had been corrected. It was seconded by Ellen Detlefsen and carried unanimously.
Nancy added that this has never happened before and that the staff was very appreciative of how seriously the committee took the issue.

Request for Library holiday schedule adjustment – Library Staff:
Catherine spoke on behalf of the library staff and explained that because both Christmas and New Year’s Day fall on Sunday this year, a day we are normally closed, staff members would end up with no holiday marking the days. She asked that we grant the staff a paid holiday on Monday, December 26th, and Monday, January 2nd, in line with the federal policy of observing Sunday holidays on the following day. She also requested that the Library close at 5:00 p.m. the day before Thanksgiving. After some clarification, a motion was made by Ellen Detlefsen, seconded by Allen Paul, to close the Library this year on both December 26th and January 2nd, as well as to have the Library close at 5:00 p.m. the day prior to Thanksgiving. The motion carried unanimously.

Items for the Next Agenda: 
Building expansion status; Possible motion on First Amendment Policy

Trustee Comments:  
Kim wondered to what extent she can share our business with the Friends of the Library. Bill noted that as a 501c3 our business is a matter of public record.

Peter felt that we need to address the issue of fund raising at a meeting in the near future.

Nancy announced that John Lanham will have a report for us to see fairly soon; and we hope to fund a new half time person for development. Susan commented that this half time person would also be involved in beefing up the annual fund.

Anne noted that the First Amendment issue will be presented to the PNG Committee.

Kim said that because the Friends are no longer doing their major book sale, replacing it at the moment with periodic smaller events, they are going to have a strategy meeting to discuss avenues for fund raising. They’re being more selective in the books they accept because there is no place to store them.

Allen reminded the PNG Committee that there is an ongoing need to review Library policies.

There being no further business, Peter Freilinger moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Allen Paul. The meeting was adjourned at 6:26 p.m. 
Respectfully submitted,
Lenore Rapkin, Secretary

Meeting Date