Meeting Minutes
November 19, 2020
Video Conference
Attendees: Nancy Crowell, Library Director, Catherine Morrison, Asst. Library Director, Bill Donovan, President, Susan Powell, Judy Johnson, Peter Hatem, Emily Ward, Bill Onorato, Lenore Rapkin, Anne Janak, Jon Anderson, Town Council Liaison, Joyce Clark, FOSL Liaison
Call to Order:
Meeting called to order by Bill Donovan, President at 4:30 PM.
He introduced Jon Anderson, the new Town Council Liaison to the Library Board.
Adoption of Minutes:
Susan Powell moved and Lenore Rapkin seconded the motion to to accept the minutes of the October 15, 2020 minutes. Motion approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Susan Powell asked about activity using the PPP. The PPP kept the library afloat during the pandemic. Bill Donovan recommended the Treasurer’s Report be accepted to file.
Library Director’s Report:
Nancy added one item that wasn’t in the report. The Library received an anonymous gift of $10,000. The Board agreed with the Director’s recommendation that the gift be directed to the Building Expansion Fund.
Town Councilor’s Remarks:
Jon reported that (1) the Town priority is the Comprehensive Plan. Currently there are several dates available to view the virtual presentation of the plan. (2) The Town is considering the purchase of the Masonic Lodge located at Dunstan.
President’s Remarks:
Bill reported on the work being done for the Oversight Plan leading to a Capital Campaign with John Lanham of Demont Associates. Oversight Committee - (see below - unfinished business)
Consent Calendar:
All Committee reports except the second PNG meeting minutes are available. Anne Janak Moved and Emily Ward seconded a motion to accept the Consent Calendar. Motion approved.
Unfinished Business:
- Financial Statement FY 2020 as presented at the October meeting. Peter Hatem moved and Anne Janak seconded a motion to accept the Financial Report. Motion approved.
- Fundraising feasibility - Oversight Committee. The Ad Hoc committee is keeping up to date on the latest reports of a corona virus vaccine and the stock market. The committee is making progress. The goal is to be ready to request that the Town Council approve a bond and put a referendum on the ballot next November. It will be necessary to be able to project the amounts the Library can raise in a Capital Campaign.
- The new state Earned Paid Leave bill has implications for part-time staff benefits. Library Director will present amended policy at December meeting for Board vote.
- Report of Finance and Investment Committee on preferences for funding expansion design and other associated project costs. The Committee met with an advisor at Biddeford Savings Bank on October 29, 2020 about a loan and necessary collateral.
MOTION: - Authorize Board President or Treasurer to sign a line of credit contract with Biddeford Savings Institution for an amount not to exceed 65% of investment portfolio (approx. $425,000) which is being used as collateral. LOC is to be used solely for the purpose of expansion planning and related costs.
Peter Hatem moved and Susan Powell seconded that the motion be accepted as written. Motion approved. Bill Onorato will continue the negotiations on behalf of the Corporation.
- Discussion on formation of Citizen Campaign and PAC (Political Action Committee).
Tabled until the December meeting. Activation expected by January 2021.
New Business:
- Investment Committee Report - No further action.
- Payroll Protection Report (PPP) - the application for loan forgiveness $184,300 has been submitted.
- Nancy requested that the Library close December 26 and Saturday January 2. Employees regularly scheduled for those dates will be on paid holiday time.
MOTION: The Library will be closed December 26 and January 2. Employees scheduled to work those dates will be paid holiday time.
Peter Hatem moved and Lenore Rapkin seconded the motion. Motion approved.
Items for next agenda
Earned Pay Leave Bill
Motion to Adjourn:
There being no further business, Susan moved and Anne seconded the motion. Motion approved The meeting adjourned at 5:30 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Anne K. Janak , Secretary Pro Tem for Audra Sinclair