January 19, 2017
6:30 PM
Attendees: Emily Read, Carl Helms, Kevin Carbin Jr, Nick McKelvy, Bill Onorato, Dan Dougherty, Carl Helms, Anne Janak, Ginny Ketch, Nancy Crowell, Catherine Morrison
Meeting called to order
Recognition of Nancy for being selected as the recipient of the Great Person Award
Adoption of Minutes- November 17, 2016- approved
Treasurer’s Report- filed for audit
Library Director’s Report- accepted
Friends of the Library Report – accepted as written
Town Councilor’s Remarks- not in attendance
President’s Remarks-congratulations to Nancy
Consent Calendar: accepted as written
Unfinished Business:
Proposal on solar panels and Power Purchase Agreement
- waiting for town sustainability person and possibility of inclusion on town CIP budget
Work Plan and new committee structure- Review-
- Trustees to log on to google drive to access documents
- next review will be completed with hard copies of the plan at Trustee meeting
Strategic Plan Review- No updates at this time, review for next meeting
New Business:
Nomination of Robin Rubinstein to fill unexpired term expiring in June 2018-
- Unanimously accepted
Affirmation of email approval of $5000 contribution towards a municipal campus master plan
- Funds to be drawn from Building Expansion account--Unanimously approved
Presentation of policy updates by Personnel, Nominating, Governance Committee-
- Policy pertaining to Appeals- Approved
- Policy on Library Behavior- Approved
- Retirement of Policy regarding Cell Phone Usage (now included under behavior) - Approved
Items for next agenda on February 16th
- Solar Panels and Power Purchase Agreement
- Strategic Planning Review
Submitted by Dan Dougherty, Secretary