May 20, 2021
4:30 PM – Video Conference

Attendees: Audra Sinclair, Bill Donovan, Emily Ward, Judy Johnson, Allen Paul, Nancy Crowell Director of the Scarborough Library, Lenore Rapkin, Ellen Detlefsen, Joyce Clark, Susan Powell, Lucy Norvell, Jon Anderson, Peter Hatem, Catherine Morrison, Asst. Director of the Scarborough Library, Jim Kupel, Anne Janak, Kathy Billings, Dave Dittmer

Guests from Simons Architects: Austin Smith and Kayla Caron 

Meeting called to order at 4:32PM by Bill Donovan

Adoption of Minutes, April 15, 2021
Treasurer’s Report – Submitted via email

Library Director’s Report
    We were given a donation to purchase a GoPro for the virtual maker space

Town Councilor’s Remarks
•    May 19th was final budget committee 
•    There were no changes to what Nancy proposed made at the meeting 
•    New reserve fund was created from surplus excise tax and if all goes as currently planned the library expansion work will be funded through this 

President’s Remarks – reserved for later 

Motion to adopt minutes made by Judy Johnson and seconded by Lenore Rapkin. Motion passed unanimously.

Consent Calendar:    

  • Building Expansion Committee 5/10/2021, 5/11/21 Memo: Donovan
  • Community Relations/Development Committee report, no meeting
  • Investment/Finance Committee, 4/26/21
  • Personnel, Nominating, Governance Committee 5/6/2021
  • FOSL Board – Report sent via email on 4/20/21

Motion to adopt calendar made by Susan Powell and seconded by Emily Ward. Motion passed unanimously.
Unfinished Business:    

Report on comparative review of potential library locations – Austin Smith and Kayla Caron, Simons Architects

  • Report submitted by Simons Architects that included a review and a scoring system on the four proposed sites
  • Based on their report the existing site has emerged as the preferred site 
  • A second floor was investigated and provided for analysis 
  • In the scoring for the tennis court location, they included the idea that the town would recoup the existing building for other purposes
  • For the tennis courts they identified the adjacency to the sports clubs as a significant negative in addition to some permitting problems because of the DEP restrictions on the campus as a whole
  • The relocation costs of the library were not included in the estimates and if we use the existing site, we will have the cost of relocating during renovation
  • All costs are including of ADA accessibility costs
  • The 30,000 sq ft proposal maxes out the current site but it is also in the lower range of square footage for towns of this size. 
  • We are conscious of being a good neighbor to our Green Needle Drive residents and need to consider how much impervious surface we create by expanding on one floor
  • If we move to 2 floors, we could be better neighbors and would have some challenges in working across multiple stories that could be overcome.  Biggest issue in moving to a 2 story is how we match a one-story building into a 2-story
  • All library board members weighed in with thoughts on the potential scenarios with a consensus growing around the 34 or 36K two story solution in its current location.

Report on land acknowledgement sub-committee work – Judy Johnson

Motion to endorse the Land Acknowledgement statement and post it publicly in the building and on the Library’s website made by Jim Kupel and seconded by Anne Janak. Motion passed unanimously.

Ratify the e-vote electing David Dittmer to the Library Board for an unexpired term ending June 2022 and to the office of Treasurer.

Motion to Ratify the e-vote electing David Dittmer to the Library Board for an unexpired term ending June 2022 and to the office of Treasurer. Motion made by Jim Kupel and seconded by Anne Janak. Motion passed unanimously.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Election of candidates for Board upcoming vacancies, FY2022 – PNG, Emily Ward

Motion to go into Executive Session made by Anne Janak and Susan Powell. Motion passed unanimously. 

Motion to move to vote on nominees to the Board of Trustees made by Emily Ward and Susan Powell. Motion passed unanimously. 

Motion to approve election of Ellen Detlefsen, Allen Paul and Katherine Billings and approve the extension of Bill Donovan and Emily Ward for 3 additional years made by Bill Donovan and seconded by Anne Janak.  Motion passed unanimously.

Return from Executive Session.

New Business:

Report from Library Director on change in schedule for summer.

COVID protocols update

  • Provided in Nancy’s library director report
  • Nancy will be making final wording and decisions and will notify the public ahead of March 24th

Library Directors Evaluation

  • We will be going back to a paper format due to the lateness of the Survey Monkey Test
  • Goals for 2020 are pending and Bill and Nancy will be working on those so we can include them in the Library Directors Evaluation

Items for next agenda:

  • Discussion on formation of Citizen Campaign Committee and PAC (table to June meeting)
  • Fundraising Feasibility Study – Status report – Bill Donovan – Deferred
  • Report on Council review of FY2022 Budget – Library Director - Deferred

Motion to adjourn made by Peter Hatem and seconded by Susan Powell.  Motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned by Bill Donovan at 6:43 PM. 

Recorded by Audra Sinclair, Secretary


Meeting Date