The links below will help you learn the preparedness strategies that are common to all disasters. Information provided will inform you about hazards and emergencies and how they may affect you and your family. You will find information to help you develop an emergency plan, assemble a disaster kit, learn how and where to seek shelter and also identify community warning systems and evacuation routes. These links provide emergency planning templates and checklists and can help you develop a plan that you can maintain and practice.
The web sites also provide information about how to recover from a disaster. Specifically, how to aid the injured while providing for the health and safety of your family. The website's provide information on the do’s and don’t’s you will need to know before entering your house after a disaster and how to seek disaster assistance. The sites also provide information on how to recognize signs of disaster-related stress and how to help children cope with a disaster. We would encourage you to use these sites in preparing your plan and your ReadyKit. If you own a business or are a community organization, the sites provide information on how to plan and prepare for the worst.
- American Psychological Association
Tips to strengthen your emotional well-being before the arrival of a hurricane - American Red Cross
Steps you Can Take to Prepare - FEMA
Hurricane Preparedness from (PDF 27KB, TXT 6KB)
The Disaster Declaration Process (PDF 278KB, TXT 6KB)
Hurricane Season and Flooding (PDF 278KB, TXT 4KB)
Inland Flooding (PDF 30KB, TXT 4KB)
Preparing for Your Pets (PDF 30KB, TXT 7KB)
Use of Social Media Tools (PDF 106KB, TXT 12KB)