Upcoming Events

  • Minutes



    January 19, 2017

    6:30 PM

    Attendees: Emily Read, Carl Helms, Kevin Carbin Jr, Nick McKelvy, Bill Onorato, Dan Dougherty, Carl Helms, Anne Janak, Ginny Ketch, Nancy Crowell, Catherine Morrison

    Meeting called to order

    Recognition of Nancy for being selected as the recipient of the Great Person Award

    Adoption of Minutes- November 17, 2016- approved

    Treasurer’s Report- filed for audit

    Library Director’s Report- accepted

    Friends of the Library Report – accepted as written

    Town Councilor’s Remarks- not in attendance

    President’s Remarks-congratulations to Nancy

    Consent Calendar: accepted as written

    Unfinished Business:

    Proposal on solar panels and Power Purchase Agreement

    • waiting for town sustainability person and possibility of inclusion on town CIP budget

    Work Plan and new committee structure- Review-

    • Trustees to log on to google drive to access documents
    • next review will be completed with hard copies of the plan at Trustee meeting

    Strategic Plan Review- No updates at this time, review for next meeting

    New Business:

    Nomination of Robin Rubinstein to fill unexpired term expiring in June 2018-

    • Unanimously accepted

    Affirmation of email approval of $5000 contribution towards a municipal campus master plan

    • Funds to be drawn from Building Expansion account--Unanimously approved

    Presentation of policy updates by Personnel, Nominating, Governance Committee-

    • Policy pertaining to Appeals- Approved
    • Policy on Library Behavior- Approved
    • Retirement of Policy regarding Cell Phone Usage (now included under behavior) - Approved

    Items for next agenda on February 16th

    • Solar Panels and Power Purchase Agreement
    • Strategic Planning Review

    Submitted by Dan Dougherty, Secretary

    Meeting Date

    Business Meeting and Annual Retreat
    August 10, 2017
    1:00-5:00 PM
    Conference Room, Willowdale Place, 360 US Route 1


    Attendees: Emily Read, Peter Hatem, Nick McKelvy, Bill Onorato, Anne Janak, Ginny Ketch, Dan Dougherty, MaryAustin Dowd, Carl Helms, Jim Kupel. Staff: Nancy Crowell, Celeste Shinay, Catherine Morrison. Guest speakers, Steve Podgajny, Karen Martin.

    Business Meeting: Called to order by Anne Janak, Board Chair, 1:05 PM

    Motion to elect Jim Kupel to the Board for a full term to expire 2020. Unanimous approval.

    An application for board membership from Emily Ward was presented and referred to the PNG committee for interview and review.

    Board members signed Conflict of Interest and Fraud Prevention policies endorsements.

    Business Meeting adjourned 1:20 PM.


    Retreat Presentations and Discussions:

    A webinar on evaluating board readiness for a Capital Campaign was shown.

    Steve Podgajny, retired director of Portland Public Library, reviewed key points presented in the webinar and then offered remarks on his experience with building and capital campaigns while director at Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick and Portland Public Library.

    Karen Martin, Executive Director, SEDCO, led a discussion on the Library’s role in the community and gathered board member responses to questions being used to develop the Town Comprehensive Plan update. Business Meeting and Annual Retreat

    Committee rosters and goals, and the annual workplan were reviewed.


    Meeting adjourned 5:00.


    Recorded by Nancy E. Crowell, Library Director

    Meeting Date



    November 16, 2017

    6:30 PM

    Meeting called to order at 6:30

    Attendees:  Anne Janak, Emily Read, Carl Helms, Peter Hatem, Dan Dougherty, MaryAustin Dowd, Betty Perry, Jim Kupel, Emily Ward, Bill Onorato, Nick McKelvy, Nancy Crowell. Absent:  Ginny Ketch, Shawn Babine

    Adoption of Minutes, October 19, 2017.  Motion by Dowd; Second by Perry, Unanimously approved

    Treasurer’s Report.  Kupel asked for a clarification about periodicity; Crowell explained how annual appeal appears in budget.  Filed for audit.

    Library Director’s Report. Crowell shared In the Know article drafted by Celeste for 11/24 Scarborough Leader.  Crowell noted we are participating in the Maine Shared Collections Cooperative (consortium) for “last copy” of material; we will label books that are last copy in consortium to make sure we retain it.  Maine is only state where public and private/university libraries belong to consortium.  Report accepted as presented. 

    Town Councilor’s Remarks.  No report.

    President’s Remarks.  Noted holidays are here.

    Mission Moment.  Hatem shared Mission Moment.

    Consent Calendar:     

    Building Expansion – 11/8/2017 minutes                      

    Community Relations/Development – 11/6/2017 minutes

    Finance/Investment – no meeting

    Personnel, Nominating, Governance – 11/08/17 minutes

    Friends of the Library Liaison– Annual meeting report

    Motion by Read, Second by Dowd; unanimous vote to accept consent calendar as presented.

    Unfinished Business:

    Update on Solar project and EV charging station-Library Director.  Crowell noted we have raised over 10k for electric vehicle charging station - see Director’s report attached to Agenda.  We are considering adding panels; charger and panels would go in in the Spring.  Need to consider where panels will go.  Crowell will meet with ReVision Energy about options.  Library roof panel contract being developed; Hatem to review.  Likely installed in Spring.

    Review of presence at the polls – Community Relations/Development Committee.  Display was well-received.  Not as many people as it was an off-year election.  Shared information even with library users - common library cards, delivery service, etc. 

    Discussion on next steps for Library following successful passage of Public Safety bond issue. Recommendations from meeting with Gawron/Turgeon Architects - Building Expansion Comm.  Janak stated presentation was very helpful.  We will be receiving information about the ‘Building Program” - layout of library, guiding principles into architectural elements.  See documentation for timelines.  See RFQ.

    Annual Appeal pledge envelopes were distributed to the Board of Trustees; goal is 100% Board support.

    New Business:

    Presentation of the revision of the Policy for Use of Community Information Area by the Personnel, Nominating and Governance Committee:

    Motion: I move that Policy for Use of Community Information Area be amended to streamline the reference to Library endorsement and promote consistent use of “Library.”  Motion submitted by Read; seconded by Helms.  Passed unanimously.

    Thank you to Unum. The Board signed a thank you note to Unum for support during the power outages. 

    Items for next agenda:

    • Workshop with Town Council? Janak suggested per perpetual calendar, schedule workshop with Town Council.  Crowell to check with Town about timing.  Maybe March?
    • Consider Reception for State Legislators?  Or some Board members visit Augusta?
    • Capsule Description to Board?  Very simple paragraph for every position in Library describe duties and education expectations.  Crowell to share in January.
    • Consider Workshop for Elevator Speech

    December Board Meeting -  Motion by Kupel, Second by Perry to cancel meeting; unanimously passed.

    Community Survey - Kupel, Ketch to schedule joint Building Expansion and Community Relations committees to review/review Survey

    Next meeting - January 18.

    Trustee Comments


    Respectfully submitted by Nicholas McKelvy, Co-Secretary

    Meeting Date

    November 16, 2017
    6:30 PM
    Meeting called to order
    Adoption of Minutes, October 19, 2017
    Treasurer’s Report
    Library Director’s Report
    Town Councilor’s Remarks
    President’s Remarks
    Mission Moment
    Consent Calendar:     
    Building Expansion – 11/8/2017 minutes                      
    Community Relations/Development – 11/6/2017 minutes
    Finance/Investment – no meeting
    Personnel, Nominating, Governance – 11/08/17 minutes
    Friends of the Library Liaison – no report – Annual meeting
    Unfinished Business:
    Update on Solar project and EV charging station-Library Director
    Review of presence at the polls – Community Relations/Development Committee
    Discussion on next steps for Library following successful passage of Public Safety bond issue
    Recommendations from meeting with Gawron/Turgeon Architects - Building Expansion Comm.
    New Business:
    Presentation of the revision of the Policy for Use of Community Information Area by the Personnel, Nominating and Governance Committee:
    Motion: I move that Policy for Use of Community Information Area be amended to streamline the reference to Library endorsement and promote consistent use of “Library.”
    Items for next agenda:
    Trustee Comments

  • Meeting Date




    October 18, 2018

    6:30 PM

    Meeting called to order

    Adoption of Minutes, September 20, 2018

    Treasurer’s Report

    Library Director’s Report

    Town Councilor’s Remarks

    President’s Remarks

    Consent Calendar:     

    Building Expansion – Minutes 10/3/2018                      

    Community Relations/Development – Minutes 10/9/2018

    Finance/Investment – Investment report, new business

    Personnel, Nominating, Governance – Minutes 10/4/2018

    Friends of the Library Liaison – Report 10/11/2018

    Unfinished Business:

    Motion: Increase the threshold for checks requiring a second signature from $2,000 to $5,000 and the Finance Committee will give a monthly report on all expenditures greater than $5,000 – Second reading.

    Motion: Approve the Library Director’s Goals for 2018/19 as modified (see PNG report)

    New Business:

    Accept the resignation of Mary Capobianco

    Motion: The Library will close for business on Friday, January 4 to provide time for the entire staff to conduct training and joint projects. (This closing is in lieu of the usual two-day inventory which is authorized in policy.)

    Motion: The Scarborough Public Library Corporation amends the options offered through the Maine Municipal Employees Health Trust by adding the PPO-500 plan to the current POS-C plan, effective with the 2019 plan year.

    Motion: The Scarborough Public Library Board of Trustees authorizes the Building Expansion Committee to: 1) design a Request For Proposal (RFP) for a library consultant to prepare a building program document, 2) solicit responses from local and national professionals 3) review the proposals and references received 4) interview the top three candidates and select a finalist 5) review top three candidates and finalist with the Town Manager or designee, and 6) select a building program consultant.

    Review plans for Library’s table at the polls on November 6 – Development/Community Relations Committee

    Investment Report – Board Treasurer

    Annual Appeal – Reminder of commitment – Development/Community Relations Committee

    Items for next agenda:

    Trustee Comments


  • Kick-off meeting with Simon Architects and the Trustee's Building Committee regarding proposed building schematics for the expansion. Some library staff were also present. These minutes were provided by Simon Architects, who hosted the meeting.


    Meeting Date
  • Meeting with Simon Architects and the Trustee's Building Committee regarding proposed building schematics for the expansion. Some library staff were also present. These minutes were provided by Simon Architects, who hosted the meeting.


    Meeting Date
  • Meeting with Simon Architects and the Trustee's Building Committee regarding proposed building schematics for the expansion. Some library staff were also present. These minutes were provided by Simon Architects, who hosted the meeting.


    Meeting Date
  • Meeting with Simon Architects and the Trustee's Building Committee regarding proposed building schematics for the expansion. Some library staff were also present. These minutes were provided by Simon Architects, who hosted the meeting.


    Meeting Date
  • Meeting with Simon Architects and the Trustee's Building Committee regarding proposed building schematics for the expansion. Some library staff were also present. These minutes were provided by Simon Architects, who hosted the meeting.


    Meeting Date
    April 15, 2021
    4:30 PM – Video Conference

    Attendees: Audra Sinclair, Emily Ward, Lenore Rapkin, Bill Donovan, Nancy Crowell, Library Director, Susan Powell, Joyce Clark, Bill Onorato, Jim Kupel, Catherine Morrison, Asst. Director of the Library, Jon Anderson, Judy Johnson, Peter Hatem, Anne Janak

    Meeting called to order at 4:33PM by Bill Donovan.

    Adoption of Minutes, March 18, 2021
    Motion to adopt minutes made by Anne Janak and seconded by Judy Johnson. Motion passed unanimously.

    Three changes will be made to the minutes from last month.

    • Include the word site to this bullet “The Demont study will be affected by the fact that we aren't yet sure what our options are because we are still exploring “
    • Application was approved - this happened before our last meeting.
    • Strike the last bullet regarding the Potential New Board Members

    Motion to approve amended minutes made by Lenore Rapkin and seconded by Anne Janak. Motion passed unanimously.

    Treasurer’s Report – Filed for Audit

    Library Director’s Report

    • Report filed as part of the board packet
    • Nancy notified the board today that a $10,000 gift was given to the Endowment Fund from the Thomas H. Kraut Estate as part of the 1899 Society

    Town Councilor’s Remarks

    • First reading of the Budget happened 4/14 and passed unanimously 
    • Upcoming Dates:
      • Next week are budget workshops
      • May 5th is Public Hearing of the Budget and all are welcome
      • May 19th Second Read and vote to approve final budget
      • June 15th is the referendum

    Consent Calendar:    

    • Building Expansion Committee Minutes, 4/5/2021
    • Community Relations/Development Committee Minutes, 4/12/21
    • Personnel, Nominating, Governance Committee (Nominations on agenda)
    • FOSL Board Notes, 3/16/21, no meeting this month

    Motion to accept calendar made by Susan Powell and seconded by Lenore Rapkin. Motion passed unanimously.
    Unfinished Business:    
    Report on SA review of library location and tour of Downs Grandstand – Bill D.& Nancy

    • Email sent today from Bill Donovan regarding this topic and includes detailed information.
    • Raised a possibility of expanding our lot past the side parking lot on the way to the Wentworth School.  
    • Austin Smith and Kayla Caron, in discussing their initial impressions of our Downs site visit neither felt the Grandstand would be a good direction for the Library.  Its size, condition, configuration and positioning were all factors. 
    • Discussed with Tom Hall the use of the area where the tennis courts are which sit along Gorham Road. Tom expressed an open mind about the site, indicating the courts were eroding and he expected court facilities to be built at the Downs.
    • We are giving long term consideration to the fact that we have walkability where we are with some low-income communities, and we want to keep our availability to that community. 
    • It’s important to continue to review information from the Downtown Committee as we consider which location we go to as they are generating information that can be valuable.
    • If we were able to go to a new location, we would save about $1M in having to relocated during the renovation. 
    • Simons indicated the study might be done in 3-4 weeks. 

    Fundraising Feasibility Study – Status report – Bill Donovan

    • Awareness Sessions are complete, and Bill Donovan sent a detailed report via email on 4/15/21.
    • We will likely do 1 more awareness session.
    • When the assessment on the other possible locations is finished the Board will vote on the final option. At that time, we will revise our statement of need, if necessary, and resume planning service interviews in May for an early June target to present study findings and recommendations for campaign planning and service. 

    Report on Council review of FY2022 Budget – Library Director

    • We are potentially on the docket for 4/22 
    • Our budget has been submitted. 
    • The council has provided us a set of slides they have asked us to fill in for our presentation. 
    • There may be some trickle down from the federal funds that go to the State Library.

    Report on land acknowledgement sub-committee work – Judy Johnson

    • Land acknowledgement has been sent to the historical society and Emerson (Tad) Baker, professor and student of Native American settlements, for comment.
    • Board has also provided edits.
    • The Wabanaki REACH has not yet sent comments.

    Report on implementation of fine free policy – Library Director

    • We are reading and hearing very pleased reactions from the community.

    Discussion on formation of Citizen Campaign Committee and PAC (table to May meeting)

    New Business:
    Nomination of candidates for Board upcoming vacancies, FY2022 – PNG, Emily Ward
    All four candidates recently interviewed were determined to be an asset to the Board.
    Recommend that all four candidates be approved by the Board.

    • Allen Paul: Recommend election to a 3-year term to fill Peter Hatem’s seat when he leaves the Board in 2021. He would be eligible for an additional 3-year term.
    • Dave Dittmer: Recommend election to a 3-year term to fill Audra Sinclair’s seat when she leaves the Board in 2021. He would be eligible for an additional 3-year term.
    • Ellen Detlefsen: Recommend election to a VACANT 2-year term. She would be eligible for two additional 3-year terms.
    • Kathy Billings: Recommend election to a one-year unexpired term that remains when Bill Onorato leaves the Board in May 2021. At the end of the 1-year term, Kathy would be eligible for two additional 3-year terms.
    • They become active board meetings at the end of the June meeting. 

    Motion to approve 4 candidates to the Scarborough BOT made by Peter Hatem and seconded by Jim Kupel. Motion passed unanimously.  We will vote on these candidates in May. 

    Board self-assessment – PNG Committee, Lenore Rapkin

    • Results received in our packet.
    • Particulars will be brought for discussion at the August retreat.

    Board skills assessment – PNG Committee, Emily Ward

    • Results received in our packet.
    • Emily will be working with Nancy to distribute this.

    Motion to adjourn made by Susan Powell and seconded by Jim Kupel.  Motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned by Bill Donovan at 6:10 PM. 

    Recorded by Audra Sinclair, Secretary

    Meeting Date
  • Meeting Minutes
    September 17, 2020
    4:30 PM – Video Conference

    Attendance: Bill Donovan, Emily Ward, Susan Powell, Audra Sinclair, Peter Hatem, Lenore Rapkin, Judy Johnson, Jim Kupel, Bill Onorato, Joyce Clark, Staff: Catherine Morrison, Nancy Crowell

    Meeting called to order at 4:30 PM by Bill Donovan

    Adoption of Minutes, August 13, August 27 (Retreat), 2020
    Motion made by Emily Ward and Seconded by Susan Powell.  The motion passed unanimously.

    Treasurer's Report

    • No questions on the report submitted
    • Filed for audit

    Library Director's Report

    • Two library family members passed away, and they are naming the library as a memorial gift
    • Gary Kimball – Green Needle neighbor
    • Millie Stevens – An uber volunteer

    Town Councilor's Remarks

    • Tax Revenues are up
    • The town is moving forward with before and aftercare for children.  They will be using the former House of Lights business in Scarborough as a location
    • The intent was to help the 40 families who had registered for before/aftercare, but it has evolved since then
    • Scarborough Downs has come forward and agreed to cover any shortfall the town realized due to changes to this program-based changes to COVID and state regulations 

    President's Remarks

    • Summarized the director's performance review
    • Reiterated how impressed he was about Nancy's commitment, professionalism, and hard work 

    Consent Calendar:    

    • Building Expansion Committee Minutes, 9/10/2020
    • Community Relations/Development Committee Minutes, 9/14/2020 
    • FOSL Board Minutes, 9/2/2020
    • Finance/Investment Committee annual report

    Motion made by Peter Hatem. Seconded by Jim Kupel.  Motion passed unanimously 

    Unfinished Business:
    Presentation of Committee Goals by Committee Chairs

    • Building Expansion – Susan Powell
    • Community Relations and Development – Audra Sinclair
    • Finance & Investment – Bill Onorato
    • Personnel, Nominating & Governance – Peter Hatem

    Motion to approval Committee Goals.  Made by Susan Powell.  Seconded by Lenore Rapkin.  Motion passed unanimously

    Review of Strategic Plan Summary

    • Strategic plan details were sent in this month's board packet 
    • Board will have time to review it, and it will be raised in October for motion and approval

    Fundraising Feasibility Study – Status of Ad Hoc Oversight Committee
    Additional Interviews have been conducted, and to date, we have four people committed.  

    • Larry Rubinstein
    • Patrick O'Reilly 
    • Kevin Freeman
    • John Thurlow

    New Business:

    MOTION: Request from Library Director to change the position of Coordinator of Programming and Communications from 32 hours part-time to 40 hours full-time.

    • A request to increase the current role from 32 to 40 hours to expand the work to include development 
    • While there will be an increase in payroll and benefits, the most considerable cost incurred by this is for the retirement plan
    • The full fiscal year cost for this increase is $18,000.  This cost will begin on November 1 so the price for this fiscal year is a little under $13,000
    • The Town Council does not need to approve a new full-time position if we agree to self-fund this through fundraising or existing funds

    Motion made by Lenore Rapkin Seconded by Susan Powell.  Vote passed with one in opposition.  Opposed: Peter Hayes 

    Funding needs for expansion design and other associated project costs. 

    • Finance and Investment Committee will prepare scenarios for funding expansion design and other associated project costs, to report back to the full Board in October
    • This work will draw up options for how the additional work that needs can be funded

    MOTION: Amend the above motion to include the words “preferred option” when discussing potential ways of funding the expansion design and program costs. 

    • Motion made by Jim Kupel, seconded by Emily Ward.  Motion passed unanimously

    MOTION: Direct Finance and Investment Committee to prepare scenarios for funding expansion design and other associated project costs, to report back on the preferred option to the full Board in October

    • Motion made by Susan Powell Seconded by Judy Johnson.  Motional passed unanimously

    Impact of the new state Earned Paid Leave bill including immediate implication – Library Director

    • A new law to start in January requires us to provide paid time off to all employees based on tax filing  
    • This will require a rewrite all leave policies
    • Liabilities will be increased because accrued leave is a liability in our finances 
    • This will need to come back to the board approval of a policy change that will be drafted by the staff 
    • No motion required for this at this time 
    • Emily Ward asked to participate in the staff meeting

    Discussion on formation of Citizen Campaign Committee and PAC (Political Action Committee)

    • There is a former board member who is interested in running a PAC 
    • This is on the list as an awareness for future work

    Items for the next agenda:

    • Vote on the strategic plan 
    • Impact on new state Earned Paid Leave 

    Trustee Comments

    • Emily Ward: Bill and Emily recommended that because we did not have a staff party where we typically distribute gift cards.
    • Bill agreed that this would be a good time to do it, so that will move forward.
    • Nancy Crowell – Penny Gagnon, library employee, has fallen and broken an arm and will be out for a while. 


    Motion to adjourn by Peter Hatem.  Seconded by Susan Powell.  Meeting adjourned at 5:56 PM. 

    Recorded by,
    Audra Sinclair

    Meeting Date
  • Meeting Minutes 
    November 19, 2020
    Video Conference

    Attendees: Nancy Crowell, Library Director, Catherine Morrison, Asst. Library Director, Bill Donovan, President, Susan Powell, Judy Johnson, Peter Hatem, Emily Ward, Bill Onorato, Lenore Rapkin, Anne Janak, Jon Anderson, Town Council Liaison, Joyce Clark, FOSL Liaison

    Call to Order: 
    Meeting called to order by Bill Donovan, President at 4:30 PM.
    He introduced  Jon Anderson, the new Town Council Liaison to the Library Board.

    Adoption of Minutes: 
    Susan Powell moved and Lenore Rapkin seconded the motion to to accept the minutes of the October 15, 2020 minutes.  Motion approved.  

    Treasurer’s Report:
    Susan Powell asked about activity using the PPP. The PPP kept the library afloat during the pandemic.  Bill Donovan recommended the Treasurer’s Report be accepted to file.  

    Library Director’s Report:
    Nancy added one item that wasn’t in the report.  The Library received an anonymous gift of $10,000. The Board agreed with the Director’s recommendation that the gift be directed to the Building Expansion Fund.

    Town Councilor’s Remarks:
    Jon reported that (1) the Town  priority is the Comprehensive Plan. Currently there are several dates available to view the virtual presentation of  the plan.  (2) The Town is considering the  purchase of  the Masonic Lodge located at Dunstan.  

    President’s Remarks:
    Bill reported on the work being done for the Oversight Plan leading to a Capital Campaign  with John Lanham of Demont Associates. Oversight Committee - (see below - unfinished business)  

    Consent Calendar:
    All Committee reports except the second PNG meeting minutes are available.  Anne Janak Moved and Emily Ward seconded a motion to accept the Consent Calendar.  Motion approved.  

    Unfinished Business: 

    • Financial Statement FY 2020 as presented at the October meeting.  Peter Hatem moved and Anne Janak seconded a motion to accept the Financial Report.  Motion approved.     
    • Fundraising feasibility - Oversight Committee. The Ad Hoc committee is keeping up to date on the latest reports of a corona virus vaccine and the stock market. The committee is making progress. The goal is to be ready to request that the Town Council approve a bond and put a referendum on the ballot next November.  It will be necessary to be able to project the amounts the Library can raise in a Capital Campaign. 
    • The new state Earned Paid Leave bill has implications for part-time staff benefits. Library Director will present amended policy at December meeting for Board vote.     
    • Report of Finance and Investment Committee on preferences for funding expansion design and other associated project costs.  The Committee met with an advisor at Biddeford Savings Bank on October 29, 2020 about a loan and necessary collateral.   

    MOTION: - Authorize Board President or Treasurer to sign a line of credit contract with Biddeford Savings Institution for an amount not to exceed 65% of investment portfolio (approx. $425,000) which is being used as collateral.  LOC is to be used solely for the purpose of expansion planning and related costs.

    Peter Hatem moved and Susan Powell seconded that the motion be accepted as written.  Motion approved.  Bill Onorato will continue the negotiations on behalf of the Corporation.    

    • Discussion on formation of Citizen Campaign and PAC (Political Action Committee).
      Tabled until the December meeting. Activation expected by January 2021.


    New Business:    

    • Investment Committee Report - No further action.
    • Payroll Protection Report (PPP) - the application for loan forgiveness $184,300 has been submitted.
    • Nancy requested that the Library close December 26 and Saturday January 2. Employees regularly scheduled for those dates will be on paid holiday time. 


    MOTION: The Library will be closed December 26 and January 2. Employees scheduled to work those dates will be paid holiday time. 
          Peter Hatem moved and Lenore Rapkin seconded the motion. Motion approved. 
    Items for next agenda
        Earned Pay Leave Bill
    Motion to Adjourn: 
        There being no further business, Susan moved and Anne seconded the motion.  Motion approved The meeting adjourned at 5:30 PM.
    Respectfully Submitted,
    Anne K. Janak , Secretary Pro Tem for Audra Sinclair

    Meeting Date
    January 21, 2021
    4:30 PM - Video Conference

    Meeting called to order at 4:32 PM by Bill Donovan. 

    Nancy Crowell, Director of Scarborough Library, Catherine Morrison, Assistant Library Director, Jon Anderson, Town Council Liaison, Bill Donovan, Board of Trustees President, Peter Hatem, Audra Sinclair, Emily Ward, Joyce Clark, Friends of the Library Liaison, Jim Kupel, Bill Onorato, Susan Powell, Lenore Rapkin, Anne Janak, Judy Johnson 

    Adoption of Minutes of December 17, 2020  

    Motion to adopt minutes made by Lenore Rapkin and seconded by Anne Janak. Motion passed unanimously. 

    Meeting minutes were updated to revise this line: “We may not be able to ask the town for funds to repay the loan without their approval of the project.”

    Motion to Revise Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes made by Lenore Rapkin and Susan Powell voted it in an all voted unanimously

    Consent Calendar:

    • Building Expansion Committee Minutes, 1/4/2021
    • Community Relations/Development Committee Minutes, 1/4/2021 
    • Personnel, Nominating, Governance Committee, no meeting 
    • FOSL Board Notes, no meeting

    Motion to adopt consent calendar made by Susan Powell and seconded by Jim Kupel. Motion passed unanimously. 

    Update to the CRD minutes:

    • Update meeting minutes to reflect presentation for Town Council will be put together by Bill and Nancy

    Library Directors Report

    • Jon Anderson asked for clarification on the COLA notes in Nancy’s report, and she was able to provide an explanation

    Town Councilors Reports

    • Town council has set a limit to Capital Expenses of 5M for the budget season. 
    • This could impact the library expansion timeline. 
    • We have a plan to present to the Town Council, which will be a bit more urgent.  

    Presidents Report

    • Held for the fundraising feasibility update

    Unfinished Business

    Fundraising Feasibility Study-Status report -Bill Donovan 

    • Demont has conducted 12 of 50 proposed interviews with a variety of people – library board members, library users, and fundraising committee members
    • They gave the interview process a favorable review
      • 100% of the interviewees were reporting an excellent perception of the image and an agreement on the expansion and the plan itself
      • 100% of people interviewed planned to make a gift
      • A high percentage of people who were willing to work as volunteers
      • General BOT member concerns about being able to raise the money that is needed, but everyone was happy to learn there was going to be training involved 
      • The next round will be on library users and regular donors
    • Nancy and Bill shared with Demont the 5M limit for capital expenditures, and Demont feels this will be ok – having more time in a COVID environment will help us 
    • Demont sees 2022 as the next target for being on the referendum 

    Report from Finance and Investment Committee online of credit application -Bill Onorato 

    • Terms of the LOC with Biddeford Savings have been agreed upon.
    • Nancy had completed the application, and typically a two-week turnaround – before the Payroll Protection Program opened up again.

    Discussion on formation of Citizen Campaign Committee and PAC (Political Action Committee)

    • Nancy has information from Tody Justice 
    • Given the potential new timeline, we may not have to put it in place yet. Regardless, we should be thinking of who we want to add to it

    New Business

    Review of financial health to-date and FY2021 budget cycle - Nancy Crowell, board discussion 

    • Town Department Heads have been notified we will undergo a regular budget cycle, so Nancy will have her budget ready for the town by the end of February 
    • Nancy and staff will use the fiscal year 2018-2019 for projections on operating costs, income, and projections
    • Below is a summary of numbers based on the first six months in this strange budget season
      • Projecting a balanced budget at the end of the year due to careful budgeting
      • There is a part-time role they have not filled, and that has helped. 
      • The staff has rarely needed substitute time, and that has saved some dollars.
      • We had some increase in expenditures, which increased our communications person from 32 to 40 hours, and the increase in the COLA resulted in a 2.5% adjustment.
      • No increase in medical insurance this year has helped.
      • Annual Appeal is at 40K out of our 52K goal.
      • The revenue line is projected to be way down. 
      • The board was vocal about making sure that Nancy takes her COLA and other appropriate salary increases given the work she has done for the library. It is well deserved.

    Discussion on Anti-racism initiatives, including discussion on drafting a land acknowledgment

    • The Library and the BOT have pledged to be anti-racist; having this on the agenda was a reminder to all of the resources available and our commitment
    • Land Acknowledgement – An initiative for institutions and organizations that acknowledges the Native American’s land ownership originally.
      • It’s a few sentences usually said at the beginning of a program or included in printed material.
      • A few local libraries, such as Bangor, have this already, and there is helpful guidance available to do this. 
      • Nancy thinks it would be appropriate to have it on the website and is looking for volunteers who want to pursue how we might begin this process.

    Trustee Comments

    • Emily Ward has assumed chairmanship of the PNG committee

    Motion made to adjourn made by Emily Ward and seconded by Susan Powell. Motion passed unanimously.

    The meeting adjourned by Bill Donovan at 5:57 PM.


    Meeting Date
    March 18, 2021
    4:30 PM - Video Conference

    Meeting called to order at 4:30 PM by Bill Donovan. 

    Nancy Crowell, Director of Scarborough Library, Catherine Morrison, Asst. Director of Scarborough Library, Bill Donovan, Board of Trustees President, Bill Onorato, Peter Hatem, Audra Sinclair, Emily Ward, Joyce Clark, Friends of the Library Liaison, Susan Powell, Lenore Rapkin, Anne Janak, Judy Johnson, Jon Anderson, Liaison to Town Council

    Adoption of Minutes, February 18, 2021 
    Motion to adopt minutes made by Anne Janak and seconded by Judy Johnson. Motion passed unanimously. 

    • Treasurer's Report 
    • Library Director's Report 
    • Town Councilor's Remarks 
    • President's Remarks 

    Consent Calendar: 

    • Building Expansion Committee Minutes, 3/1/2021
    • Community Relations/Development Committee Minutes, 3/1/2021 
    • Personnel, Nominating, Governance Committee, Minutes, 3/4/2021 
    • FOSL Board Notes, 3/16/2021, not yet available

    Motion to adopt consent calendar made by Lenore Rapkin and seconded by Anne Janak. Motion passed unanimously. 

    Unfinished Business:

    Fundraising Feasibility Study- Status report-Bill Donovan 
    Discussion on the Downs Downtown District as the possible Library location 

    • All three sessions were different, with a nice mix of people
    • It is incumbent on us (the Board) to get the design team to do an analysis so we can know sooner rather than later our options
    • The Simons architects are doing a study for us so that we can see what our options are
    • We don't want to be in a position to need to come back to the town in 10 years if we can't expand beyond the land, we have now, so there are some benefits to the Downs location
    • Library currently sits on the municipal campus and has excellent accessibility.  We don't want to be placed in an area in the community that doesn't have high accessibility
    • There is a concern that if we located the library expansion at the Downs that we would not be accessible
    • The present Library serves the portion of our community that is more diverse in the area; a lot of people who walk in those communities
    • It will be good to consider how we connect the Downs to the Library if we stay where we are now
    • The town is getting ready to form more specific sub-committees where they might be able to address some of the issues of connectivity and transportation between the current municipal area and the Downs development
    • BEC committed is exploring three options with Simons Architects to come up with a fact-based analysis of those three options
      • Current site with a 2nd-floor option
      • Grandstand Option (not likely to work) 
      • Another spot in the Downs
    • The Demont study will be affected by the fact that we aren't yet sure what our options are because we are still exploring sites
    • Jon Anderson opened up the idea that there might be other areas that we could have available to us in Scarborough.

    Motion to approve the Simons proposal to do a study for $8,500 made by Susan Powell and seconded by Peter Hatem. Motion passed unanimously

    Report from Finance and Investment Committee online of credit application - Bill Onorato 

    • Application was approved

    Discussion on formation of Citizen Campaign Committee and PAC (Political Action Committee) 

    • Tabled until next month

    Discussion on land acknowledgment sub-committee work 

    • Ready to present to the Maine Wabanaki REACH
    • We will send it to the tribal group at Maine Wabanaki REACH for reading and review
    • This will be on the agenda next month for review

    New Business: 
    Discussion on endorsing a fine-free policy -Library Director 

    • Nancy recommends it as a social equity issue; we would like to remove any negative connotations around borrowing because you might have a fine, any stigma for our clientele
    • Local libraries, including Portland, have gone fine-free
    • We will also wipe out the records of anyone who has a fine on the books
    • If someone has a book for over three weeks, they will receive a bill for it, but if they return the book, there is no fine 
    • This change has full staff approval

    Motion to endorse the Fine Free policy and waive the second reading for the Scarborough Public Library made by Peter Hatem and seconded by Susan Powell. Motion passed unanimously. 

    Presentation of FY2022 Budget -Library Director 

    • During one fiscal year, the PPP was a loan, during the second fiscal year, it was a grant, so we have access to some of that money
    • We have additional funds available due to prudence during the shutdown ($164,300)
    • All of that is applied to the revenue line before the amount of money we request from the town 

    Motion to accept the budget made by Susan Powell and seconded by Peter Hatem. Motion passed unanimously. Jon Anderson abstains.

    Discussion on potential candidates for Board upcoming vacancies -PNG, Emily Ward 

    • The Board has two vacancies; when this Board ends, Audra Sinclair and Peter Hatem will be leaving, but Emily Ward and Bill Donovan will remain
    • They received three strong candidates, Emily Ward interviewed one candidate yesterday, and notes have been forwarded to the committee
    • If the Board approves all three applicants, there will be just one seat vacant

    Board self-assessment -PNG Committee 

    • This has been sent out and are due to Lenore by April 18
    • The Skills Inventory has been sent via a web-based form, and that will be reviewed in the April meeting

    Items for next agenda: 

    • Update on the Land Use Statement
    • Slate of Board Members
    • Review of Assessments

    Trustee Comments 

    • Emily Ward wanted to recognize the work the library staff has done during COVID to keep the Library going
    • Nancy shared a story of a young woman using the Library as a transient with her mom.  She separated from her mother, found an apartment on Route 1, and walked to her job.  We were able to provide her with a gift certificate, a headlamp, and a safety vest.  This was about a year and a half ago, and she came back today and returned those items.  

    Motion to adjourn made by Lenore Rapkin and seconded by Susan Powell. Motion passed unanimously. 
    The meeting adjourned by Bill Donovan at 6:02 PM. 
    Recorded by Audra Sinclair, Secretary

    Meeting Date
    April 15, 2021
    4:30 PM – Video Conference

    Attendees: Audra Sinclair, Emily Ward, Lenore Rapkin, Bill Donovan, Nancy Crowell, Library Director, Susan Powell, Joyce Clark, Bill Onorato, Jim Kupel, Catherine Morrison, Asst. Director of the Library, Jon Anderson, Judy Johnson, Peter Hatem, Anne Janak

    Meeting called to order at 4:33PM by Bill Donovan.

    Adoption of Minutes, March 18, 2021
    Motion to adopt minutes made by Anne Janak and seconded by Judy Johnson. Motion passed unanimously.

    Three changes will be made to the minutes from last month.

    • Include the word site to this bullet “The Demont study will be affected by the fact that we aren't yet sure what our options are because we are still exploring “
    • Application was approved - this happened before our last meeting
    • Strike the last bullet regarding the Potential New Board Members

    Motion to approve amended minutes made by Lenore Rapkin and seconded by Anne Janak. Motion passed unanimously.

    Treasurer’s Report – Filed for Audit
    Library Director’s Report

    • Report filed as part of the board packet
    • Nancy notified the board today that a $10,000 gift was given to the Endowment Fund from the Thomas H. Kraut Estate as part of the 1899 Society

    Town Councilor’s Remarks

    • First reading of the Budget happened 4/14 and passed unanimously 
    • Upcoming Dates:
      • Next week are budget workshops
      • May 5th is Public Hearing of the Budget and all are welcome
      • May 19th Second Read and vote to approve final budget
      • June 15th is the referendum

    Consent Calendar:    Building Expansion Committee Minutes, 4/5/2021
        Community Relations/Development Committee Minutes, 4/12/21
        Personnel, Nominating, Governance Committee (Nominations on agenda)
        FOSL Board Notes, 3/16/21, no meeting this month
    Motion to accept calendar made by Susan Powell and seconded by Lenore Rapkin. Motion passed unanimously.
    Unfinished Business:    
    Report on SA review of library location and tour of Downs Grandstand – Bill D.& Nancy

    • Email sent today from Bill Donovan regarding this topic and includes detailed information.
    • Raised a possibility of expanding our lot past the side parking lot on the way to the Wentworth School.  
    • Austin Smith and Kayla Caron, in discussing their initial impressions of our Downs site visit neither felt the Grandstand would be a good direction for the Library.  Its size, condition, configuration and positioning were all factors. 
    • Discussed with Tom Hall the use of the area where the tennis courts are which sit along Gorham Road. Tom expressed an open mind about the site, indicating the courts were eroding and he expected court facilities to be built at the Downs.
    • We are giving long term consideration to the fact that we have walkability where we are with some low-income communities, and we want to keep our availability to that community. 
    • It’s important to continue to review information from the Downtown Committee as we consider which location we go to as they are generating information that can be valuable.
    • If we were able to go to a new location, we would save about $1M in having to relocated during the renovation. 
    • Simons indicated the study might be done in 3-4 weeks. 

    Fundraising Feasibility Study – Status report – Bill Donovan

    • Awareness Sessions are complete, and Bill Donovan sent a detailed report via email on 4/15/21.
    • We will likely do 1 more awareness session.
    • When the assessment on the other possible locations is finished the Board will vote on the final option. At that time, we will revise our statement of need, if necessary, and resume planning service interviews in May for an early June target to present study findings and recommendations for campaign planning and service. 

    Report on Council review of FY2022 Budget – Library Director

    • We are potentially on the docket for 4/22 
    • Our budget has been submitted. 
    • The council has provided us a set of slides they have asked us to fill in for our presentation. 
    • There may be some trickle down from the federal funds that go to the State Library.

    Report on land acknowledgement sub-committee work – Judy Johnson

    • Land acknowledgement has been sent to the historical society and Emerson (Tad) Baker, professor and student of Native American settlements, for comment.
    • Board has also provided edits.
    • The Wabanaki REACH has not yet sent comments.

    Report on implementation of fine free policy – Library Director

    • We are reading and hearing very pleased reactions from the community.

    Discussion on formation of Citizen Campaign Committee and PAC (table to May meeting)

    New Business:
    Nomination of candidates for Board upcoming vacancies, FY2022 – PNG, Emily Ward
    All four candidates recently interviewed were determined to be an asset to the Board.
    Recommend that all four candidates be approved by the Board.

    • Allen Paul: Recommend election to a 3-year term to fill Peter Hatem’s seat when he leaves the Board in 2021. He would be eligible for an additional 3-year term.
    • Dave Dittmer: Recommend election to a 3-year term to fill Audra Sinclair’s seat when she leaves the Board in 2021. He would be eligible for an additional 3-year term.
    • Ellen Detlefsen: Recommend election to a VACANT 2-year term. She would be eligible for two additional 3-year terms.
    • Kathy Billings: Recommend election to a one-year unexpired term that remains when Bill Onorato leaves the Board in May 2021. At the end of the 1-year term, Kathy would be eligible for two additional 3-year terms.
    • They become active board meetings at the end of the June meeting. 

    Motion to approve 4 candidates to the Scarborough BOT made by Peter Hatem and seconded by Jim Kupel. Motion passed unanimously.  We will vote on these candidates in May. 

    Board self-assessment – PNG Committee, Lenore Rapkin

    • Results received in our packet.
    • Particulars will be brought for discussion at the August retreat.

    Board skills assessment – PNG Committee, Emily Ward

    • Results received in our packet.
    • Emily will be working with Nancy to distribute this.

    Motion to adjourn made by Susan Powell and seconded by Jim Kupel.  Motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned by Bill Donovan at 6:10 PM. 

    Recorded by Audra Sinclair, Secretary

    Meeting Date
    May 20, 2021
    4:30 PM – Video Conference

    Attendees: Audra Sinclair, Bill Donovan, Emily Ward, Judy Johnson, Allen Paul, Nancy Crowell Director of the Scarborough Library, Lenore Rapkin, Ellen Detlefsen, Joyce Clark, Susan Powell, Lucy Norvell, Jon Anderson, Peter Hatem, Catherine Morrison, Asst. Director of the Scarborough Library, Jim Kupel, Anne Janak, Kathy Billings, Dave Dittmer

    Guests from Simons Architects: Austin Smith and Kayla Caron 

    Meeting called to order at 4:32PM by Bill Donovan

    Adoption of Minutes, April 15, 2021
    Treasurer’s Report – Submitted via email

    Library Director’s Report
        We were given a donation to purchase a GoPro for the virtual maker space

    Town Councilor’s Remarks
    •    May 19th was final budget committee 
    •    There were no changes to what Nancy proposed made at the meeting 
    •    New reserve fund was created from surplus excise tax and if all goes as currently planned the library expansion work will be funded through this 

    President’s Remarks – reserved for later 

    Motion to adopt minutes made by Judy Johnson and seconded by Lenore Rapkin. Motion passed unanimously.

    Consent Calendar:    

    • Building Expansion Committee 5/10/2021, 5/11/21 Memo: Donovan
    • Community Relations/Development Committee report, no meeting
    • Investment/Finance Committee, 4/26/21
    • Personnel, Nominating, Governance Committee 5/6/2021
    • FOSL Board – Report sent via email on 4/20/21

    Motion to adopt calendar made by Susan Powell and seconded by Emily Ward. Motion passed unanimously.
    Unfinished Business:    

    Report on comparative review of potential library locations – Austin Smith and Kayla Caron, Simons Architects

    • Report submitted by Simons Architects that included a review and a scoring system on the four proposed sites
    • Based on their report the existing site has emerged as the preferred site 
    • A second floor was investigated and provided for analysis 
    • In the scoring for the tennis court location, they included the idea that the town would recoup the existing building for other purposes
    • For the tennis courts they identified the adjacency to the sports clubs as a significant negative in addition to some permitting problems because of the DEP restrictions on the campus as a whole
    • The relocation costs of the library were not included in the estimates and if we use the existing site, we will have the cost of relocating during renovation
    • All costs are including of ADA accessibility costs
    • The 30,000 sq ft proposal maxes out the current site but it is also in the lower range of square footage for towns of this size. 
    • We are conscious of being a good neighbor to our Green Needle Drive residents and need to consider how much impervious surface we create by expanding on one floor
    • If we move to 2 floors, we could be better neighbors and would have some challenges in working across multiple stories that could be overcome.  Biggest issue in moving to a 2 story is how we match a one-story building into a 2-story
    • All library board members weighed in with thoughts on the potential scenarios with a consensus growing around the 34 or 36K two story solution in its current location.

    Report on land acknowledgement sub-committee work – Judy Johnson

    Motion to endorse the Land Acknowledgement statement and post it publicly in the building and on the Library’s website made by Jim Kupel and seconded by Anne Janak. Motion passed unanimously.

    Ratify the e-vote electing David Dittmer to the Library Board for an unexpired term ending June 2022 and to the office of Treasurer.

    Motion to Ratify the e-vote electing David Dittmer to the Library Board for an unexpired term ending June 2022 and to the office of Treasurer. Motion made by Jim Kupel and seconded by Anne Janak. Motion passed unanimously.

    EXECUTIVE SESSION: Election of candidates for Board upcoming vacancies, FY2022 – PNG, Emily Ward

    Motion to go into Executive Session made by Anne Janak and Susan Powell. Motion passed unanimously. 

    Motion to move to vote on nominees to the Board of Trustees made by Emily Ward and Susan Powell. Motion passed unanimously. 

    Motion to approve election of Ellen Detlefsen, Allen Paul and Katherine Billings and approve the extension of Bill Donovan and Emily Ward for 3 additional years made by Bill Donovan and seconded by Anne Janak.  Motion passed unanimously.

    Return from Executive Session.

    New Business:

    Report from Library Director on change in schedule for summer.

    COVID protocols update

    • Provided in Nancy’s library director report
    • Nancy will be making final wording and decisions and will notify the public ahead of March 24th

    Library Directors Evaluation

    • We will be going back to a paper format due to the lateness of the Survey Monkey Test
    • Goals for 2020 are pending and Bill and Nancy will be working on those so we can include them in the Library Directors Evaluation

    Items for next agenda:

    • Discussion on formation of Citizen Campaign Committee and PAC (table to June meeting)
    • Fundraising Feasibility Study – Status report – Bill Donovan – Deferred
    • Report on Council review of FY2022 Budget – Library Director - Deferred

    Motion to adjourn made by Peter Hatem and seconded by Susan Powell.  Motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned by Bill Donovan at 6:43 PM. 

    Recorded by Audra Sinclair, Secretary


    Meeting Date
    June 17, 2021 | 4:30 PM – Video Conference

    Attendees: Audra Sinclair, Bill Donovan, Anne Janak, Lenore Rapkin, Nancy Crowell Director of the Scarborough Library, Kathy Billings, Allen Paul, Ellen Detlefsen, Jim Kupel, Jon Anderson, Judy Johnson, Peter Hatem, Susan Powell, Catherine Morrison 

    Meeting called to order at 4:32PM by Bill Donovan

    Introduction of incoming Board members
    Adoption of Minutes, May 20, 2021
    Motion to adopt minutes made by Anne Janak and seconded by Lenore Rapkin. Motion passed unanimously.

    Minutes were amended and a vote held for amendments.  Motion passed unanimously.

    Treasurer’s Report – As reported 
    Library Director’s Report – As reported

    • The Juneteenth holiday has been added to the calendar for next year.

    Town Councilor’s Remarks

    • School budget as approved this week, with low voter turnout (~8%)
    • Town Council is currently working on a comprehensive plan and a review of the town charter. 

    President’s Remarks - Deferred until later

    Consent Calendar:    Building Expansion Committee - No meeting
        Community Relations/Development Committee report, 6/7/2021
        Personnel, Nominating, Governance Committee – No meeting
        FOSL Board – no report
    Motion to adopt minutes made by Susan Powell and seconded by Anne Janak. Motion passed unanimously.
    Unfinished Business:    
    Discussion on next steps in building design work – Susan Powell

    • The best location is still the current location, but our original plan of 30,000 square feet is not enough.  We now know it will be a 2-story building between 30,000 and 40,000 square feet.
    • Nancy requested an updated drawing from the architects, but the schedule is very tight.  
    • Discussions around the size we should be putting forth on the size of the library.  We are confident in the need and will need to be clear with the public on the why and the programs it will offer. 

    Fundraising Feasibility Study – Status report – Bill Donovan

    • Bill provided a comprehensive written report via email. 

    COVID protocols update – Library Director

    • Currently requiring masks in building for children’s area, not challenging people in the main area; the staff continues to wear masks
    • Asking children to wear masks at the children’s program on Tuesday June 22nd 
    • Discussions still underway on how to bring back in person programing 

    Municipal Budget update – Library Director

    • Budget passed in its entirety
    • Planning reserve fund was created; we can use that for the $250,000 we requested for expansion planning

    Discussion on formation of Citizen Campaign Committee and PAC

    • This work should start this summer with identifying people who have PAC or public relations information
    • BOT members will submit names to Nancy of who might be good committee members

    New Business:
    Requests for Board participation – CRD – Audra Sinclair

    Annual Fund

    • We have an annual fund goal of 100% BOT participation.  As of today, we are 2 members short.  If you have not yet donated this serves as a reminder to do so by June 30th.
    • Piper shores has offered a $1500 match to incentivize people to donate in the last weeks of the fiscal year. With the Piper Shores gift, we will be at our goal of $52,000 

    Summerfest (Friday, August 20)

    • The town of Scarborough is holding a modified Summerfest this year that includes an opportunity for non-profits to have a table.  Staff will be leading the planning of that and will be coming to the BOT for volunteers including a pickup truck!  
    • All BOT members are asked to save the date of August 20th for assistance with the booth that day.

    Staff Appreciation Event

    • A pizza party was incorporated into a staff meeting earlier this month. Bill expressed thanks. 

    Discussion on summer retreat and in-person meetings

    • Location/Date
      • Our next meeting will be in August, date to be determined
      • We will accommodate a hybrid form of meeting, so we have both in person and remote attendees. Library meeting room can be used for in person group 
    • Agenda
      • Building Expansion Status
      • Fundraising status
    • Bill to follow up with BOT on details

    Library Director’s Performance Review – PNG progress report

    • This report is underway, the process has been delayed until September

    Appreciation to outgoing Board members Hatem and Sinclair

    Election of Officers for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 (new Trustees vote on this item)

    • Motion to adopt minutes made by Anne Janak and seconded by Lenore Rapkin. Motion passed unanimously.
    • Officers are
      • Bill Donovan, President
      • Susan Powell, Vice President
      • Kathy Billings, Secretary
      • David Dittmer, Treasurer

    Motion to adjourn made by Lenore Rapkin and seconded by Susan Powell.  Motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned by Bill Donovan at 6:13 PM. 

    Recorded by Audra Sinclair, Secretary

    Meeting Date
  • Meeting with Simon Architects and the Trustee's Building Committee regarding proposed building schematics for the expansion. Some library staff were also present. These minutes were provided by Simon Architects, who hosted the meeting.


    Meeting Date

    Board Retreat – August 19, 2021

    Attendees: In person – Allen Paul, Susan Powell, Jon Anderson, David Dittmer, Kathy Billings, Anne Janak, Jim Kupel, Judy Johnson. Staff – Nancy Crowell, Director, Catherine Morrison, Lucy Norvell. Via Zoom – Bill Donovan, Emily Ward, Ellen Detlefsen.

    Meeting called to order at 1:22 pm by Susan Powell.

    Board members introduced themselves.

    Austin Smith and Kayla Caron, Simons Architects, provided a history of their work on the library expansion project, considerations to date, and a detailed review of the expansion design plans as they currently stand. The current plan focuses on a 34-35,000 sq. ft., two story expansion. Floor plan bubbles were presented identifying general space designations. A front exterior diagram was also provided. This work represents approximately 5% of total planning and design that will be undertaken. Board members engaged in enthusiastic discussion, presenting ideas and questions.

    John Lantham, Demont Associates joined the group via zoom and presented an overview of the capital campaign process and timeline. He reviewed fundraising and campaign fundamentals, roles of the Board of Trustees, silent vs public phases, and overall timeline for the Library campaign. Board members’ questions and comments were received and discussed. General enthusiasm for the expansion project was expressed by the Board.

    Two items were presented for action – input to Jon on town survey to be conducted in September which will include questions about the library; Jim to solicit comments/edits regarding Statement of Need.

    Nancy was commended for her tireless work and that of her staff during these challenging times. It was noted that she will be out of the office August 30-September 17.

    Executive Session – due to technical difficulties to executive session to conduct the Library Director annual review was postponed. It will be conducted via zoom at a future date.


    A motion to adjourn made by Jim Kupel and seconded by Anne Janak. Meeting was adjourned at 4:55 pm.


    Recorded by Kathy Billings, Secretary

    Meeting Date



    September 22, 2021

    4:30 PM - Video Conference


    Attendees: Susan Powell, Jim Kupel, Anne Janak, Joyce Clark, Emily Ward, Lenore Rapkin, Allen Paul, David Dittmer, Ellen Detlefsen, Catherine Morrison, Asst. Director, Nancy Crowell, Library Director


    Meeting called to order by Susan Powell, Vice President at 4:30 PM.


    Adoption of Minutes, June 17, 2021

    Motion to adopt minutes made by Anne Janak and seconded by Allen Paul. Motion passed unanimously.


    Treasurer’s Report - Filed for Audit

    Library Director’s Report

    1. Report filed as part of board packet
    2. The Adult Services Assistant , Hailie Posey has been hired.

    Town Councilor’s Remarks - Jon Anderson is communicating with the Library to include Library in the fall Town Survey. Lucy Jackson Norvell will be working with Allison Carrier on Survey.

    President’s Remarks - Update on status of Bill Donovan and Nancy Crowell


    Consent Calendar:

    Board Retreat - minutes 8/19/2021,

    Board Retreat Addendum - minutes 8/25/2021

    Board Retreat Notes, Simons Architects - 8/19/2021

    Building Expansion Committee - 8/2/2021

    Community Relations Development Committee - minutes 9/9/2021

    Personnel, Nominating, Governance, Committee - N/A

    FOSL Board minutes - 8/12/2021

    Motion to adopt Consent Calendar made by Ellen Detlefsen and seconded by David Dittmer. Motion passed unanimously


    Unfinished Business:

    1. Review of August retreat - No comments or questions
    2. Discussion on next steps in building design work. - Discussion pending. Waiting for completion of Feasibility Study by Demont Associates
    3. Fundraising Feasibility Study - Forty-six (46) people have been interviewed. Three (3) interviewees to be scheduled. One (1) interviewee pending. The report will be completed in October and presented at the October SPL Board of Trustee meeting.
    4. COVID Protocols update - Masks were reinstated August 30, 2021
    5. Discussion on formation of Citizen Campaign Committee and PAC - Not yet developed.
    6. Revisions to Executive Summary - MOTION - Motion to adopt the Executive Summary Revision made by Lenore Rapkin and seconded by Susan Powell. Motion approved unanimously.


    New Business No new business


    Items for Next Agenda – Citizen Campaign Committee and PAC

    Feasibility Study

    Trustee Comments:

    1. Allen Paul attended the SEDCO meeting and learned that SEDCO intends to send memo urging residents to vote for the Library expansion.
    2. Emily Ward stated a thank-you for the Zoom (Video) meetings. She also commented that the Perpetual Calendar needs to be updated.
    3. Joyce Clark commented on the outcome of the Friends of the Library Book Sale, which wasn’t as successful as those in the past because of location, and commented on the valuable work done by the Public Works staff to set up and take down tables at the completion of the sale, and to move books from the Public Works Building.


    Adjournment - There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Lenore Rapkin, seconded by Ellen Detlefsen. Motion was unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 PM.


    Respectfully Submitted,

    Anne K. Janak, Secretary Pro Tem

    Meeting Date
  • Special meeting between staff, trustees and Simon Architects regarding the building expansion. These minutes were provided by Simon Architects, who hosted the meeting. Here is the presentation that the architects showed at the start of the meeting.

    Please note: This is an early planning meeting and none of the room size numbers mentioned, or even the location of services within the schematics, should be considered final recommendations. 

    Meeting Date

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees 

    October 21, 2021   4:30 PM - Video Conference 


    Attendees: Susan Powell (in the Chair), Anne Janak, Joyce Clark, Emily Ward, Lenore Rapkin, Allen Paul, David Dittmer, Judy Johnson, Jon Anderson,  Ellen Detlefsen, Bill Donovan, Catherine Morrison, Asst. Director, Nancy Crowell, Library Director 

    Absent:  Jim Kupel. 

    Meeting called to order by Susan Powell, Vice President at 4:32 PM. 

    Auditor’s Report 

    Susan welcomed Dave Shorette, of Purdy Powers, who presented highlights of the recent Audit Report. 

    The library broke even over the past year, between our investments and the loan assistance received during the pandemic. 

    $1.1 M. that is not tied up in fixed assets, equal to 10 months of funds being set aside. 

    Information that will be useful for donors: allocation of funds:  83% goes to programs, 16% to general management, and 1% to fund raising. 

    General comments: Mr. Shorette suggested that Nancy should not be signing her own cheques.  It is customary for either the Chairman of the Board or the Treasurer who signs cheques to the Director. Nancy noted that the bookkeeper sees all cheques before they go out.     

    Adoption of Minutes, Sept. 22, 2021. 

    Motion to adopt minutes made by Bill Donovan and seconded by Judy Johnson. Motion passed unanimously. 

    Treasurer's Report  - Our income was right on budget ($40 over) and expenses were down $15,000 under budget. Because of some investment depreciation that wasn’t in the budget we ended up $41,000 under the budget.  Our total Liabiliies and Equity is $1,686,000.. 

    Motion to accept Treasurer’s report made by Bill Donovan and Anne Janak. Motion passed unanimously. 

    Library Director's Report - No discussion on the report.   

    Town Councilor's Remarks –  

    Jon reminded everyone to vote. There are 3 candidates for 3 seats on the Town Council; 4 candidates for 3 seats on the School Board; and 2 ballot initiatives:  $1.1 M for track and turf; and funding for a fire truck replacement. 

    Ongoing conversations about using TIF to help fund economic development initiatives in Scarborough (Tax Increment Financing, in which the interest on a bond might be partly paid for by this type of financing).  Potentially the Library could benefit in that at least part of the interest due on the bond would not be paid by taxpayers. 

    The Community Survey was sent out to 4,000 homes and answers to questions regarding the Library will be relayed to the Library, hopefully in time for the December meeting.  

    The Downtown Committee has issued its final report. Questions about lack of analysis re relocating the Library to the Downs. We need to meet with the Council to ensure they understand the scope of our project.  

    Talk of Sedco actively supporting of the expansion is uncertain.   

    Jon is doubtful that the Council, if asked today, would agree to our going to referendum, there is too much going in the Town. 

    Jon will speak to the Chair of the Council to try to schedule a workshop, possibly by the end of November. 

    School consolidation not far enough along in their planning to engage the Council.  There is still the question of whether or not a consolidation is the right way to proceed.   

    Allen and Judy both commented that not enough residents are aware of our many services, and we need to do more to publicize them. 

    When we meet with the Council we can use the latest cost estimate that we have, even though it is just an estimate. Jon warned that there will be questions about fund raising and the question of using taxpayers’ money in a community with so many wealthy residents. Nancy reminded us that this is an opportunity to make this a community endeavor rather than just a municipal project. 

    President's Remarks – Bill thanked Susan for carrying the load during his illness. He plans to resume his activities in November. 

    Susan reported that we have 2 vacancies on the Board, and asked members to forward names of possible candidates to Emily. 

    All reports and agenda items are to be submitted one week prior to the meeting date. 

    Consent Calendar: 

    Building Expansion Committee -No meeting 

    Community Relations/Development Committee -Minutes 10/4/2021  

    Personnel, Nominating, Governance Committee -Minutes 9/23, 10/7/2021  

    FOSL Board-Meeting report 9/30/2021 

    Motion to adopt Consent Calendar made by Bill Donovan and seconded by Ellen Detlefsen. Motion passed unanimously


    Unfinished Business: 

    Discussion on next steps in building design work:  

    Susan: Simons’ bill of $150,000 to continue to the next phase has been paid.  Susan, Bill, Nancy, and Catherine met with two of the architects and some Library staff members.  A very constructive meeting. 

    Catherine reported that the discussion in her group, about the meeting space, found the meeting room too small and suggest perhaps combining it with the maker space. 

    Susan found there to be more enthusiasm from the staff for the new 2 story plan than for the earlier, smaller one level expansion.

    Fundraising Feasibility Study - Status report:  Susan: 

    Demont has interviewed 50 people and will meet with the Oversight Committee next week to make a plan.  They will call a special meeting with this Board in the coming weeks.  They are ready to move by January but we do not yet have a contract with them, but Bill recommended that we continue with them.   

    Discussion on formation of Citizen Campaign Committee and PAC:   

    Nancy asked or our permission for her to contact Every Library, an organization that assists libraries with campaigns etc.  Nancy will proceed with this.  

    New Business  

    A vote was taken to accept the resignation of Kathie Billings.  Moved by Anne Janak, seconded by Allen Paul.  Motion passed unanimously. 

    A vote was taken to elect Lenore Rapkin as secretary of the Board.  Moved by Allen Paul, seconded by Judy Johnson.  Motion passed, 10 yeas, 1 abstention.  

    Trustee Comments: 

    Allen asked Nancy to give Tom a push on their project. 

    Susan thanked Allen for working to help Tom update the library policies on the website. 

    Adjournment - There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Allen Paul, seconded by Bill Donovan.  Motion was unanimously approved.  The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m. 


    Respectfully submitted, 

    Lenore Rapkin, Secretary 



    Meeting Date

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees

    November 18, 2021 4:30 PM Video Conference

    Attendees: Bill Donovan President, Susan Powell, Anne Janak, Joyce Clark, Emily Ward, Lenore Rapkin, Dave Dittmer, Judy Johnson, Jim Kupel, Ellen Detlefsen, Catherine Morrison, Asst. Director, Nancy Crowell, Library Director

    Absent: Jon Anderson, Allen Paul.

    Meeting called to order by Bill Donovan at 4:32 PM.

    Adoption of Minutes, October 21, 2021.

    Motion to adopt minutes made by Ellen Detlefsen and seconded by Susan Powell. Motion passed unanimously.

    Treasurer's Report - Dave reported that things were looking good. We will move $275,000 from the building fund, gifts and memorials, to the unrestricted funds. Our income was above what had been budgeted, and expenses were below, translating into income of $294,000 rather than $25,000.

    Motion to accept Treasurer’s report made by Jim Kupel and Judy Johnson. Motion passed unanimously.

    Library Director's Report – Nancy reported that Community Services will manage our snow removal during the week and the cleaner will take care of it on the weekend.

    Motion to accept the Director’s Report made by Lenore Rapkin, seconded by Ellen Detlefson. Motion passed unanimously.

    Town Councilor's Remarks – In the absence of the Town Council’s representative, Jon Anderson, there was no report.

    President's Remarks – Deferred to later on the agenda.

    Consent Calendar:

    · Building Expansion Committee – Minutes 11/01/21

    · Community Relations/Development Committee -Minutes 11/08/2021

    · Personnel, Nominating, Governance Committee -Minutes 9/23, 11/04/2021

    · FOSL Board-Meeting report 11/09/2021

    · Investment Committee – 10/25/2021

    Motion to adopt Consent Calendar made by Susan Powell and seconded by Dave Dittmer. Motion passed unanimously.

    Unfinished Business:

    Report on Project Update to Town Council, 11/17/21: Bill reported on the project update that he, Nancy, and Susan gave to the Town Council. The Council gave them a very warm welcome and noted how patient the Library has been since the referendum failure in 2006. They are aware that we have made good use of the time and have looked at all the alternatives. Nancy explained the reason for the shift to a 2-story building. A more detailed cost estimate should be available sometime late winter. There were few questions during the meeting, and there was a real feeling of support. Kudos to Jon for his help. Judy applauded Bill, Nancy, and Susan for their handling of the meeting.

    Next Steps in Building Design Work: Susan reported that the charrette held with the staff and architects in October had not dealt with the Children and Teen spaces, but Austin has since met with Louise to talk about this. The architects would like a follow-up meeting the week after Thanksgiving. Topics of discussion for us: should the new Makerspace be renamed Activities Area for clarification? Is a Drive Thru now a priority? If so, the Board needs to figure that out. Will the architects want to meet in a workshop with the full Board? Jim asked when we would have a meaningful estimate of construction costs (hopefully in January). Emily asked about Friends’ space for donations and storage (yes for donations and some storage, not large enough space for full storage). They would also like a bookstore, and an office for the Friends.

    Fundraising Feasibility Study: Susan reported on the meeting she, Bill, and Nancy attended with Demont. It is expected that we can raise $450,000 in cash between 11/21 and 11/22, money that can be used for a technology fund or a building project but neither Nancy, Susan, nor Bill were too comfortable with this. What if the referendum fails? Susan will ask Demont exactly what they are proposing. Jim wondered how we get a hard enough amount that we can say to the Town Council that we have raised x amount of dollars. Joyce asked if we rely on pledges. Bill hopes to be able to say how much money we have raised in pledges rather than do what Demont is proposing. How do we make the ask? Clarity from Demont is needed.

    An ad hoc committee (Susan, Nancy, and Bill) will navigate the new contract, to include only the first phase, 11/21-11/22. The second phase will begin only after the referendum and will include the broader community.

    The endorsement of Demont’s Report was deferred, and a vote was taken to authorize the Ad Hoc Committee to undertake the study and endorsement of the report and its recommendations, and to determine next steps. Moved by Dave Dittmer, seconded by Anne Janak; passed unanimously.

    Discussion of formation of a Citizen Campaign Committee and PAC – EveryLibrary material: Nancy asked to defer action with EveryLibrary. A long discussion on their free service followed. And Nancy explained to the group the exact function of a PAC.

    New Business

    Report on the legacy gift from Ann Hammond: Nancy clarified that there is no need for a vote on this. There is no need for an appraisal of the desk at this time, the estate may have it appraised later for estate tax purposes. Ms. Hammond had a longtime involvement with the Library, so this is a very special legacy.

    Report from the Investment Committee—discussion on socially responsible investing: Dave reported that just 3 of our stocks (2% of our portfolio) are in energy funds and wondered if we needed to divest these holdings. Index funds often have 15% of their portfolios invested in energy. Our holdings are too small to worry about them, but we should always be aware and socially attuned.

    Decision on whether Board will meet in December: our December meeting will be with Demont. If necessary, we’ll meet if we have an update from SA.

    December 4th community holiday event: the library needs help with decorations. The Friends are planning to help on December 2nd, and the CRD Committee will also be involved. Judy offered two sets of lights.

    Items for next agenda:

    PNG Skills Assessment (PNG Committee)

    Revised policy re the Library Director’s Performance Review (PNG Committee)

    Trustee Comments:

    Anne asked where she could pick up the Demont Report.

    Nancy reminded us all that the report is Confidential.

    Adjournment - There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Susan Powell, seconded by Anne Janak. Motion was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 6:06 p.m.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Lenore Rapkin, Secretary

    Meeting Date
  • Scarborough Public Library Board of Trustees, special board meeting

    Monday, November 29, 2021

    Meeting Minutes

    Participants: Bill Donovan, Nancy Crowell, Susan Powell, Allen Paul, Emily Ward, Judy Johnson, Ellen Detlefsen, Anne Janak, Dave Dittmer, Jim Kupel, Jon Anderson, Joyce Clark, John Lanham (Demont Associates)

    Zoom meeting began at 5:30 PM.

    This was a special board meeting with John Lanham from Demont Associates to discuss their Planning Services Final Report. There were no other agenda items.

    The first order of business is to establish a campaign plan for the SPL expansion. The order of hierarchy of the campaign plan is:

    • Board of Trustees-oversee the campaign and have fiduciary responsibility
    • Executive Committee-Library Director, Board President, and others
    • Campaign Cabinet-community connectors (to be recruited)

    The key recommendations on pages 13 and 14 of the report were discussed to clarify with the board how the campaign would operate.

    It is imperative that the referendum pass. To do so we will need community volunteers to help. Some of them would be part of the Campaign Cabinet.

    We hope to raise $450K in year one, which includes 50K for the annual fund. We plan to solicit cash contributions from select insiders (Board, Cabinet, and top prospects) to validate the goal for the expansion. This is the “proving ground” phase of the campaign and success would show the community and the Town Council the potential for more pledges once the referendum passes.

    We would solicit cash contributions for Phase One between December 2021-March 2022. In April 2022 we would switch gears and concentrate on the marketing campaign to pass the referendum.

    It is important to identify a goal for funds raised in Phase One. What is the ask? We must identify specific projects or concrete needs so the funds can be used in case the referendum doesn’t pass. Nancy and her staff brainstormed and produced some “Impact Fund” options as the board was not enthusiastic about the “space renovations/technology funds” suggested on page 13, section 2, item 3 of the report. The Campaign Cabinet will be tasked with making recommendations of concrete needs and present them to the board.

    Training is an important part of the process that Demont proposes. Demont will coach all volunteers in soliciting prospects as each prospect is a campaign of its own and volunteers must create a relationship with them. In the first 100 days of the campaign, we will identify members of the Campaign Cabinet, set the goals for Phase One, begin training volunteers and reach out to prospects. Volunteers should be comfortable with the agreed upon goals.

    The marketing aspect is essential to success. The referendum for expansion failed last time in 2006 because we didn’t get the vote out and didn’t have a public face for the campaign. We think the climate and image of the library is more favorable this time. Demont will help with the organization of the marketing aspect by giving us consistent talking points and help with canvasing for support. Can we use library staff for the campaign effort? Yes, since SPL is a 501c3 non-profit we can lobby for our own effort if it is not political. Part of our campaign must include education of the public of our status as a non-profit and as a non-profit why we are asking for taxpayers’ funds to expand.

    The first step to getting the referendum on the ballot is to convince the Town Council of its merits. We will need to have a clear sense of the goals for the campaign and present a convincing message to the TC. The Finance Committee starts its goal planning in January and it is finalized in April. We will need more positive pressure from the public to convince them to move forward with the referendum.

    Demont’s professional estimate is a campaign goal of ~2M plus. They would like to keep that estimate quiet for now, so how do we discuss this with the Town Council? If the TC allows the referendum to go forward what is the dollar amount that we should include for the expansion? Would it be the full amount of the expansion cost, or would it be the cost minus the capital funds raised? When the Wentworth School was on the ballot the full amount of construction was included on the ballot and any donations offset the cost and saved the taxpayers money in the end.

    The goal of 450K in Phase One included 50K for the annual fund. We will send out the usual letters in December for the annual fund.

    Demont is comfortable coordinating the campaign with EveryLibrary.

    Although we have ~100K left from the town funded CIP Nancy prefers that we use other funds for fundraising.

    Motion to accept the Planning Services Report from Demont Associates was made by Jim Kupel and seconded by Anne Janak.

    Motion: Accept the Planning Service Report with modifications based on changes in language on p. 13, section 2, items 3 as discussed at the Nov. 29, 2021 meeting. Vote to approve the motion was unanimous.

    The bill submitted by Demont for Phase One is about $73K. Nancy will approve the contract ASAP.

    A motion to adjourn was made by Judy Johnson and seconded by Susan Powell.

    Meeting adjourned at 6:45PM.

    Submitted by,

    Susan Powell, Vice-President of the Board of Trustees

    Meeting Date
  • Special meeting between staff, trustees and Simon Architects regarding the building expansion. These minutes were provided by Simon Architects, who hosted the meeting.

    Please note: This is a planning meeting and none of the room size numbers mentioned, or even the location of services within the schematics, should be considered final recommendations. 

    Meeting Date

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees

    January 20, 2022

    Video Conference

    Attendees: Bill Donovan, President, Susan Powell,  Anne Janak, Joyce Clark, Emily Ward, Lenore Rapkin, Allen Paul, David Dittmer, Judy Johnson, Jon Anderson,  Ellen Detlefsen, Jim Kupel, Catherine Morrison, Asst. Director, Nancy Crowell, Library Director


    Meeting called to order by Bill Donovan, at 4:33 PM.

    Adoption of Minutes, November 18, November 29, 2021.

    Motion to adopt minutes made by Anne Janak and seconded by Allen Paul. Motion passed unanimously.

    Treasurer's Report - Dave reported that our finances are in good shape.  Nancy expressed some concern about building expenses, in light of news that the PUC expects electricity costs to go up in the coming months.

    Motion to accept Treasurer’s report by Jim Kupel, seconded by Susan Powell. Motion passed unanimously.

    Library Director's Report – Nancy has a tour scheduled for new Town Councilor on February 19th.  The Library may begin offering internships for a student in the Library Associate’s program at the University of Maine.

    Joyce asked that brown paper bags be brought to the library for use in the February book sale.

    Sam Kelley will be offering an interactive program on Zoom. The Town Council has also met with Sam in an effort to foster better public engagement.

    AARP Tax Assistance on Thursdays and Fridays—phone 518-8579 for an appointment. 

    Town Councilor's Remarks – deferred to later on the agenda under Unfinished Business.

    President's Remarks – deferred to later on the agenda.

    Consent Calendar:

    • Building Expansion Committee –Minutes  1/3/2022
    • Community Relations/Development Committee -Minutes 1/3/2022
    • Personnel, Nominating, Governance Committee -Minutes 9/23, 1/6/2022
    • FOSL Board-Meeting report 1/13/2022

    Motion to adopt Consent Calendar by Lenore Rapkin, seconded by Anne Janak.      Motion passed unanimously.

    President’s Remarks Bill is keeping in close touch with the Town Council these days. There is increasing interest in a community center and seeming waning interest in the library project among councilors.  In 2019 the Community Center committee had a very comprehensive report done.  Now the Council is trying to coordinate between a community center, library expansion, and the new school expansion (which hasn’t even decided which way to go). Bill has not heard back which way the Council may be leaning, so we need to just keep going and building on the work we have already done.  The Council had its goal setting session yesterday (1/19).

    Unfinished Business:

    Town Councilor’s Remarks – Jon is trying to get the Council not to draw too many conclusions from the recent community survey.

    The Downs is thinking of building a community center which would be funded by tax increment financing, avoiding the necessity of a bond.

    In their goal setting, some councilors were pushing to put a community center to a . referendum.  But we don’t actually know how much work has been done, exactly what a community center would look like (basketball courts, a pool?), nor whether in the end it will be a Town undertaking or a Downs’ project, and we don’t know how large a problem this could be for us.  A workshop is being planned for the end of March to include discussion re the schools, the library, and a community center.  We need to remind the Council how much work we have already done on our project.  Jon reminded the councilors that the Library is free and open to everyone, whereas a center might be more restricted.  At least one councilor is against any library expansion, and Jon thinks this is due to lack of understanding.  We need to bring everyone up to the same baseline. 

    Anne questioned whether the library would be overshadowed in a workshop with all three stakeholders involved, and Jon answered that we would need to have structured questions, and that this isn’t about competing needs, but about values. 

    Joyce asked what the feeling was among the councilors and Jon felt that a vote right now would be a no maybe to both the library and a community center until they are able to figure out exactly what the needs of the community are and how they can best be served.

    Allen asked what our best argument would be to make before the Council and Jon stressed better educating councilors as to the full range of what the library does, as well as the fact that the library has donors.  Should we show them the plans once again?

    Ellen wondered about the reliability of the survey data and Jon agreed that we need to be able to target certain demographic groups.

    In answer to Judy’s question about the Hub, their lease of the space in the old House of Lights, is just temporary and there no longer is space in the Town Hall for them.

    Bill commented that as stakeholders in the survey results we need more coordination with the Council.

    There was more discussion on this whole subject, including a proposal for Trustees to buddy with Town Councilors, and finally Jim proposed we halt the discussion for tonight.

    Fundraising Campaign -- Susan reported that we signed a letter of agreement with Demont on December 2nd.  Demont has their eye on raising $2 million plus.  The Executive Committee meets weekly with Demont, and is approaching people to join the Campaign Cabinet which meets twice monthly.  The goal for January is $100,000, and $64,000 has been raised to date.  Discussions are ongoing with the Town Council.

    Nancy is making a list of things to do with $450,000 if we don’t go to referendum or if we fail.  There’s much work to be done getting people to give cash up front and to support us in a referendum.

    New Business:

    Review of Community Survey results -- Nancy will be forthcoming with a review of the survey results.

    Board of Trustees skills assessment, PNG Committee Report – Joyce asked to table the report.

    Update of a Citizen’s Campaign Committee – Nancy has gotten the application to form a PAC and will be setting this up.

    Trustee Comments:

    Joyce reminded us to bring paper bags to the library.

    Adjournment A motion to adjourn made by Jim Kupel, seconded by Ellen Detlefsen.  Motion was unanimously approved.  The meeting was adjourned at 6:02 p.m.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Lenore Rapkin, Secretary

    Meeting Date
  • Special meeting between staff, trustees and Simon Architects regarding the building expansion. These minutes were provided by Simon Architects, who hosted the meeting.

    Please note: This is only a planning meeting and none of the room size numbers mentioned, or even the location of services within the schematics, should be considered final recommendations. 

    Meeting Date

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees 

    February 17, 2022 

    4:30 Video Conference 


    Attendees:  Emily Ward, Susan Powell, Ellen Detlefsen, Dave Dittmer, Joyce Clark, Bill Donovan, Judy Johnson, Anne Janak, Allen Paul, Lenore Rapkin, Catherine Morrison (Asst. Director), Nancy Crowell (Director). 

    Absent:  Jon Anderson, Jim Kupel. 


    The meeting was called to order at 4:35 p.m. by the President, Bill Donovan. 


    Adoption of the Minutes of January 20, 2022: 

    Motion to adopt by Ellen Detlefsen, seconded by Susan Powell, passed unanimously.   

    Treasurer’s Report: 

    Our finances continue to be in good shape, even before a recent large bequest.  Nancy pointed out that she does not include gifts in her budget. 

    Motion to accept report made by Ellen Detlefsen, seconded by Joyce Clark, passed unanimously. 

    Library Director’s Report: 

    We continue to be in crisis as we look for a Children’s Librarian with management experience.  In the meantime, Catherine and Nancy continue to hold things together, with Catherine dong the bulk of the search.  We are currently short one 40 hour person, with 3 part-timers filling in, usually one at a time. 

    Town Councilor’s Remarks: 

    Jon is currently on vacation. 

    President’s Remarks: 

    Deferred to later on the agenda. 

    Consent Calendar: 

    Building Expansion Committee – no meeting. 

    Community Relations/Development Committee--minutes 2/7/2022 

    Personnel, Nominating, and Governance Committee--minutes 2/3/2022 

    FOSL Board—meeting scheduled 2/24/2022. 

    Motion to accept the Consent Calendar by Allen Paul, seconded by Susan Powell, passed unanimously. 

    Unfinished business: 

    Building Project Update:  Bill reported having met with Simons before the presentation to the Town Council, and that the Simons team is easy to work with and work is being done in a timely fashion.  The presentation was very well received by the Council. Cost projections have begun coming in and the current projection for a 2023 project is $12.6 million, not including $800,000 for moving costs (off-the-top-of-the-head figure at this point), so we realistically should be looking at $13.4-$14 million.  Roccy Risbara has not yet been approached about donating space for temporary operations during the construction, but Nancy felt it might encourage others in the community if Roccy’s involvement were to become public. Because we will be operating off site we shouldn’t have to close during this period so there should be no staff disruption.  Bill also praised Demont’s preparation for and presentation to the Council.     

    Fundraising Campaign:  Susan reported weekly meetings are being held, either just the executive team or with the Campaign Cabinet.  For the record, at this point members of the Cabinet are:  John Thurlow, Kate Borduas, Bill Donovan, Jim Kupel, Peter Hatem, Barbara Kapp, Bill and Lucy LaCasse, and Susan Powell. 

    The Cabinet met yesterday and came up with a possible theme for the campaign: Building Community from Yesterday for Tomorrow.  Nancy will ask for bullet points for publicity. 

    Fundraising training has begun. They have met with John Chrastka of EveryLibrary, who will work with John Lanham of Demont. John L. will focus on fundraising and John C. on community support and the referendum, and there seems to be positive energy between the two.  Ellen encouraged trustees to get on EveryLibrary’s mailing list, or at least visit their website. 

    Nancy reminded the group that a political campaign is very different from a fundraising one, and that where fundraising campaigns can be compassionate, political campaigns can become mean. 

    Bill reported on the presentation to the Town Council, and began by praising Jon Anderson’s input in the letter we sent to The Leader. Jon warned that we need to tread carefully with the Council. Bill reported that there was an excellent round table discussion, and that Nancy did a wonderful job responding to comments.  All councilors expressed their opinion, Jon Anderson and Jean-Marie Caterina were both very supportive of the library and the feeling in the room was generally positive. John Cloutier, the Chair, is a numbers guy so he will be concentrating on any figures we can deliver.  Nancy cautioned us to be careful not to emphasize our online and virtual features as they do not make a good argument for more physical space.  Cloutier did comment that the library was too small, but also thinks we offer a very expensive service (in tax dollars) for our number of active users (7,000).  We would expect an increase in usage right after the reopening (statistics show this is often a 50% increase on opening a new building), and we can use the Hub as an example of this increase.  John Cloutier emailed Nancy today to say that it was a good meeting, that it moved the needle.   Nancy is a bit concerned about comments she overhead at the Council meeting, such as if the library can raise $2-3 million perhaps the Town can raise another $5 million—Nancy is confident that John Lanham can address this concern.  Another comment, this is a rich community, most of the money can be obtained through fundraising. 

    Bill also reported on the status of a proposed community center, saying they are awaiting word as to whether or not their project could be eligible for a TIF grant, which would alleviate 60% of the tax burden on the Town. 

    Nancy reported that she recently recruited Kevin Freeman to help with the fundraising.  He will assume a leadership position on the Vote Yes Campaign but will not be the Chairperson.  We are now looking for chairpersons as well as Honorary Chairpersons for the Campaign.  Bert Follansbee has been hired as the graphic designer for both campaigns.  And we have launched a separate website for the expansion and it already contains some FAQs.  The Campaign for Leadership Gifts is going very well, so far we have raised over $60,000 just with Board members.  We should reach our goal of $100,000 by summer. 

    Board of Trustees Skills Assessment—PNG Committee report:  Joyce reported that the results of this survey showed that the Board is strong in terms of skills in policies and direction, less so in terms of strategic plan.  Members have minimal knowledge of or experience with emerging trends and foundations.  There was also minimal experience with fundraising. 

    Suggestions were that we need to recruit younger board members, and we need training in fundraising. 

    It would be helpful to have questions in advance to prepare us for the survey monkey format. 

    We also need to focus on orientation and mentoring. 


    New Business: 

    We will be receiving the budget shortly.  The current year is a negative 5% budget and we will be building on that.  There is currently a payroll gap with the Children’s Librarian position still open. 

    Bill reminded us to use every opportunity to push the expansion. 

    Emily offered congratulations to Anne on her new twin great-grandsons. 

    Items for next agenda: 

    Budget review. 

    Motion to adjourn meeting, Ellen Detlefsen, seconded by Susan Powell, meeting adjourned at 6:07. 


    Respectfully submitted, 

    Lenore Rapkin, Secretary  


    Meeting Date

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees 

    March 17, 2022 

    Video Conference 4:30 


    Attendees:  Susan Powell, Allen Paul, Jon Anderson, Dave Dittmer, Jim Kupel, Emily Ward, Anne Janak, Judy Johnson, Ellen Detlefsen, Lenore Rapkin, Catherine Morrison (Ass’t Director), Nancy Crowell (Director). 

    Absent:   Bill Donovan. 


    The meeting was called to order at 4:35 by Susan Powell, Vice President. 

    Adoption of the Minutes of February 17, 2022: 

    Motion to adopt made by Anne Janak, seconded by Dave Dittmer, passed unanimously. 

    Treasurer’s Report: 

    Our income was as expected, with the payroll down somewhat.  We are still in the black.  Nancy warned that expenses for repairs and maintenance would be spiking.  She added that the meeting room was now open, charges for which are $40 for 2 hours plus $20 for each additional hour. 

    Library Director’s Report: 

    Nancy reported that as of tomorrow, March 18th, the mask mandate is being dropped for the library but we are continuing to encourage it in the Children’s Room.  Barriers in the library are being removed.  She also reported that libraries across the state are receiving envelopes containing stamps as a thank-you from a “grateful Minerva patron.” 

    There have been a few more applicants for the children’s librarian position, which has been re-posted without the requirement for a Master’s degree, although previous experience is still a requisite.  In the meantime, the team is doing a great job. 

    Town Councilor’s Remarks: 

    There was a special meeting last week to authorize negotiations between the Town Manager and the Downs to discuss potentially setting some terms so that we can further consider their request for a housing exemption.  Jon reported that in his remarks he reminded the Council to keep the library in mind, in terms of the impact any decision might have on the library.  

    Jon also attends the school building committee meetings, and reports that they are now working on site selection, but there still doesn’t seem to be much community support for this effort.  They are also working on putting together a communications committee to get the word out but that is moving slowly.  They are hoping to go to referendum in November 2023, which Jon feels is very optimistic at this point.  However, he is hearing comments to the effect that “the school is a need, the library is a want,” with which thought Jon does not agree but feels we need to be aware of this. There is still no decision as to whether they want a school consolidation or not.  Currently, the need is greatest for K though grade 2 or 3, but there is recognition that the middle school needs to be part of that conversation  A lot of taxpayers are opposed to funding anything other than schools, and the cost of a new school, which is still unknown, is far greater than other projects.  And the school issue needs to be dealt with definitely within the next 10 years, 5 years may be optimal. 

    Nancy interjected that John Cloutier did a study showing that all 3 projects could be possible under guidelines of 13% of debt services capabilities.  John thinks things need to be spread out over a 10 year gap.  

    The budget presentation will be on March 30th at 6:00. There will be an opportunity for the public to phone in to ask questions. 

    There has been no progress on a community centre, but exactly what such a centre would include has not been defined as yet.  Even though it is hoped that the TIF will largely shelter taxpayers, over $400,000 will still be needed; and there are some restrictions on TIFs.  The schools and the library need to go one route, and the community centre another, as they levy a fee for service. 

    Vice President’s Remarks: 

    Deferred to later on the agenda. 

    Consent Calendar: 

    Jim Kupel moved to accept the calendar as is.  Motion seconded by Anne Janak, approved unanimously. 

    Unfinished Business 

    Building Project Update:  

    Susan reported that the current estimate is about $13 million, excluding moving costs, storage, etc. which could be as high as another $1 million.  These figures include inflation projected for 2023.  Construction will begin in the fall of 2023.  We are currently in the “quiet period,” but Nancy has requested poster-sized pictures for publicity.  Nancy noted that we will be having an Open House on Sunday, April 3rd, from 2:00 to 4:00, with “Covid-friendly” refreshments.  There will be remarks at 3:00.  She asked for volunteers to help host the event. 

    Fund Raising Campaign: 

    Susan reported that John Lanham confirmed that, to date, we have raised almost $100,000. 

    Nancy reported that Roccy Risbara is very supportive of our decision not to move our location.  She thinks he will be helpful with our project and will take a leadership role. This may soften his hard business reputation within the community. The question is, do we need to try to pin Roccy down now? Nancy says she thinks he is open to being creative. 

    Citizen Campaign Committee: 

    Nancy hasn’t met again with John Chrastka as she wants to get some key leadership positions filled before moving forward, especially treasurer positions.  She has been working with various people on publicity, like Bert Follansbee who will do some professional preparation of materials, as well as the Town communications director and the Town Cable tv producer.  Lucy and Nancy have been working with the tv people to produce short videos to enhance the get-out-to-vote campaign. 

    Nancy also reported that there been no action re a PAC because, again, she is waiting to have a treasurer in place.  Jim Kupel is working on a Master Calendar which will soon be done. 

    New Business 


    Nancy reported that last year’s budget was a negative 5%.  We will use federal Employee Retention Credit funds to offset this, using it as a balance forward. 

    Motion to accept the Budget made by Jim Kupel, seconded by Judy Johnson, passed unanimously. 

    Motion to accept the CIP made by Anne Janak, seconded by Dave Dittmer, passed unanimously. 

    Librarian’s Performance Evaluation: 

    Tabled in Emily’s absence (Emily had to leave the meeting early). 

    Purdy Powers

    Nancy and Dave both recommended we continue to retain them as our auditors. 

    Motion to accept made by Judy Johnson and seconded by Allen Paul, passed unanimously. 

    Board of Trustees Evaluation: 

    Discussion tabled due to length of meeting. 

    Library Week: 

    Judy and Susan volunteered availability. 

    Next Agenda:  

    Director’s Performance Evaluation, Trustees Skills Assessment. 

    Motion to Adjourn:  Ellen Detlefsen moved to adjourn at 5:49, seconded by Dave Dittmer.  Motion passed unanimously. 


    Respectfully submitted. 

    Lenore Rapkin, Secretary  







    Meeting Date

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees 

    April 21, 2022 

    Video Conference  


    Attendees:  Bill Donovan, Susan Powell, Jon Anderson, Dave Dittmer, Jim Kupel, Emily Ward, Anne Janak, Judy Johnson, Ellen Detlefsen, Lenore Rapkin, Nancy Crowell (Director).  Guest Observer:  Kim Corthell (interim Friends’ representative). 

    Absent:   Allen Paul. 

    The meeting was called to order at 4:39 by the President, Bill Donovan. 

    Adoption of the Minutes of March 17, 2022:  Motion to adopt by Ellen Detlefsen, seconded by Susan Powell, passed unanimously. 

    Treasurer’s Report:  Basically no change in the past month, below budget in Personnel, above budget in Utilities. 

    Motion to accept report by Jim Kupel, seconded by Ellen Detlefsen, passed unanimously. 

    Library Director’s Report:  Danuta Barnard has died and the Library has been named in her estate planning.  She has left us her jewels, which we will have evaluated.  The family has asked for donations to the Library in lieu of flowers. 

    Town Councilor’s Remarks:  The first Finance Committee meeting to consider the new budget was held this week, and Nancy made a strong representation on behalf of the Library’s proposed expansion.

    There will be a further meeting on May 10th to discuss the CIP portion of the budget.  There will be a vote on the budget on May 16th and an opportunity for public comment before that on May 4th.  Jon is optimistic that the Council will vote to send our request to referendum in November.  Although the Town has several large facility planning projects in the offing, none has progressed to the planning stage to the degree that we have. 

    Nancy reminded us that there was going to be a Candidates’ Night on April 27th, three people running for the short-term seat.  Kevin Freeman, who will be moderating, is also our Campaign Chair so it wouldn’t be appropriate for him to ask questions about the Library, but perhaps others could call in to do that and Nancy was sure those questions would be addressed. 

    Bill reported that Councilor Ken Johnson had been very impressed with the due diligence done by the Library and seemed inclined to at least publicly support the expansion. 

    Jon said that sending the Town Council a copy of the Library Newsletter was a good idea.  Bill wondered if we should add Nancy’s Director’s Report to the Newsletter, or send it separately to the Town Council, and Jon countered by suggesting he might share his copy of the Report with the Councilors.  Nancy said that her Report is written as an internal document but is a public document, as are all Trustee documents; but she thinks that the Newsletter is broader and really sufficient for the Council.  Perhaps we might share excerpts from her Report. 

    Susan commented that we need to talk about consistent talking points, such as does the Library have to have meeting space, etc. Nancy reminded us that we need to go back to look at our Mission and Vision statements where much of what we do is spelled out. 

    President’s Remarks:  Bill reported that a lot of his remarks have already been noted, so we will skip to the Consent Calendar. 

    Consent Calendar:  A motion was made by Susan Powell to accept the Consent Calendar, seconded by Ellen Detlefsen, and passed unanimously. 

    Unfinished Business 

    Building Project Update:  Susan reported that we are currently in a quiet phase.  Kayla will advise whether the landscaping is included in the estimate.  Assuming that our request does get on the ballot, we need to decide the amount we would request.  We should look at the $13 million estimate carefully and try to cover some of the building costs with monies we raise during our capital campaign, but we need to discuss what costs we might be able to cover in that way.  We will definitely cover costs such as rent and storage with money from our campaign.  Demont has estimated that we should be able to raise between $2.25 million and $3 million, and Susan feels that if we achieve our goal of $450,000 by August, then Demont’s figure is probably right.   

    Open House, April 3rd:  Susan reported that this was a great event, drawing about 75 people and a lot of enthusiasm.  About 35 attendees signed up to help with fundraising or the Vote Yes campaign.  Tom’s display was excellent. Nancy commented that several people turned into full supporters that day. 

    Fundraising Campaign:  Bill felt that all the detail pertaining to this can be found in John Lanham’s document in the packet.   

    Jim asked if we were waiting for Nancy and Bill to prioritize the list of prospective donors that had been prepared some time ago.  Nancy explained that the list has been added to more recently, and that there is work to be done on finding out who might know some of the prospects, who would be the best person to approach them, and what the right strategy might be.  Nancy said that there could be a few Scarborough business owners on the list but it is mainly individual donors and family foundations. Jim commented that in order to stay on schedule we would need to have the list soon after we receive our training on April 27th.  Nancy said we are a bit behind schedule but we will receive the materials as soon as they are available.  For those of us unable to attend the training session on the 27th Nancy has offered to share the slide deck that has been prepared for the session, which will be live at the Library. 

    Citizen Campaign Committee:  Nancy reported that we have three wonderful leadership volunteers, all with different connections (Kevin Freeman, Art Dillon, and Michelle Raber). After they meet with John Lanham tomorrow they will follow up with EveryLibrary.  The first event is planned with the Chamber of Commerce on April 25th.   

    Update on FY2022-23 Budget Process:  Nancy felt that the meeting went well, there were good questions from the councilors, she didn’t think there were any hidden agendas, and there was helpful interaction. 

    Motion to approve revised policy for the Director’s Performance Review:  This motion from the PNG committee was tabled from the last meeting, but there are still some questions so it was suggested to table it to the May meeting.  Nancy has done her evaluation, so there will be no delay in getting her response to trustees in time for us to complete our evaluations. 

    New Business 

    Board of Trustees Skills Assessment and Self-Assessment for FY2022:  These reports from the PNG committee are tabled to the May meeting due to technical difficulties.  It was noted that most trustees have not yet received the self-assessment questionnaire. 

    Report on Policy Review project: tabled to the next meeting due to Allen Paul’s absence.  However, Ellen and Nancy both informed the trustees of the work Allen has done in his effort to clean up the website and make searching both easier and more logical.   

    Motion to Post the names of candidates for renewal of terms plus a prospective candidate to fill a vacant position:  Ellen explained PNG’s process for interviewing prospective candidates for the Board, and then explained that this vote was simply to put forward the names before a vote to take place next month.

    Motion to Post made by Jim Kupel, seconded by Susan Powell, passed unanimously. 

    Susan Powell – 2nd term (re-election) 

    Judy Johnson-1st term (re-election) 

    David Dittmer-1st term (re-election) 

    Kristen Verrico-1st full term (new member) 

    Ellen gave a nod to Kim Corthell, our guest observer, who is awaiting a vote from the Friends to be their next representative on the Board. 

    Items for the next agenda:  The budget; Allen Paul’s report; Skills and Self-Assessments reports. 

    Trustee Comments:  Bill thanked everyone for their hard work during this busy period and stressed how lucky we are to have Nancy at the helm. 

    Adjournment:  Motion to adjourn made by Susan Powell, seconded by Ellen Detlefsen.  The meeting was adjourned at 5:31 p.m. 


    Respectfully submitted. 

    Lenore Rapkin, Secretary 

    Meeting Date

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees 

    May 19, 2022 

    4:30 p.m. - Video Conference  


    Attendees:  Bill Donovan, Susan Powell, Jon Anderson, Dave Dittmer, Jim Kupel, Emily Ward, Anne Janak, Judy Johnson, Ellen Detlefsen, Allen Paul, Kim Corthell, Lenore Rapkin, Catherine Morrison (Ass’t. Director), Nancy Crowell (Director).   

    The meeting was called to order at 4:30 by the President, Bill Donovan. 

    Bill officially welcomed Kim Corthell to the Board as the new representative of the Friends of the Library. 

    Adoption of the Minutes of April 21, 2022:   Motion to adopt made by Anne Janak, seconded by Susan Powell, passed unanimously. 

    Treasurer’s Report:  Dave reported that we have less in liabilities and equities than last month due to the volatile stock market. 

    Motion to accept made by Anne Janak, seconded by Ellen Detlefsen, passed unanimously. 

    Library Director’s Report:  Nancy reported that she is ready to make an offer to a candidate for the youth services manager position. The candidate has significant experience in a nearby library.  Bill commented that she has good energy.  She met with the staff yesterday and received a good reception. 

    In the first paragraph of the report, under Gifts and Memorials, the Barnard estate has been received but not yet processed, so its value has not yet been entered in our books.  H.M. Payson is handling the estate, so we need to open an account with them before we can sell the portfolio holdings and realize the cash value.  Most of the jewelry has been evaluated over the years; we will ask Cross Jewelers to do an evaluation for us once we have the necessary paperwork in order.  Ellen has agreed to circulate Danuta Barnard’s obituary to Board members. Nancy pointed out that the Library does not typically accept tangible assets as gifts, but these arrangements had been made in advance of Danuta’s passing.     

    Town Councilor’s Remarks:  The budget was approved yesterday at a Council meeting.  An amendment was added concerning the authority of the Council to approve CIP requests and Jon felt that several councilors used this discussion to voice their concerns over the Library expansion, and what exactly this will mean in terms of operating expenses.  There will be a workshop in July to discuss all of this, including the possible impact such an expansion might have on traffic in the area, a topic raised recently by John Cloutier in conversation with Jon.  Following the workshop, in August the Library will submit its request to go to referendum.  Dave asked if Jon thought this might happen before Summerfest, which could be a great publicity opportunity for us.  Jon thought that it was likely the meeting would be in early August.  He also thinks there may have to be extra meetings this summer to discuss issues like the Downs Exemption. Nancy asked about the amount of debt the Town could tolerate, and Jon replied that the Town tries to keep debt services at 13% of the annual budget.  There still is the question of the schools, we now have the entire 6th grade in portables, but no fixed decision yet as to whether to consolidate or not.  And if the community centre goes the way of using a TIF, then the only major projects are the Library and the schools, both of which are real needs, and both of which will affect taxpayers in some way.  Looking back to Council inaction as far away as 2005, it seems way past time for councilors to finally take a stand and make hard and fast decisions that may not be popular in terms of raising taxes but which fulfill real needs in the community.  

    Jim reminded us that we need to include in our messaging an answer to the question, what if it (the referendum) fails.  Fund raisers don’t like to address that possibility, but politically it could be necessary to do so.  Do we need to have “what if” alternatives?  He also encouraged us to attend Council meetings when possible, 

    Jon said that both April Sither and Don Hamill voted against the Library CIP question, she because she felt its scope to be too big and he for a variety of reasons including the operating budget plus the fact that there are other projects in the offing to be considered.  Jon also cautioned that even though other councilors seemed supportive at the meeting, he can’t be sure they will support the Library when it is put to the larger vote. 

    Bill said that operating costs were being looked into, and asked Nancy to elaborate.  She reported that, with the help of Tom Corbett in the Library, utility costs are being calculate; she is receiving help from Community Services on building maintenance costs, and she and her staff still have to work out possible staffing costs in a larger building.  Once all of these costs are compiled she will send everything off to the architects, who will prepare a presentation including HVAC and engineering costs.  They will be able to extrapolate from current usage figures what the impact might be in the proposed new space.  

    Jim emphasized the importance of showing up for meetings as well as contacting councilors via email, and urged us to show up for the workshop. 

    President’s Remarks:  Bill reserved his remarks until later on the agenda. 

    Consent Calendar:  Ellen Detlefsen moved to accept the Consent Calendar.  Motion seconded by Allen Paul and passed unanimously.  

    Old Business 

    Building Project Update:  Susan reported that she had nothing to add to the written report. 

    Fundraising Campaign:  John Lanham’s report is in the packet.  Bill is very encouraged by the enthusiasm of some of our fundraisers and donors. 

    Dave asked for clarification on the Impact Fund.  Our goal for the end of June is $300,000, with the goal through November, 2022 of $450,000.  So far we have raised about $200,000, some of which is in matching funds.  Much is dependent on a successful vote in November.  We have other funds that have been raised and are contingent on a successful vote in November, but the Impact Fund is our safety net in the event the vote fails. 

    Citizen Campaign—Every Library:  Nancy said she would turn this discussion over to Jim, since we now do have a Citizen Campaign Committee and Jim has joined it as communications person. 

    Jim began by saying how impressed he was with John Chrastka.  On the question of what we as Board members could do for the Vote Yes Committee, Jim said John advised that we did not really have any restrictions.  John also advised Jim that we would need funds for some activities, such as materials for advertising and drop-off flyers etc.  Jim then requested that each of us have in mind 5 people who would endorse the Library project and would be willing to man tables, knock on doors, etc. 

    Ellen once again encouraged all of us to join EveryLibrary to support its mission. 

    Susan and Tom have compiled a list of talking points to support our project. 

    Peter Freilinger, who is running for Town Council in the upcoming election next month has said that he will support the Library project. 

    Update on FY2022-23 Budget (Nancy Crowell and Dave Dittmer):  the budget passed in the Town Council.  Nancy commented on the good work of the Council Finance Committee.  This is the first year that our budget went through without any changes. 

    In answer to a question by Judy, we are now asking people to wear masks throughout the Library, staff who do not work behind plexiglass are remaining masked, and childrens’ programs are moving outdoors. 

    Motion to approve revised policy for Director’s Performance Review and Board of Trustees skills assessment and self-assessment for FY2022:  both items, to be presented by the PNG Committee have been tabled to a future meeting.  Bill asked Emily to comment.  Emily responded that there has been an issue with the technology.  She has received most of the responses by now but not in time to present at today’s meeting. 

    Report on Policy Review project:  Allen reported that the project has required a good deal of effort and many meetings, but he has managed to reduce 113 topics to just 60 purely by consolidation, no eliminations.  He commented on how helpful Tom had been.  There is still work to do and he is looking for evidence of policies being approved.  Policies should be regularly reviewed, one-third each year.  Tom has updated the website to the present.  Susan thanked Allen for his work and Kim offered to assist. 

    New Business 

    MOTION:  Posting of names for terms to expire 2025:  Susan Powell, second full term; Judy Johnson, first full term; Dave Dittmer, first full term; and Kristen Verrico, nomination withdrawn;   

    Motion to accept made by Lenore Rapkin, seconded by Ellen Detlefsen, carried unanimously. 

    Emily added the explanation that Kristen was concerned about the time commitment as well as the expectation of annual donations.  Emily suggested that she begin by joining the Friends of the Library. 

    Nancy explained that the usual time for the Nomination of Officers for the coming fiscal year would be at this meeting, with the vote to happen at the end of the June meeting as that meeting’s last order of business. 

    MOTION:  Starting in Fiscal Year 2023 the Scarborough Public Library Corporation shall pay a buy-out to eligible employees not enrolled in the Library’s health insurance plan.  Such buy-out will mirror that offered to non-union town employees. 

    Motion made by Susan Powell, seconded by Anne Janak.  Jim Kupel questioned the term “buy-out.” Catherine said that was the term used in the documentation.  The vote carried unanimously. 

    MOTION:  The Library will add Juneteenth to the holiday closing schedule. 

    Motion made by Susan Powell, seconded by Ellen Detlefsen.  This is an official national holiday.  The motion carried unanimously. 

    Items for the Next Agenda 

    There will be two carry-over items from the PNG Committee. 

    At 5:47 a motion was made by Lenore Rapkin, seconded by Ellen Detlefsen, to retire into Executive Session. 

    At this point Nancy and Catherine left the meeting and the remaining Trustees reviewed Nancy’s performance for the past year. 

    At 6:10 the meeting was adjourned following a motion by Jim Kupel, seconded by Ellen Detlefsen. 


    Respectfully submitted, 

    Lenore Rapkin 



    Meeting Date
    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees 
    June 16, 2022 
    4:30 p.m. - Video Conference  


    Attendees:  Bill Donovan, Susan Powell, Jon Anderson, Dave Dittmer, Emily Ward, Judy Johnson, Ellen Detlefsen, Allen Paul, Kim Corthell, Lenore Rapkin, Anne Janak, Catherine Morrison (Ass’t. Director), Nancy Crowell (Director).   

    Absent: Jim Kupel. 

    The meeting was called to order at 4:30 by the President, Bill Donovan. 

    Adoption of the Minutes of April 21, 2022:   Motion to adopt made by Judy Johnson, seconded by Allen Paul.  Carried unanimously. 

    Allen added the comment that Councilor Nick McGee had told him that he supported the Library. 

    Treasurer’s Report:  Dave reported that our expenses were down below budget, and that we have received some significant gifts, so we are doing well. 

    We have realized $199,000 on the sale of stock left to us by Danuta Barnard, and her jewelry has been evaluated at about $7,000.  She asked that the gifts be given in her memory.  The Hammond gifts were $284,797.23 in cash and $9,700 in retirement funds. 

    Nancy reported that the first of the Anne Hammond poetry series was given by the Maine Poet Laureate earlier this month, and we will dedicate a special area of the library to house the desk Anne left to the Library.  Around $5,000 of this money has been earmarked for our expansion campaign. 

    Bill and Nancy will be meeting with Tom Hall on July 20th to discuss the language for the referendum. 

    A motion was made by Allen Paul to accept the Treasurer’s report, and seconded by Susan Powell; carried unanimously. 

    Library Director’s Report:  Nancy reported that Danuta Barnard’s jewelry has now been sold. 

    There will be an open house to meet Deanna McNamara, the new Youth Services Director, on Wednesday, June 22nd from 3:30-5:30. 

    We have issued a No Trespass order to a homeless person who has been violating our behavior policy.  The police have been training new members how to deal with homeless people and the mentally ill, but patrons had been expressing concerns.  We had been warned about this person by the police—the Town has been trying to help this person for some time. 

    Town Councilor’s Remarks:   Jon reported that there had only been a 16% turnout for the election earlier this month. 

    The Council will hold a workshop on July 20th to address pending projects including the library and the schools. 

    In his capacity as Chair of the Communications Committee of the Council, Jon prepares weekly notes for distribution to the councilors.  His latest notes concentrated on facilities, emphasizing free access to learning.  The Council tabled to its July meeting its discussion on homelessness; paying to house the homeless in hotels is becoming a problem, but the Council is committed to addressing this issue.  Public assistance is not enough to enable people to pay their own way. 

    Emily wondered why 230 ballots cast for the Town Council were left blank and wondered if voters were just not informed enough to vote.  Allen replied that a number of people turned out to vote but left ballots blank when they saw races that were uncontested.  The November ballot will have a number of charter questions, might these cause problems?  Allen thinks these questions will be totally separate, but Dave commented that bond issues tend to go to the top of the page in any case.       

    President’s Remarks:  Bill extended thanks to those who manned the table on election day (Judy, Kim, Susan, Kate Borduas, Nancy, Catherine, Mike, Tom, and Bill).  Bill was very encouraged by the level of support, as was Judy.  A lot of people signed up to go door to door for the Get Out the Vote campaign.  Susan added that there was a steady stream of people and they were absolutely supportive. 

    Work is going forward collecting information for the Council: we need to confirm the project cost; and Nancy, Susan, John Lanham, and Bill are working on the actual language for the ballot.  We can use the example of the Public Safety building. 

    Bill applauded the energy shown by Jim Kupel and his group.  

    Consent Calendar:  Emily Ward moved to accept the Consent Calendar.  Motion seconded by Judy Johnson and passed unanimously.  

    Unfinished Business 

    Building Project Update:  Susan has met with the sustainability person; our sustainability will be net zero, i.e. utility costs will be equal to or less than current costs.  Our highest utility cost will be electrical, no current numbers available just now.  We plan to use renewable building materials, and the area around the building will be habitable friendly, including more electrical chargers and bird friendly window glass. 

    Fundraising Campaign:  Nancy has reported that we are just under $4,000 short of our goal of $52,000. 

    Citizen Campaign:  Nancy commented on the quality of the committee, which includes Kevin Freeman, Art Dillon, and Laurie Warshaw.  EveryLibrary hosts the website, and we have additional enhancements for which we pay a few cents per voter.  Bill and Nancy spoke with an attorney, who said we have lots of leeway because we are large and have a large operating budget.  We get free advice because of our membership in the Maine Association of Non-Profits. 

    Board of Trustees Skills Assessment:  Emily reported that there is still work to do, especially in the area of Board Self-Assessment. 

    New Business 

    Motion:  The PNG Committee moves to approve the election of the following for terms to expire in 2025:  Susan Powell (2nd full term, re-election); Judy Johnson (1st full term, re-election); Dave Dittmer (1st full term, re-election).  The motion was seconded by Emily Ward, and carried unanimously. 

    Discussion on meeting schedule for July and August, to include need for special meetings and Board retreat:  After some discussion we agreed to tentatively meet on Thursday, July 14th at 4:30.  Leadership will have documentation ready for us to discuss before sending it to the Town Council on the 15th.  This is the precursor to the Town Council vote as to whether or not we can go to referendum. 

    At 5:25 Bill left the meeting and Susan took over the Chair.  Due to the lateness of the hour, we will discuss the Retreat at a later time. 

    Motion:  The PNG Committee nominates the following Board officers for Fiscal Year 2023:  President:  Bill Donovan; Vice-President:  Susan Powell; Treasurer:  David Dittmer.  The motion was seconded by Ellen Detlefsen.  Allen strongly supports maintaining our current officers, particularly at this time.  Motion passed unanimously. 


    Items for the Next Agenda 

    The Bond question; workshop materials; standard updates; election of secretary. 

    Trustee Comments: 

    Emily reported that Mike Shaw, the head of Public Works, will be retiring. 

    Allen reported having spoken to Tom Hall about the expansion, and wondered exactly what the cost would be to citizens.  He also mentioned the next steps in the Policy Review Process:  We should start with policies where the last update is unknown. 

    Jon replied to Allen’s query about the cost to tax payers of the bond: 19 cents per $1,000 valuation, approximately $60 for the average $400,000 Scarborough household. 

    Allen commented that he thinks our competition is the projected community center, for which there can be alternative funding. 

    Susan commented that the projected Center would accommodate 125 people, would be adjacent to athletic activities, would have both Teen and Senior meeting rooms, and, as she said, is sounding more like a recreation center.  And it is really just an idea right now.    

    At 5:56 the meeting was adjourned following a motion by Allen Paul, seconded by Judy Johnson. 


    Respectfully submitted, 

    Lenore Rapkin,  

    Acting Secretary 


    Meeting Date
  • Scarborough Public Library Board of Trustees, board meeting
    Thursday, July 14, 2022

    Meeting Minutes

    Participants: Bill Donovan, Nancy Crowell, Susan Powell, Allen Paul, Ellen Detlefsen, Anne Janak, Dave Dittmer, Jim Kupel, Catherine Morrison, Kim Corthell

    The Zoom meeting was called to order at 4:30 PM.

    Building Project Update: Susan reported that Austin Smith with Simons Architects updated the Project Costs due to the current high rate of inflation. Costs have increased by about 6% or $740,000. The total project cost is now $13,680,472.

    Fundraising Campaign: Bill Donovan stated that the current quiet phase of the campaign has about $250,000 in contributions to the Impact Fund. In addition, we have two gifts totaling about $500,000 from patrons who have recently passed away (Ann Hammond and Danuta Barnard). The Prouts Neck awareness event at Bill and Lucy LaCasse’s house on July 12 was very well received. About 40 guests attended and Nancy was applauded for her efforts. Solicitations will begin for this group in the weeks ahead. The event resulted in a few people touring the library.

    Bill spoke to Tom Hall requesting the name of a person at ME Medical Center to discuss the possibility of using a vacant space for temporary library space during construction. He was encouraged by the positive conversations, and it looks like there might be a few options, depending on how much space we need. We’ll need storage space as well.

    Citizen Campaign Committee: Jim updated us on the Vote Yes for Scarborough Library efforts. The PAC has been established and initial fundraising has started. The Facebook page is up and running. Susan organized the various signup sheets onto one Excel worksheet. The committee will use the list to ask supporters to contact the Town Councilors to vote to put the referendum on the ballot.

    MOTION: The PNG Committee nominates Lenore Rapkin for Board Secretary for Fiscal Year 2023. Motion to adopt the motion to nominate Lenore as Secretary was made by Ellen Detlefsen and seconded by Anne Janak. The motion passed unanimously.

    MOTION: The Board authorizes the extension of the $350,000 Line of Credit with Biddeford Savings. The current 18-month term is due to expire in August. The Bank has indicated willingness to extend the loan for one year with no additional fees. Motion to adopt the motion to extend the Line of Credit was made by Susan Powell and seconded by Anne Janak. The motion was passed unanimously.

    Other Business: The PNG interviewed Peter Freilinger today and would like to nominate him to the board. He is a good candidate with great financial acumen and is a cheerleader for the library.

    MOTION: To temporarily suspend the typical two-step process of electing new members to the board. Motion to temporarily suspend the nomination process was made by Ellen Detlefsen and seconded by Lenore Rapkin. The motion passed unanimously.

    MOTION: To offer a position on the Scarborough Library Board of Trustees to Peter Freilinger. Motion to elect Peter Freilinger to the SPL Board was made by Ellen Detlefsen and seconded by Anne Janak. The motion passed unanimously.

    The board retreat will be held at the library on Thursday, August 18 from 4:00-6PM. It will be in person and via video. Anders Dahlgren is unavailable, but Tom Corbett will be presenting ideas about the library of the future and discuss the overhaul of the SPL website.

    Volunteers are needed for the Art on the Lawn program at the end of July.

    Susan, Bill, Nancy and Jim are busy working on the presentation to the Town Council on July 20.

    A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Anne Janak and seconded by Ellen Detlefsen.

    Meeting was adjourned at 5:03PM.

    Submitted by,

    Susan Powell, Vice-President of the Board of Trustees

    Meeting Date



    Board Retreat – August 19, 2021  


    Attendees: In person – Allen Paul, Susan Powell, Jon Anderson, David Dittmer, Kathy Billings, Anne Janak, Jim Kupel, Judy Johnson.  Staff – Nancy Crowell, Director, Catherine Morrison, Lucy Norvell. Via Zoom – Bill Donovan, Emily Ward, Ellen Detlefsen. 

    Meeting called to order at 1:22 pm by Susan Powell 

    Board members introduced themselves. 

    Austin Smith and Kayla Caron, Simons Architects, provided a history of their work on the library expansion project, considerations to date, and a detailed review of the expansion design plans as they currently stand. The current plan focuses on a 34-35,000 sq. ft., two story expansion. Floor plan bubbles were presented identifying general space designations.  A front exterior diagram was also provided. This work represents approximately 5% of total planning and design that will be undertaken. Board members engaged in enthusiastic discussion, presenting ideas and questions. 

    John Lanham, Demont Associates joined the group via zoom and presented an overview of the capital campaign process and timeline. He reviewed fundraising and campaign fundamentals, roles of the Board of Trustees, silent vs public phases, and overall timeline for the Library campaign. Board members’ questions and comments were received and discussed. 

    General enthusiasm for the expansion project was expressed by the Board. Two items were presented for action – input to Jon on town survey to be conducted in September which will include questions about the library; Jim to solicit comments/edits regarding Statement of Need. 

    Nancy was commended for her tireless work and that of her staff during these challenging times. It was noted that she will be out of the office August 30-September 17. 

    Executive Session – due to technical difficulties to executive session to conduct the Library Director annual review was postponed. It will be conducted via zoom at a future date. 



    A motion to adjourn made by Jim Kupel and seconded by Anne Janak. Meeting was adjourned at 4:55 pm. 


    Recorded by Kathy Billings, Secretary 

    Meeting Date
    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees 
    September 15, 2022 
    4:30 p.m. - Video Conference  


    Attendees:  Bill Donovan, Susan Powell, Jon Anderson, Dave Dittmer, Judy Johnson, Ellen Detlefsen, Allen Paul, Anne Janak, Jim Kupel, Kim Corthell, Peter Freilinger,  Barbara Kapp, Lenore Rapkin, Catherine Morrison (Ass’t. Director), Nancy Crowell (Director).   

    The meeting was called to order at 4:33 by the President, Bill Donovan. 

    Adoption of the Minutes of June 16, 2022 and July 14, 2022:   Motion to adopt made by Anne Janak, seconded by Ellen Detlefsen.   

    Discussion:  It was noted that neither Peter Freilinger nor Barbara Kapp would vote, as they were not present at the meetings.  Anne corrected the minutes by noting that she was not absent from the meeting, she joined on speaker from France. 

    All voted in favor of the corrected minutes, with the exception of the two abstentions noted above. 

    Treasurer’s Report:  Dave reported that we were a little above budget, our income was slightly down but better than projections.  Peter noted that higher interest rates will increase our income, something that could be taken into account for budget purposes. 

    Motion to accept made by Ellen Detlefsen, seconded by Anne Janak, carried unanimously. 

    Library Director’s Report:  Nancy reported that the Library has hired two new part time employees, Karen Foley as a substitute as the Circulation Desk, and Patricia Remillard has joined as a page.  It is noted these are not added hours, but an adjustment to schedules.  Susan and Nancy will be meeting with the town Sustainability Committee.  The Chamber of Commerce has donated $2500 to support the Vote YES campaign.  

    Allen informed us that the Route 1 access road to the Town Hall and the school are off limits on Election Day, but it is permissible to stand outside the school entrance door without identifying yourself as a library supporter.  We can have a library table just to promote library services. 

    Town Councilor’s Remarks:  Jon reiterated that the Council vote to proceed with the library’s request to place the expansion project on the ballot was a 5-2 vote in favor; and that the Council decided to table the MoU for another month.  He also noted that the Chair of the School Board, and the Superintendent, would like a school representative to serve on the Building Committee. Jon also reported that Nancy and Susan had attended a meeting of the Council Communication Committee.  Jon is trying to get the Council to prepare an FAQ re the expansion project including the impact of the expansion on taxpayers. 

    The Council is planning to have a Canvas Day towards the end of October to let people know exactly what is on the ballot and to encourage people to get out to vote. 

    Susan remarked that April Sither had requested that the Library note the increase in our operational costs as well as the cost to taxpayers in our FAQ.  We have already calculated our operational costs, and are awaiting Tom Hall’s figures on the taxpayer impact before updating the FAQ, both on the website and in the print edition. 

    President’s Remarks:  Bill was concerned that the MoU might become a problem and after the meeting he spoke to Tom Hall who agreed to meet together with Bill and Jon to address this but felt the Library would be able to handle any pushback it presented.  Jim commented that the MoU is not legally required to be completed and signed prior to the election, but in the interest of transparency and good form we should do it in a timely fashion.  Tom Hall had felt it was a good way to explain to the Council the total cost of the project beyond building costs.  Jim opposed our posting the MoU, he felt it would just creative another narrative and provide a distraction, but after much conversation back and forth it was decided that in the interest of total transparency, we should definitely post it once it is signed.  The Council votes to give Tom the authority to sign the MoU. 

    Bill reported that Kate Borduas was in charge of the Letters to the Editor campaign and commented on its progress.  Board members can submit on their own, speaking as private citizens. 

    Consent Calendar:  Motion to accept made by Allen Paul, seconded by Ellen Detlefsen, carried unanimously. 

    Annual Reports:  Table until October meeting as not all reports are in. 

    Unfinished Business 

    Building Project Update:  Susan reported that this is now a quiet phase until the referendum has passed.  In the MoU the makeup of the building committee will be changed to include people with construction experience; Tom Hall or another representative from the Town, and maybe someone from the School Board.  Do we need to form a special committee to look into finding and outfitting a temporary space? 

    Nancy has been in touch with Peter Hatem, who is a real estate lawyer, to help with this. We need to be in touch with commercial real estate people to put the word out.   Susan felt there was some urgency in putting such a committee together as this will be an immediate concern once the referendum passes. 

    Nancy also reported that they have a meeting with the Sustainability Committee on the 21st.  The School Committee has sent a list of their concerns, and Nancy is currently drafting a response. There is the issue of traffic related to this, but we need to know if that is the library’s problem to deal with or the schools’ issue. Nancy has also been working creatively with Deanna to be come up with a plan for serving school children if our temporary space is not close by.   

    Fundraising Campaign:  Bill reported that our progress is good and we continue to exceed expectations.  Nancy reported that we are preparing grant applications to a Family Foundation and to two local banks, they will be ready to go out tomorrow and are in the range of $20,000-$25,000.  Nancy also mentioned that a patron, who had given a gift to the campaign, later returned to the library and gave Catherine a check for $20,000, saying “you are going to need this!”  Jim asked if we knew which campaign the donor supported, and if not did we need to ask; Nancy knew it was the Impact Campaign. Nancy then reminded us all that we can go to the website and make a donation to the Yes campaign.  In answer to a question from Bill, Jim remarked that the Yes Committee was well on its way to achieving its budgeted goal. 

    There followed a discussion on whether or not trustees wanted to continue to receive emails from Nancy forwarding comments she has received from voters. Jim felt it was a distraction for us at a busy time, others preferred to be informed about how voters are thinking. The question was unresolved. 

    Review of Council Vote on Bond—Council Communications Coordination:  This was covered earlier in the meeting. 

    Citizen Campaign:  Jim had nothing to report on the campaign. 


    New Business 

    Motion:  The PNG Committee moves to affirm the electronic vote electing Barbara Kapp to the Board to fill an unexpired term ending June 2024

    The motion was made by Susan Powell, seconded by Ellen Detlefsen, carried unanimously. 


    Review of timely policies—Challenged materials, soliciting, filming inside building:  Nancy alerted us to challenges currently being faced by libraries throughout the country:  the banning of books; First Amendment issues; and soliciting.  We are carefully ensuring that our policies are in place and up to date. Catherine noted that patrons requesting a book be withdrawn are asked to fill out a form that requires some work on the part of the person requesting the withdrawal—we don’t simply rip books off the shelf. Our policy states that if we have a challenge Nancy makes the decision, and should the challenger disagree, the decision then goes to the Board.  Ellen suggested forming a committee to deal with this, and Nancy agreed, suggesting it could be the responsibility of an executive committee or a policy committee.  Catherine then moved on to address the First Amendment Audit situation, where people are showing up in municipal and other public buildings filming workers and others who are present, trying to fluster staff members and then film their reactions, which are then shown on YouTube. We have a policy that does not allow photography of individuals without their permission. Our library staff has watched training videos to be prepared should someone show up here with a camera, and we have been advised that we can disallow filming in staff areas and other designated areas.  Dave voiced concern about any photography in the Children’s Area, which is particularly vulnerable because of its openness. 

    All of the above issues will be dealt with initially by the PNG Committee. 

    At 5:47, both Susan and Jon left the meeting. 

    Social Media Training—Facebook and Instagram:  Nancy will send out a survey that Ellen has prepared for the Board to assess our comfort level with social media.  Ellen would like us to maximize what we can going into the referendum. 


    Items for the Next Agenda: Annual reports; Audit presentation 


    Trustee Comments:  Ellen held up a sign that she brought back from upper New York State with the caption Strong Libraries, Strong Communities.  It’s a very colorful sign, picturing a community that is both diverse and inclusive, and she has received permission to use it.  Jim remarked that the Vote Yes signs would be available shortly and he would encourage all of us to take one, although if we do not feel comfortable with making a political statement he thought Ellen’s sign was a good option. 

    Allen asked about the logistics concerning manning a table at the Farmers’ Market and Nancy replied that she and Lucy Norvell are the point people taking care of the setting up and taking down.  Nancy also said they have in the past had a sign-up sheet asking people for their support, but it is now asking people if they would like to take a sign, write a letter to the editor, are they planning to vote yes. There are library materials on our table as well, and we try to make it an opportunity to connect with voters. 

    Bill encouraged Board members to sign up to take a shift. 

    Judy commented on complaints she received about the book sale where there were a lot of books on the floor, apparently because there were not enough tables to go around. 

    Anne Janak made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ellen Detlefsen. The meeting was adjourned at 6:00. 


    Respectfully submitted, 

    Lenore Rapkin,  




    Meeting Date
    October 20, 2022
    Hybrid Meeting


    Bill Donovan (President)
    Susan Powell (Vice President)
    David Dittmer (Treasurer)
    Lenore Rapkin (Secretary)
    Jon Anderson (Town Council)
    Kim Corthell
    Ellen Detlefsen
    Peter Freilinger
    Anne Janak
    Judy Johnson
    Barbara Kapp
    Allen Paul


    Jim Kupel


    Nancy Crowell (Director)
    Catherine Morrison (Assistant Director)

    1. Call to Order

    Meeting called to order at 4:02pm. Peter Freilinger was asked to record minutes.

    2. Minutes for Meeting of Sept. 15, 2020

    Motion to Approve: Moved Allen Paul / Seconded Ellen Detlefsen / Unanimously approved by show of hands

    3. Treasurers Report:

    The Treasurer announced a slight positive variance versus budget, largely from realized and unrealized gains from portfolio.

    Motion to Approve: Moved Susan Powell / Seconded Allen Paul / Unanimously accepted by show of hands

    4. Library Directors Report

    Accepted as read by verbal acclamation

    5. Town Councilor Board Member Report

    Jon Anderson spoke, noting the Library Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been delayed to a subsequent Town Council meeting post-Election; it is currently on Town Council Agenda for the 3rd week of November but is subject to change. Council members have been asked to provide questions or feedback by end of October. The Trustees discussed potential next steps in advance of the Town Council's hearing.

    The Director indicated that, if the MOU is deemed to require outside counsel review, we currently have a conflict as Bernstein Shur represents both the Library and the Town; the Director will update if/when such review is thought to be necessary.

    6. President's Remarks

    The President briefly thanked the Trustees for their work in generating public support in various forums for the upcoming bonding measure vote.

    7. Consent Calendar

    Motion to accept: Moved Susan Powell / Seconded by Anne Janak / Unanimous approval by show of hands

    8. Annual Reports, FY2022

    Motion to accept: Moved Ellen Detlefsen / Seconded Allen Paul / Unanimous approval by show of hands

    9. Building Project Update

    Susan Powell noted that relatively little progress had been made on the project or MOU as previously noted due to proximity of the election; substantial work will kick off immediately after the election results are known. She discussed the recent meeting with the town's Sustainability Committee, who encouraged the Library to use as much electric appliances and infrastructure (as opposed to other energy sources) as possible. The Library's design firm participated in the meeting.

    10. Fundraising Campaign

    The President delivered a summary of most recent update from Demont Associates, including an increase to estimated potential raise of $3.0 million. Staff, Trustees, and Demont are currently working on a final push for 12-15 "substantive" donors who have been identified and contacted but not yet committed. A discussion took place regarding Demont's proposal for a press release indicating milestone successes; the Director will distribute Demont’s progress report to the Town Manager and the Chairman of the Town Council.

    11. Citizen Committee Report

    Jim Kupel unavailable for a report; as such, the Director gave a brief update on his behalf. Weekly efforts continue for signs / outreach / phone banks / etc., and the Citizens Committee is preparing for a series of advertisements in Leader in run up to the election. A discussion took place around concerns regarding placement of measure on the back of one of four pages included in the ballot.

    12. New Business: Reaffirmation of Land Acknowledgement

    The Director referenced the Land Affirmation on the website, and played the recording of Allen Paul narrating the Affirmation. The Director asked the Trustees to formally reaffirm the Land Acknowledgement as part of a means of reinforcing the recognition described in the statement.

    Motion to reaffirm: Moved Ellen Detlefsen / Seconded Allen Paul / Abstained Kim Corthell / All other members voted to approve via show of hands.

    13. New Business: Investment Committee report

    David Dittmer as Chair of Investment Committee reviewed discussion with Ken Blaschke of HeadInvest. Investment Committee discussed the purpose and framing of the investment portfolio and its role in the overall operating budgeting in the future.

    The President mentioned that the Committee meets twice a year, and will likely have additional work before the next semi-annual meeting and will update the Board appropriately.

    14. Other business

    The Board discussed logistics around Election Night results reporting and immediate next steps, noting next Board meeting will be November 17 which will be timely for the preparation of agenda requirements.

    15. Special Business: Administrative Appeals

    The Director asked for a special agenda item to discuss a potential future administrative appeal. The patron formally requested a circulating item to be removed under the Library's Materials Selection policy, and the request was denied. The patron has not yet requested an Administrative Appeal as allowed under the Appeal Policy in writing, which is the next step, but the Director indicated she expects such a request to occur. The Director indicated that the Trustees do not have any decision to make at this time on the specific request, and this is an informational item only at this time.

    Further, by point of process, the Board discussed the fact that the PNG committee has been discussed in the past as the committee to engage in such reviews, but no formal steps had been taken in the past to establish a specific procedure for handling such appeals. The Board thought it appropriate to clarify the process by which any future Administrative Appeals would be considered.

    Motion for a Board procedure: That Administrative Appeals to the Director's Administrative Decisions for Reconsideration of Library Materials made by Patrons be referred to the PNG Committee for recommendation to the Board of Trustees, with a final decision to be made by the Board of Trustees acting in full.

    Moved Dave Dittmer / Seconded Judy Johnson / Unanimously approved by show of hands.

    Further discussion took place regarding potential planning for this or other potential First Amendment or library material disputes. Items raised by board members included potential press response, coordination with other librarians and library groups, and legal counsel and potential planning.

    16. Items for Future Meetings

    The Board discussed the potential agenda for the November meeting given the upcoming election, including preparing for contract renewals or changes to existing contracts; MOU update; and other potential items contingent on the bonding measure's passage.

    17. Special Business: Nancy Crowell acknowledgement

    The Board acknowledged Nancy Crowell's birthday and celebrated her long service to the Library and the Town.

    18. Motion to Adjourn

    Moved Peter Freilinger / Seconded Dave Dittmer / Unanimously approved by show of hands

    Meeting Date
    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees
    November 17, 2022
    4:30 p.m.  

    Attendees:  Bill Donovan, Susan Powell, Allen Paul, Dave Dittmer, Judy Johnson, Ellen Detlefsen, Anne Janak, Jim Kupel, Kim Corthell, Peter Freilinger, Barbara Kapp, Lenore Rapkin, Catherine Morrison (Ass’t. Director), Nancy Crowell (Director). 
    Guest:  David Shorette, of Purdy Powers.
    Absent:  Jon Anderson.

    The meeting was called to order at 4:31 by the President, Bill Donovan

    Presentation of the Financial Statement, FY2022
    David Shorette presented the results of the firm’s recent audit.  Once again, our finances are in excellent shape. We had a significant increase in assets this year, largely due to the PPE loan, employee retention tax credit, and significant contributions in connection with the expansion project. Due to the economy, we had a drop in investments (an unrealized loss). The value of property and equipment rose slightly.

    Promises to give under certain conditions are only recorded when the condition is met.
    More detailed information about some of these numbers is contained in the various footnotes in the Auditor’s Report.
    We have minimal liabilities.

    Our equity includes books and other infrastructure. This equity is separate from any arrangement with the Town of Scarborough, and the ratio of assets to liabilities is very healthy, easily funding a year of operations.
    It was determined that 77% of our revenue is spent on programming, A long discussion ensued as to what expenditures get lumped into programming as opposed to management, not always a clear distinction.
    Our net revenue was $595,000, our net income over expenditures is $517,000.

    Mr. Shorette left the meeting at 5:10.

    Adoption of the Minutes of October 20, 2022:   Motion to adopt made by Ellen Detlefsen, seconded by Allen Paul, carried unanimously.  

    Treasurer’s Report:  Dave reported that our income was right on budget, our expenses about $30,000 under budget, and our other income increased this month.  We came out in the black, as per budget.  Peter asked how we would be affected by inflation, and Nancy replied that it would hit us.  She also mentioned repairs that will now have to be attended to, probably over the next several months.  However, health insurance only went up 4.5 percent.  We do not have anyone to remove snow, and hope we can count on the Town for help, but staffing shortages are affecting everyone.  A motion was made to file for audit by Allen Paul and seconded by Peter Freilinger, carried unanimously.   

    Library Director’s Report:  Nancy had nothing to add to her report.  Regrets were expressed on the news that Lucy Jackson Norvell will be leaving the Library in early December.

    Town Councilor’s Remarks:   In Jon’s absence there was no report.

    President’s Remarks:  Bill reported that Jon has just been elected the new Chair of the Town Council for a one-year term.  We don’t know what that means in terms of his continuing to represent the Council on our Board.  Don Hamill is the new Vice-Chair.  We should expect a review of capital projects/expenses.  The School Board is pushing to be on the November 2023 ballot, but 2024 is more realistic.  Bill also remarked that the School Board gave an excellent presentation to the Council.
    Consent Calendar:  Motion to accept made by Anne Janak, seconded by Susan Powell, carried unanimously.

    Unfinished Business
    Building Project – Discussion of next steps: we began with a general postmortem of our loss at the ballot box. Was the proposed expansion too large, was it the present economy, were voters put off by the possibility of other large capital expenditures in the near future (the school project, a community center); was the opposition just too vocal and too tough to beat, or was it a general opposition in the Town of Scarborough to any and all capital improvements? We can expect a lot of discussion of public spaces in the Town in the near future.  In the meantime, we need to regroup because increased staff space is a pressing need, so we need to look for creative solutions in the short term. But now we need to celebrate the work of the Board, the volunteers, all of whom were top notch, and the great staff input. Most importantly, we maintained our integrity.

    A general discussion followed with individual members asking about our options going forward and/or suggesting ways to move on, including the possibility of looking into the idea of modular expansion. And we need to look into ways in which we can use the Impact Fund, as it will be 5 to 10 years before we could ever have another run at going for bonding.

    One interesting idea that was mentioned was to look at cooperation with a projected community center, the possibility of shared space, for example. And we need to consider what we might be able to achieve with a much scaled back expansion. Should we possibly talk to Simon Associates to look at alternatives for us?

    Along the way the Board acknowledged the tireless effort put forth by Nancy, Susan, and Bill; in turn Bill acknowledged that this was a group effort and we should all be recognized for our support.

    New Business
    Consideration of Patron’s appeal of Library Director’s decision – Recommendation following review by PNG committee:  the letter that has been drafted expressed a good and responsible review of the justification for the book being in a public library collection. The issue for us is not about the book but about our policy of supporting our professional staff, acting in their professional capacity. Public libraries offer free access to information.
    A motion was made by Judy Johnson to accept the amended version of the letter drafted by the PNG Committee once typos had been corrected. It was seconded by Ellen Detlefsen and carried unanimously.
    Nancy added that this has never happened before and that the staff was very appreciative of how seriously the committee took the issue.

    Request for Library holiday schedule adjustment – Library Staff:
    Catherine spoke on behalf of the library staff and explained that because both Christmas and New Year’s Day fall on Sunday this year, a day we are normally closed, staff members would end up with no holiday marking the days. She asked that we grant the staff a paid holiday on Monday, December 26th, and Monday, January 2nd, in line with the federal policy of observing Sunday holidays on the following day. She also requested that the Library close at 5:00 p.m. the day before Thanksgiving. After some clarification, a motion was made by Ellen Detlefsen, seconded by Allen Paul, to close the Library this year on both December 26th and January 2nd, as well as to have the Library close at 5:00 p.m. the day prior to Thanksgiving. The motion carried unanimously.

    Items for the Next Agenda: 
    Building expansion status; Possible motion on First Amendment Policy

    Trustee Comments:  
    Kim wondered to what extent she can share our business with the Friends of the Library. Bill noted that as a 501c3 our business is a matter of public record.

    Peter felt that we need to address the issue of fund raising at a meeting in the near future.

    Nancy announced that John Lanham will have a report for us to see fairly soon; and we hope to fund a new half time person for development. Susan commented that this half time person would also be involved in beefing up the annual fund.

    Anne noted that the First Amendment issue will be presented to the PNG Committee.

    Kim said that because the Friends are no longer doing their major book sale, replacing it at the moment with periodic smaller events, they are going to have a strategy meeting to discuss avenues for fund raising. They’re being more selective in the books they accept because there is no place to store them.

    Allen reminded the PNG Committee that there is an ongoing need to review Library policies.

    There being no further business, Peter Freilinger moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Allen Paul. The meeting was adjourned at 6:26 p.m. 
    Respectfully submitted,
    Lenore Rapkin, Secretary

    Meeting Date
    Minutes of the Meeting
    of the Board of Trustees
    December 15, 2022
    4:30 PM 


    Attendees: Bill Donovan, Susan Powell, Allen Paul, Dave Dittmer, Judy Johnson, Ellen Detlefsen, Anne Janak, Peter Freilinger, Barbara Kapp, Lenore Rapkin, Catherine Morrison (Ass’t Director), Nancy Crowell, (Director). 

    Guest: John Lanham of Demont Associates 

    Absent: Jim Kupel, Kim Corthell, Nicholas McGee 

    The meeting was called to order at 4:32 by the President, Bill Donovan. 

    Adoption of the Minutes of November 17, 2022. Motion to adopt made by Ellen Detlefsen, seconded by Susan Powell carried unanimously. 

    Treasurer’s Report: Dave reported expenses are down.  The Library now has someone to remove snow. Total liabilities and equity - $2,300,944.87.  Motion to file for audit by Peter Freilinger, seconded by Ellen Detlefsen carried unanimously. 

    Library Director’s Report: In addition to her written report, Nancy added news of a grant from Norway Savings Bank which will be awarded to the library on Monday, December 19. 

    Town Counselor’s Remarks: Town Counsel liaison, Nicholas McGee was absent. 

    President’s Remarks:  

    Consent Calendar: Motion to adopt by Dave Dittmer, seconded by Peter Freilinger, carried unanimously.   

    Unfinished Business:   

    Building project - Next steps.  Post-election loss.   

    Recommendation from J. Chrastka. Check back into the community. Interview 50 people. Out of the interviews create a matrix which is an interpretation of what happened. Within the next six weeks band together to interview citizens of the community. These will be Listening Interviews that are time bound (10 minutes).   

    John Lanham - Demont Associates: Final Report: John presented a complete report which will be available to all Trustees. Some key points included:  

    1. Optimum goal - 3 million dollars to support the library expansion. This figure was set to leverage community support.   
    2. Phase I - $450,000.  Phase I costs were $113,050.00 
    3. Transition recommendations -
      1. Board authorize a Donor Stewardship within 10 years. 
      2. Combine Phase I gifts to future campaign pledges.
      3. Expand Legacy Giving.
      4. Remind all donors of their giving impact.  
      5. Volunteer Appreciation 
      6. Build a culture of philanthropy 
      7. Hire a Development Coordinator 
      8. There were both positive campaign factors and challenging campaign factors.  Review these in written report.   

    New Business: 

    Acceptance of Grant from Maine Public Library Fund - The $5,000 will provide services with specialized programs for a variety of persons who were raised in countries other than America. There will be English Language Learning, computer accessibility programs and others in the library to assist a new American Community to develop self-sufficiency and a sense of belonging.   

    Motion to accept and approve the grant by Anne Janak, seconded by Ellen Detlefsen, carried unanimously.   

    Approval of Amendment to Rules related to Library Behavior - Rules relating to library behavior were revised.   

    Changes from current rules. (Number 4). Photograph, film, and/or video record staff and/or patrons without their permission (See policy on Photographing and Filming in the Library). (Number 18) Bring in garbage, articles with a foul odor, or articles which alone or in their aggregate, impede the use of the library by other users.  (Number 19) Fail to comply with a reasonable staff request to cease behavior that interferes with the effective functioning of the library and the use of the library by others, including being asked to leave the library 

    Motion to accept the amended rules by Ellen Detlefsen, seconded by Judy Johnson, carried unanimously.   

    Approval of Policy on Photographing and Filming in the Library - Full policy is in Board packet. Motion to approve the policy as written by Ellen Detlefsen, seconded by Judy Johnson, carried unanimously.   

    Discussion on GMO Revision Survey - what is “public benefit” -The Town GMO Summary is available in the Board packet.  The Board of Trustees responded to the survey and Peter Freilinger will prepare a written report of the responses.   

    Request for approval to explore new part-time position for development support -The process requires a Job Description and permission to begin a search for a qualified person so as not to lose momentum with the Library’s Annual Appeal.  Motion by Ellen Detlefsen, seconded by Peter Freilinger, carried unanimously.   

    Items for next agenda: Budget, Vote on new Secretary 

    Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:32 PM/   

    Respectfully Submitted,  


    Anne Kendall Janak, Secretary Pro tem 




    Meeting Date
    Meeting Minutes Board of Trustees
    January 19, 2023
    4:30 PM
    Hybrid Meeting 

    Attendees: Bill Donovan, Susan Powell, Allen Paul, Dave Dittmer, Anne Janak, Barbara Kapp, Lenore Rapkin, Nicholas McGee, Catherine Morrison, (Ass’t Director), Nancy Crowell, (Director)
    Absent: Jim Kupel, Ellen Detlefsen, Peter Freilinger, Judy Johnson

    The meeting was called to order at 4:30 PM by Bill Donovan, President.

    Adoption of the Minutes of December 15, 2022: Motion to adopt by Barbara Kapp, seconded by Anne Janak, carried unanimously.

    Treasurer’s Report: Dave Dittmer reported. Total liabilities and equity 2,413,173.62. Motion to file for audit by Allen Paul, seconded by Barbara Kapp, unanimously approved. 

    Library Director’s Report: The following was added to the report: 

    • The Norway Savings Bank Gift of $10,000 will go to retrofit lighting to LED.  
    • Shared borrowing in the State Library System is open again
    • Amazon Smile Program - Amazon will no longer match purchases with donations to library
    • Denise Menard will be retiring.  She is relocating to another state.

    Town Councilor’s Remarks: Nick McGee: He commented on his busy schedule but has rescheduled his meetings so it will be easier for him to attend Library Board Meetings.  He commented that the Scarborough Community Center project could be seen as a possible way to compensate for the library’s current lack of space.
    President’s Remarks: Community Growth will include changes within the School District with construction of a consolidated lower grade level school and with the future Community Center. A possible site would be the Scarborough Downs Area.
    Consent Calendar: Motion to adopt by Barbara Kapp, seconded by Allen Paul, unanimously approved.  

    Unfinished Business:

    1. Building Project.
      • Nancy will meet with Tom Hall, Town Manager; to begin planning “next steps”.
      • Every Library - “Post-election Loss Listening Tour”.  Currently a contact list is being prepared which names who will be interviewed. 
    2. Demont Associates - John Lanham will present a final confidential report.

    New Business:
    Election of new Secretary - nominations solicited from the floor.  
    Board Assessments - Assessments have been e-mailed to Trustees.  Results will be reported when all Assessments have been turned in.
    Preliminary FY 2024 Budget considerations - In preparation currently

    • In recent past had federal PPP funds and Employee Retention credit.  
    • Annual Fund - Will increase next year - looking into hiring new development person
    • Expenses - Increase in utility costs. 
    • Program presenters will be asking for higher fees - increase in program budget
    • Salaries - COLA will depend on what Town employees get
    • IT Costs
    • Shipping costs for library materials will increase

    Items for next agenda - Appointment of the Secretary, Draft Budget, Impact Fund, how it will be used, Recommendations for new Board members.  
    Trustee Comments: 
    Adjournment - Motion to adjourn by Anne Janak, seconded by David Dittmer, unanimously approved.  Meeting adjourned at 5:50 PM.  
    Respectfully submitted by Anne Janak, Secretary Pro-Tem.

    Meeting Date